#!/usr/bin/env bash BASE=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) LSP_BIN_PATH=$HOME/.local/bin default_lsp_langs="css html ts rust python" lsp_langs="" choose_langs() { read -p "Would you like to install $1 lsp?(y/n)" lang if [ "$lang" = "y" ]; then lsp_langs+="$1 " fi } for lang in $default_lsp_langs; do choose_langs $lang done pfx="~~~~~ " heading() { echo echo $pfx $1 } get_platform() { case "$(uname -s)" in Linux*) platform=Linux ;; Darwin*) platform=Mac ;; CYGWIN*) platform=Cygwin ;; MINGW*) platform=MinGw ;; *) platform="UNKNOWN:${unameOut}" ;; esac echo $platform } heading "installing packer" if [[ ! -e ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim ]]; then heading "Installing packer" git clone https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim \ ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim fi heading "Linking config" heading "old nvim config will be deleted so watchout :0" # copying config rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/ && mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim cp -r init.lua ~/.config/nvim && cp -r lua ~/.config/nvim # change shell for nvim read -p "which shell do you use?: " shellname echo "$shellname" sed -i "s/bash/$shellname/g" ~/.config/nvim/lua/mappings/lua.lua echo "shell changed to $shellname on nvim successfully!" #for f in `find -E . -regex ".*\.vim$|.*\.lua$"`; do # p=${f#*/} # echo -e '\t' ${p} # path=~/.config/nvim/${p} # rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/${p} # mkdir -p $(dirname "${path}") # ln -s ${BASE}/${p} ~/.config/nvim/${p} #done #heading "Installing plugins" #nvim --headless +PackerInstall +qa #nvim --headless +TSUpdate +qa echo fn_exists() { declare -F "$1" >/dev/null; } warn_path=false install_node_deps() { if [[ -z $(which npm) ]]; then echo "npm not installed" return fi sudo npm install -g $@ } install_ts() { install_node_deps typescript typescript-language-server prettier } install_html() { install_node_deps vscode-html-languageserver-bin } install_css() { install_node_deps vscode-css-languageserver-bin } install_rust() { if [[ ! -e ~/.local/bin/rust-analyzer ]]; then mkdir -p ${LSP_BIN_PATH} curl -L https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/releases/latest/download/rust-analyzer-$(get_platform) -o ~/.local/bin/rust-analyzer chmod +x ~/.local/bin/rust-analyzer warn_path=true else echo "already installed" fi } install_python() { install_node_deps pyright } for lang in ${lsp_langs}; do if fn_exists install_$lang; then heading "Installing $lang language server" install_$lang else echo $lang setup not implemented echo fi done if [[ ${warn_path} == true ]]; then echo "" echo "Ensure ${LSP_BIN_PATH} is available in your \$PATH variable" fi # install all plugins via packer nvim +PackerInstall