-- local dap = require("dap") local M = {} local opts = { } -- config for dap ui virt text local dap_ui_virt_text_config = { enabled = true, -- enable this plugin (the default) enabled_commands = true, -- create commands DapVirtualTextEnable, DapVirtualTextDisable, DapVirtualTextToggle, (DapVirtualTextForceRefresh for refreshing when debug adapter did not notify its termination) highlight_changed_variables = true, -- highlight changed values with NvimDapVirtualTextChanged, else always NvimDapVirtualText highlight_new_as_changed = false, -- highlight new variables in the same way as changed variables (if highlight_changed_variables) show_stop_reason = true, -- show stop reason when stopped for exceptions commented = false, -- prefix virtual text with comment string only_first_definition = true, -- only show virtual text at first definition (if there are multiple) all_references = false, -- show virtual text on all all references of the variable (not only definitions) filter_references_pattern = '