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Restructure config | Move some to a packer plugin | Lot of cleanup * move teleacope files, updater and related utils to * restructure config file and directory structure * expose mappings for better escape * allow multiple mappings for some * improve merge table function for the same * move autocommands to a seperate file * rearrange everything alphabetically where sanely possible * rearrange packer plugin list on the basis of trigerred state config structure now . ├── init.lua ├── LICENSE ├── lua │ ├── chadrc.lua │ ├── colors │ │ ├── highlights.lua │ │ ├── init.lua │ │ └── themes │ │ ├── chadracula.lua │ │ ├── everforest.lua │ │ ├── gruvchad.lua │ │ ├── javacafe.lua │ │ ├── mountain.lua │ │ ├── norchad.lua │ │ ├── one-light.lua │ │ ├── onedark.lua │ │ ├── tokyonight.lua │ │ └── tomorrow-night.lua │ ├── core │ │ ├── autocmds.lua │ │ ├── init.lua │ │ ├── mappings.lua │ │ ├── options.lua │ │ └── utils.lua │ ├── default_config.lua │ └── plugins │ ├── configs │ │ ├── autopairs.lua │ │ ├── autosave.lua │ │ ├── bufferline.lua │ │ ├── chadsheet.lua │ │ ├── compe.lua │ │ ├── dashboard.lua │ │ ├── gitsigns.lua │ │ ├── icons.lua │ │ ├── lspconfig.lua │ │ ├── luasnip.lua │ │ ├── nvimtree.lua │ │ ├── others.lua │ │ ├── statusline.lua │ │ ├── telescope.lua │ │ ├── treesitter.lua │ │ └── zenmode.lua │ ├── init.lua │ └── packerInit.lua └──
3 years ago
local config = require("core.utils").load_config()
local maps = config.mappings
local plugin_maps = maps.plugin
local cmd = vim.cmd
local function map(mode, lhs, rhs, opts)
local options = { noremap = true, silent = true }
if opts then
options = vim.tbl_extend("force", options, opts)
-- if list of keys provided then run set for all of them
if type(lhs) == "table" then
for _, key in ipairs(lhs) do
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, key, rhs, options)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, options)
local opt, M = {}, {}
-- these mappings will only be called during initialization
M.misc = function()
local function non_config_mappings()
-- dont copy any deleted text , this is disabled by default so uncomment the below mappings if you want them
-- map("n", "dd", [=[ "_dd ]=], opt)
-- map("v", "dd", [=[ "_dd ]=], opt)
-- map("v", "x", [=[ "_x ]=], opt)
-- todo: this should be configurable via chadrc
-- Don't copy the replaced text after pasting in visual mode
map("v", "p", '"_dP', opt)
-- Allow moving the cursor through wrapped lines with j, k, <Up> and <Down>
-- empty mode is same as using :map
map("", "j", 'v:count ? "j" : "gj"', { expr = true })
map("", "k", 'v:count ? "k" : "gk"', { expr = true })
map("", "<Down>", 'v:count ? "j" : "gj"', { expr = true })
map("", "<Up>", 'v:count ? "k" : "gk"', { expr = true })
-- use ESC to turn off search highlighting
map("n", "<Esc>", ":noh <CR>", opt)
local function optional_mappings()
-- navigation within insert mode
if config.options.insert_nav then
local inav = maps.insert_nav
map("i", inav.backward, "<Left>", opt)
map("i", inav.end_of_line, "<End>", opt)
map("i", inav.forward, "<Right>", opt)
map("i", inav.next_line, "<Up>", opt)
map("i", inav.prev_line, "<Down>", opt)
map("i", inav.top_of_line, "<ESC>^i", opt)
-- check the theme toggler
if config.ui.theme_toggler then
":lua require('nvchad').toggle_theme(require('core.utils').load_config().ui.theme_toggler.fav_themes) <CR>",
local function required_mappings()
map("n", maps.close_buffer, ":lua require('core.utils').close_buffer() <CR>", opt) -- close buffer
map("n", maps.copy_whole_file, ":%y+ <CR>", opt) -- copy whole file content
map("n", maps.new_buffer, ":enew <CR>", opt) -- new buffer
