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The examples here all highlight how to use language models to assist in evaluation of themselves.
`Question Answering <evaluation/question_answering.ipynb>`_: An overview of LLMs aimed at evaluating question answering systems in general.
`Data Augmented Question Answering <evaluation/data_augmented_question_answering.ipynb>`_: An end-to-end example of evaluating a question answering system focused on a specific document (a VectorDBQAChain to be precise). This example highlights how to use LLMs to come up with question/answer examples to evaluate over, and then highlights how to use LLMs to evaluate performance on those generated examples.
`Hugging Face Datasets <evaluation/huggingface_datasets.ipynb>`_: Covers an example of loading and using a dataset from Hugging Face for evaluation.
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:maxdepth: 1