-- helper module for setting custom lsp settings per project -- will be used for setting autostart of lspclient per projects -- local M = {} local autocmd = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup local augroup_name = "perproject" local function setup_autocommands () augroup( augroup_name ,{}) -- automatically clears prev group commands autocmd({"BufRead", "BufWinEnter", "BufNewFile"},{ group = augroup_name, pattern = "*", callback = require("spike.perproject").per_project_jsonfile, }) autocmd({"DirChanged"},{ group = augroup_name, pattern = "window", callback = require("spike.perproject").per_project_jsonfile, }) end local _PP_CONF = { basename = ".pnvim.json" } local pp_callbacks = { -- @enabled: bool lsp_autostart = function(enabled) if enabled then local other_matching_configs = require('lspconfig.util').get_other_matching_providers(vim.bo.filetype) for _, config in ipairs(other_matching_configs) do config.launch() end end end } local function call_pp_callback(proj_opts) for key, val in pairs(proj_opts) do -- pp_callbacks[opt] ~= nil and pp_callbacks[opt].__call() if pp_callbacks[key] ~= nil then pp_callbacks[key](val) end end end local ok, Path = pcall(require, "plenary.path") if not ok then print("perproject plenary required !") end -- local scandir = require("plenary.scandir") local function per_project_file() local cwd = Path.new(vim.fn.getcwd()) local pp_dir = cwd:joinpath(_PP_CONF_.basename) if pp_dir:is_dir() then -- find if there is perproject dir local function on_exit(results) vim.schedule(function() for _, res in ipairs(results) do pp_options[vim.fs.basename(res)] = true end end) end scandir.scan_dir_async(pp_dir.filename, { -- on_insert = on_insert, on_exit = on_exit, }) else print("no " .. _PP_CONF.basename) end -- TODO: -- check if there is a custom .nvim-lsp dir in working dir -- each file inside .nvim-lsp represent a active option if -- it is present -- example -- workingDir/ -- .perproject/ -- lsp.autostart --> autostart lsp for this project end M.per_project_jsonfile = function() local cwd = Path.new(vim.fn.getcwd()) local pp_file = cwd:joinpath(_PP_CONF.basename) if pp_file:is_file() then proj_opts = vim.json.decode(pp_file:read()) call_pp_callback(proj_opts) -- pp_options = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", pp_options, proj_opts or {}) end end function M.setup() setup_autocommands() end return M