map("n", maps.new_tab, ":tabnew <CR>", opt) -- new tabs
map("n", maps.line_number_toggle, ":set nu! <CR>", opt) -- toggle numbers
map("n", maps.save_file, ":w <CR>", opt) -- ctrl + s to save file
-- terminal mappings --
local term_maps = maps.terminal
-- get out of terminal mode
map("t", term_maps.esc_termmode, "<C-\\><C-n>", opt)
-- hide a term from within terminal mode
map("t", term_maps.esc_hide_termmode, "<C-\\><C-n> :lua require('core.utils').close_buffer() <CR>", opt)
-- pick a hidden term
map("n", term_maps.pick_term, ":Telescope terms <CR>", opt)
-- Open terminals
-- TODO this opens on top of an existing vert/hori term, fixme
":execute 15 .. 'new +terminal' | let b:term_type = 'hori' | startinsert <CR>",
map("n", term_maps.new_vertical, ":execute 'vnew +terminal' | let b:term_type = 'vert' | startinsert <CR>", opt)
map("n", term_maps.new_window, ":execute 'terminal' | let b:term_type = 'wind' | startinsert <CR>", opt)
-- terminal mappings end --
-- Add Packer commands because we are not loading it at startup
cmd "silent! command PackerClean lua require 'plugins' require('packer').clean()"
Restructure config | Move some to a packer plugin | Lot of cleanup * move teleacope files, updater and related utils to * restructure config file and directory structure * expose mappings for better escape * allow multiple mappings for some * improve merge table function for the same * move autocommands to a seperate file * rearrange everything alphabetically where sanely possible * rearrange packer plugin list on the basis of trigerred state config structure now . ├── init.lua ├── LICENSE ├── lua │ ├── chadrc.lua │ ├── colors │ │ ├── highlights.lua │ │ ├── init.lua │ │ └── themes │ │ ├── chadracula.lua │ │ ├── everforest.lua │ │ ├── gruvchad.lua │ │ ├── javacafe.lua │ │ ├── mountain.lua │ │ ├── norchad.lua │ │ ├── one-light.lua │ │ ├── onedark.lua │ │ ├── tokyonight.lua │ │ └── tomorrow-night.lua │ ├── core │ │ ├── autocmds.lua │ │ ├── init.lua │ │ ├── mappings.lua │ │ ├── options.lua │ │ └── utils.lua │ ├── default_config.lua │ └── plugins │ ├── configs │ │ ├── autopairs.lua │ │ ├── autosave.lua │ │ ├── bufferline.lua │ │ ├── chadsheet.lua │ │ ├── compe.lua │ │ ├── dashboard.lua │ │ ├── gitsigns.lua │ │ ├── icons.lua │ │ ├── lspconfig.lua │ │ ├── luasnip.lua │ │ ├── nvimtree.lua │ │ ├── others.lua │ │ ├── statusline.lua │ │ ├── telescope.lua │ │ ├── treesitter.lua │ │ └── zenmode.lua │ ├── init.lua │ └── packerInit.lua └──
3 years ago
cmd "silent! command PackerCompile lua require 'plugins' require('packer').compile()"
cmd "silent! command PackerInstall lua require 'plugins' require('packer').install()"
cmd "silent! command PackerStatus lua require 'plugins' require('packer').status()"
cmd "silent! command PackerSync lua require 'plugins' require('packer').sync()"
cmd "silent! command PackerUpdate lua require 'plugins' require('packer').update()"
-- add NvChadUpdate command and mapping
cmd "silent! command! NvChadUpdate lua require('nvchad').update_nvchad()"
map("n", maps.update_nvchad, ":NvChadUpdate <CR>", opt)
-- below are all plugin related mappinsg
M.better_escape = function()
vim.g.better_escape_shortcut = plugin_maps.better_escape.esc_insertmode or { "" }
M.bufferline = function()
local m = plugin_maps.bufferline
map("n", m.next_buffer, ":BufferLineCycleNext <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.prev_buffer, ":BufferLineCyclePrev <CR>", opt)
M.chadsheet = function()
local m = plugin_maps.chadsheet
map("n", m.default_keys, ":lua require('cheatsheet').show_cheatsheet_telescope() <CR>", opt)
":lua require('cheatsheet').show_cheatsheet_telescope{bundled_cheatsheets = false, bundled_plugin_cheatsheets = false } <CR>",
