* [ ] check project.nvim [link](https://github.com/ahmedkhalf/project.nvim) - [ ] Replacement to asyncrun ! - Event when command is over to close quickfix window - [ ] setup task runner overseer.nvim - [ ] setup dadbod nvim for database work - [diffview.nvim] learn to use instead of fugitive ? - [luasnip] setup and learn how to use theme - [dap] use the *console* for dap console output - install neorg (neovim org mode) #TODO: - set full file path somewhere - use quick switch alternate buffer - set custom theme per buftype (dark for Man) - make line numbers easier to read in line operator mode -INFO:using extranl ui process in neovim: check fzflua,iron.nvim - add tag="*" to plugins that use tags - use libmodal + whichkey ? - gisigns: add navigation between hunks (vs fugitive ?) - optimize git flow - navigator icons update - vim-bookmarks disable default keymaps and use manaul ones (keep ma ...) - Setup telescope/fzf mappings together - LSP C-i is tab does not allow to jump back into history - [PLUGIN INDEA] bookmark: take notes - show messages window outside or floating - create a bookmark mini plugin/helper for bookmarking paths - html filetype use pup as auto formatter formatprg (check default vim) ? - per project lsp settings see https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/opipij/guide_tips_and_tricks_to_reduce_startup_and/ - add/read language docs in vim - vim.diagnostics.hide()/show() / - create toggle diagnostics that overrides vim diagnostic show handler - [navigator] use colors for codelens icons - [navigator] remap C-k keymap - [navigator] neovim diagnositc toggle (use hide() instead of disable) - [navigator] check codelens icons - [navigator] disable diagnostic on startup - dynamic C-x: if number default or close window - load custom/init.lua (autocommands) as vimscript file ? - dynamic :w!! (daos or sudo) - welcome screen (use mini) - incorporate changes in nvchad_ui to override - setup thesaurus for synonyms completions [x] [navigator] fix 'gi' keymap overriden by navigator (use space leader) - [x]nvim C-p should not work in ft=qf - [x] set neovim shell to bash/sh for faster commands (fish is slow) - [x] yank until end of line $ mapping automatic with Y - [x] remove registers from which-key plugin -fix: problem with auto paused navigators - [x] fix color/icon of status line diagnostics to match navigator -[x] pin all plugins - [x] autocommand move current directory when move to new window - [done]fix C-k expand snippet - it was alacritty overriding C-k - [done] install vim hardway .. ? gajim - [x][lsp] set tap on logs for go like rust-analyzer (see .local/bin/run-rust-analyzer)