You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

111 lines
2.6 KiB

local present, navigator = pcall(require, "navigator")
if not present then
M = {}
local config = {
-- debug = true,
transparency = 5,
lsp_signature_help = true,
default_mapping = true,
icons = {
icons = true, -- set to false to use system default ( if you using a terminal does not have nerd/icon)
-- Code action
code_action_icon = '', -- "",
-- code lens
code_lens_action_icon = '',
-- Diagnostics
diagnostic_head = '', -- default diagnostic head on dialogs
diagnostic_err = '', -- severity 1
diagnostic_warn = '', -- 2
diagnostic_info = '', -- 3
diagnostic_hint = '', -- 4
-- used in the diagnostics summary window
diagnostic_head_severity_1 = '',
diagnostic_head_severity_2 = '',
diagnostic_head_severity_3 = 'i',
diagnostic_head_description = ' ',
diagnostic_virtual_text = '',
diagnostic_file = '🚑',
-- Values
value_changed = '📝',
value_definition = '🐶🍡', -- it is easier to see than 🦕
side_panel = {
section_separator = '',
line_num_left = '',
line_num_right = '',
inner_node = '├○',
outer_node = '╰○',
bracket_left = '',
bracket_right = '',
-- Treesitter
match_kinds = {
var = '', -- "👹", -- Vampaire
method = 'ƒ ', -- "🍔", -- mac
['function'] = '', -- "🤣", -- Fun
parameter = '', -- Pi
associated = '🤝',
namespace = '🚀',
type = '',
field = '🏈',
module = '📦',
flag = '🎏',
treesitter_defult = '🌲',
doc_symbols = '',
lsp = {
document_highlight = false,
mason = true,
format_on_save = false, -- applies to all formatting feature of neovim
-- including auto-fold
diagnostic = {
underline = true,
virtual_text = {
spacing = 3,
source = true
}, -- show virtual for diagnostic message
update_in_insert = false, -- update diagnostic message in insert mode
severity_sort = { reverse = true },
-- disable_lsp = {"sqls"},
-- disable auto start of lsp per language
-- set global default on lspconfig (see lspconfig doc)
-- ["lua-dev"] = {
-- autostart = false,
-- }
M.setup = function()
M.enable = function()
local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
lspconfig.util.default_config = vim.tbl_extend(
autostart = true
return M