M.comment = function()
local m = plugin_maps.comment.toggle
map("n", m, ":CommentToggle <CR>", opt)
map("v", m, ":CommentToggle <CR>", opt)
M.dashboard = function()
local m = plugin_maps.dashboard
map("n", m.bookmarks, ":DashboardJumpMarks <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.new_file, ":DashboardNewFile <CR>", opt)
map("n",, ":Dashboard <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.session_load, ":SessionLoad <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.session_save, ":SessionSave <CR>", opt)
M.nvimtree = function()
map("n", plugin_maps.nvimtree.toggle, ":NvimTreeToggle <CR>", opt)
map("n", plugin_maps.nvimtree.focus, ":NvimTreeFocus <CR>", opt)
Restructure config | Move some to a packer plugin | Lot of cleanup * move teleacope files, updater and related utils to * restructure config file and directory structure * expose mappings for better escape * allow multiple mappings for some * improve merge table function for the same * move autocommands to a seperate file * rearrange everything alphabetically where sanely possible * rearrange packer plugin list on the basis of trigerred state config structure now . ├── init.lua ├── LICENSE ├── lua │ ├── chadrc.lua │ ├── colors │ │ ├── highlights.lua │ │ ├── init.lua │ │ └── themes │ │ ├── chadracula.lua │ │ ├── everforest.lua │ │ ├── gruvchad.lua │ │ ├── javacafe.lua │ │ ├── mountain.lua │ │ ├── norchad.lua │ │ ├── one-light.lua │ │ ├── onedark.lua │ │ ├── tokyonight.lua │ │ └── tomorrow-night.lua │ ├── core │ │ ├── autocmds.lua │ │ ├── init.lua │ │ ├── mappings.lua │ │ ├── options.lua │ │ └── utils.lua │ ├── default_config.lua │ └── plugins │ ├── configs │ │ ├── autopairs.lua │ │ ├── autosave.lua │ │ ├── bufferline.lua │ │ ├── chadsheet.lua │ │ ├── compe.lua │ │ ├── dashboard.lua │ │ ├── gitsigns.lua │ │ ├── icons.lua │ │ ├── lspconfig.lua │ │ ├── luasnip.lua │ │ ├── nvimtree.lua │ │ ├── others.lua │ │ ├── statusline.lua │ │ ├── telescope.lua │ │ ├── treesitter.lua │ │ └── zenmode.lua │ ├── init.lua │ └── packerInit.lua └──
3 years ago
M.neoformat = function()
map("n", plugin_maps.neoformat.format, ":Neoformat <CR>", opt)
M.telescope = function()
local m = plugin_maps.telescope
map("n", m.buffers, ":Telescope buffers <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.find_files, ":Telescope find_files <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.git_commits, ":Telescope git_commits <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.git_status, ":Telescope git_status <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.help_tags, ":Telescope help_tags <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.live_grep, ":Telescope live_grep <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.oldfiles, ":Telescope oldfiles <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.themes, ":Telescope themes <CR>", opt)
M.telescope_media = function()
local m = plugin_maps.telescope_media
map("n", m.media_files, ":Telescope media_files <CR>", opt)
M.truezen = function()
local m = plugin_maps.truezen
map("n", m.ataraxis_mode, ":TZAtaraxis <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.focus_mode, ":TZFocus <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.minimalistic_mode, ":TZMinimalist <CR>", opt)
M.vim_fugitive = function()
local m = plugin_maps.vim_fugitive
map("n", m.git, ":Git <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.git_blame, ":Git blame <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.diff_get_2, ":diffget //2 <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.diff_get_3, ":diffget //3 <CR>", opt)
return M