local ok, fzf = pcall(require, 'fzf-lua') if not ok then vim.notify("missing module fzf-lua", vim.log.levels.WARN) return end local M = {} local function fzf_display_bookmarks(bookmarks) P(bookmarks) local fzf_exec_opts = { previewer = "builtin", fzf_opts = { ['--preview'] = fzf.shell.action(function(items) local contents = {} vim.tbl_map(function (x) table.insert(contents, x) end, items) return contents end) } } fzf.fzf_exec(function(fzf_cb) for _, bookmark in ipairs(bookmarks) do -- P(bookmark.text) local entry_text = string.gsub(bookmark.text, "\t", "") entry_text = string.format("%-40s", entry_text) fzf_cb(entry_text) fzf_cb() end end, fzf_exec_opts) end local function get_bookmarks(files, opts) opts = opts or {} local bookmarks = {} for _,file in ipairs(files) do for _,line in ipairs(vim.fn['bm#all_lines'](file)) do local bookmark = vim.fn['bm#get_bookmark_by_line'](file, line) local text = bookmark.annotation ~= "" and "Annotation: " .. bookmark.annotation or bookmark.content if text == "" then text = "(empty line)" end local only_annotated = opts.only_annotated or false P(only_annotated) if not (only_annotated and bookmark.annotation == "") then table.insert(bookmarks, { filename = file, lnum = tonumber(line), col=1, text = text, sign_idx = bookmark.sign_idx, }) end end end return bookmarks end M.all = function(opts) opts = opts or {} local files = vim.fn['bm#all_files']() bookmarks = get_bookmarks(files) fzf_display_bookmarks(bookmarks) end -- M.all() -- return M