-- Just an example, supposed to be placed in /lua/custom/ local M = {} local colors = { neon = "#3ece8d", flashred = "#ff4848", } -- make sure you maintain the structure of `core/default_config.lua` here, -- example of changing theme: -- -- local custom_theme = require("spike.theme") -- vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", M.ui.hl_add, custom_theme) M.ui = { theme = "gruvbox_material", theme_toggle = { "gruvbox_material", "gruvbox_light" }, hl_override = { IndentBlanklineContextChar = { fg = "yellow", nocombine = true, }, Comment = { fg = "light_grey" }, CursorLine = { bg = "one_bg3" }, DiagnosticWarn = { fg = "yellow", italic = true, }, St_LspWarning = { fg = "yellow" }, DiagnosticHint = { fg = "purple", italic = true, }, St_LspHints = { fg = "pruple", }, DiagnosticError = { italic = true, }, St_LspInfo = { fg = "white" }, }, hl_add = { Visual = { bg = "blue", fg = "black", }, BookmarkSign = { fg = "blue", }, BookmarkAnnotationSign = { fg = "yellow", }, BookmarkAnnotationLine = { fg = "black", bg = "yellow" }, DiagnosticInfo = { -- nvchad uses DiagnosticInformation wrong hi group for lsp fg = "white", italic = true, }, DiagnosticFloatingInfo = { fg = "white", italic = true, }, DiagnosticUnderlineError = { fg = "black", bg = "pink", }, -- Code Lens related colors LspCodeLens = { fg = "vibrant_green", underline = true, }, LspDiagnosticsSignHint = { -- LspDiagnostics Code Action fg = "vibrant_green", italic = true, }, -- end of code lens colors DiffText = { bg = "vigrant_green" }, St_DapMode = { fg = "black2", bg = "baby_pink", }, St_DapModeSep = { fg = "baby_pink", bg = "one_bg3", }, St_DapModeSep2 = { fg = "grey", bg = "baby_pink", }, DapBreakpoint = { fg = "green" }, DapStopped = { fg = "#ff4848" }, DapLogPoint = { fg = "vibrant_green" }, DapBreakpointCondition = { fg = "cyan" }, DapBreakpointRejected = { fg = "purple" }, LuaSnipChoice = { fg = "yellow", bg = "one_bg3", }, LuaSnipInsert = { fg = "teal", -- bg = "one_bg3", }, NvimDapVirtualText = { fg = '#f99540' } }, -- hl_override = { -- CursorLine = { -- underline = 1 -- } -- }, myicons = { lsp = { diagnostic_head = '', -- default diagnostic head on dialogs diagnostic_err = '', -- severity 1 diagnostic_warn = '', -- 2 diagnostic_info = '', -- 3 diagnostic_hint = '', -- 4 } }, } M.plugins = { user = require "custom.plugins", override = { ["NvChad/ui"] = { -- tabufline = { -- lazyload = false, -- }, statusline = { overriden_modules = function() return require "custom.plugins.nvchadui" end } }, ["windwp/nvim-autopairs"] = { disable_filetype = { "TelescopePrompt", "vim", "guihua", "guihua_rust", "clap_input" } }, ["nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter"] = require "custom.plugins.configs.treesitter", } } return M