You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

235 lines
7.4 KiB

"""Prompt schema definition."""
import re
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List
from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, root_validator
from langchain.formatting import formatter
"f-string": formatter.format,
class BasePrompt(ABC):
"""Base prompt should expose the format method, returning a prompt."""
input_variables: List[str]
"""A list of the names of the variables the prompt template expects."""
def format(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
"""Format the prompt with the inputs.
kwargs: Any arguments to be passed to the prompt template.
A formatted string.
.. code-block:: python
class Prompt(BaseModel, BasePrompt):
"""Schema to represent a prompt for an LLM.
.. code-block:: python
from langchain import Prompt
prompt = Prompt(input_variables=["foo"], template="Say {foo}")
input_variables: List[str]
"""A list of the names of the variables the prompt template expects."""
template: str
"""The prompt template."""
template_format: str = "f-string"
"""The format of the prompt template. Options are: 'f-string'."""
class Config:
"""Configuration for this pydantic object."""
extra = Extra.forbid
def format(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
"""Format the prompt with the inputs.
kwargs: Any arguments to be passed to the prompt template.
A formatted string.
.. code-block:: python
return _FORMATTER_MAPPING[self.template_format](self.template, **kwargs)
def template_is_valid(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict:
"""Check that template and input variables are consistent."""
input_variables = values["input_variables"]
template = values["template"]
template_format = values["template_format"]
if template_format not in _FORMATTER_MAPPING:
valid_formats = list(_FORMATTER_MAPPING)
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid template format. Got `{template_format}`;"
f" should be one of {valid_formats}"
dummy_inputs = {input_variable: "foo" for input_variable in input_variables}
formatter_func = _FORMATTER_MAPPING[template_format]
formatter_func(template, **dummy_inputs)
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Invalid prompt schema.")
return values
def from_examples(
examples: List[str],
suffix: str,
input_variables: List[str],
example_separator: str = "\n\n",
prefix: str = "",
) -> "Prompt":
"""Take examples in list format with prefix and suffix to create a prompt.
Intended be used as a way to dynamically create a prompt from examples.
examples: List of examples to use in the prompt.
suffix: String to go after the list of examples. Should generally
set up the user's input.
input_variables: A list of variable names the final prompt template
will expect.
example_separator: The seperator to use in between examples. Defaults
to two new line characters.
prefix: String that should go before any examples. Generally includes
examples. Default to an empty string.
The final prompt generated.
example_str = example_separator.join(examples)
template = prefix + example_str + suffix
return cls(input_variables=input_variables, template=template)
class DynamicPrompt(BaseModel, BasePrompt):
r"""Schema to represent a dynamic prompt for an LLM.
.. code-block:: python
from langchain import DynamicPrompt
dynamic_prompt = DynamicPrompt(
examples=["Say hi. Hi", "Say ho. Ho"],
suffix="\n\nSay {foo}"
examples: List[str]
"""A list of the examples that the prompt template expects."""
example_separator: str = "\n\n"
"""Example separator, e.g. \n\n, for the dynamic prompt creation."""
input_variables: List[str]
"""A list of the names of the variables the prompt template expects."""
prefix: str
"""Prefix for the prompt."""
suffix: str
"""Suffix for the prompt."""
template_format: str = "f-string"
"""The format of the prompt template. Options are: 'f-string'."""
get_text_length: Callable[[str], int] = lambda x: len(re.split("\n| ", x))
"""Function to measure prompt length. Defaults to word count."""
max_length: int = 2048
"""Max length for the prompt, beyond which examples are cut."""
class Config:
"""Configuration for this pydantic object."""
extra = Extra.forbid
def template(self, example_list: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> str:
"""Return template given example list."""
template = self.example_separator.join(
[self.prefix, *example_list, self.suffix]
return _FORMATTER_MAPPING[self.template_format](template, **kwargs)
def format(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
"""Dynamically format the prompt with the inputs.
kwargs: Any arguments to be passed to the prompt template.
A formatted string.
.. code-block:: python
curr_examples = self.examples
template = self.template(curr_examples, **kwargs)
while self.get_text_length(template) > self.max_length and curr_examples:
curr_examples = curr_examples[:-1]
template = self.template(curr_examples, **kwargs)
return template
def template_is_valid(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict:
"""Check that prefix, suffix and input variables are consistent."""
input_variables = values["input_variables"]
suffix = values["suffix"]
template_format = values["template_format"]
if template_format not in _FORMATTER_MAPPING:
valid_formats = list(_FORMATTER_MAPPING)
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid template format. Got `{template_format}`;"
f" should be one of {valid_formats}"
result = values["get_text_length"]("foo")
assert isinstance(result, int)
except AssertionError:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid text length callable, must take string & return int;"
dummy_inputs = {input_variable: "foo" for input_variable in input_variables}
# TODO variables could be in prefix or suffix
formatter_func = _FORMATTER_MAPPING[template_format]
formatter_func(suffix, **dummy_inputs)
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Invalid prompt schema.")
return values