You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

345 lines
12 KiB

"""Loader that loads processed documents from Docugami."""
import io
import logging
import os
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union
import requests
from pydantic import BaseModel, root_validator
from langchain.docstore.document import Document
from langchain.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader
TD_NAME = "{}td"
TABLE_NAME = "{}table"
XPATH_KEY = "xpath"
STRUCTURE_KEY = "structure"
TAG_KEY = "tag"
PROJECTS_KEY = "projects"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DocugamiLoader(BaseLoader, BaseModel):
"""Loader that loads processed docs from Docugami.
To use, you should have the ``lxml`` python package installed.
access_token: Optional[str] = os.environ.get("DOCUGAMI_API_KEY")
docset_id: Optional[str]
document_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]]
file_paths: Optional[Sequence[Union[Path, str]]]
min_chunk_size: int = 32 # appended to the next chunk to avoid over-chunking
def validate_local_or_remote(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Validate that either local file paths are given, or remote API docset ID."""
if values.get("file_paths") and values.get("docset_id"):
raise ValueError("Cannot specify both file_paths and remote API docset_id")
if not values.get("file_paths") and not values.get("docset_id"):
raise ValueError("Must specify either file_paths or remote API docset_id")
if values.get("docset_id") and not values.get("access_token"):
raise ValueError("Must specify access token if using remote API docset_id")
return values
def _parse_dgml(
self, document: Mapping, content: bytes, doc_metadata: Optional[Mapping] = None
) -> List[Document]:
"""Parse a single DGML document into a list of Documents."""
from lxml import etree
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"Could not import lxml python package. "
"Please install it with `pip install lxml`."
# helpers
def _xpath_qname_for_chunk(chunk: Any) -> str:
"""Get the xpath qname for a chunk."""
qname = f"{chunk.prefix}:{chunk.tag.split('}')[-1]}"
parent = chunk.getparent()
if parent is not None:
doppelgangers = [x for x in parent if x.tag == chunk.tag]
if len(doppelgangers) > 1:
idx_of_self = doppelgangers.index(chunk)
qname = f"{qname}[{idx_of_self + 1}]"
return qname
def _xpath_for_chunk(chunk: Any) -> str:
"""Get the xpath for a chunk."""
ancestor_chain = chunk.xpath("ancestor-or-self::*")
return "/" + "/".join(_xpath_qname_for_chunk(x) for x in ancestor_chain)
def _structure_value(node: Any) -> str:
"""Get the structure value for a node."""
structure = (
if node.tag == TABLE_NAME
else node.attrib["structure"]
if "structure" in node.attrib
else None
return structure
def _is_structural(node: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if a node is structural."""
return _structure_value(node) is not None
def _is_heading(node: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if a node is a heading."""
structure = _structure_value(node)
return structure is not None and structure.lower().startswith("h")
def _get_text(node: Any) -> str:
"""Get the text of a node."""
return " ".join(node.itertext()).strip()
def _has_structural_descendant(node: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if a node has a structural descendant."""
for child in node:
if _is_structural(child) or _has_structural_descendant(child):
return True
return False
def _leaf_structural_nodes(node: Any) -> List:
"""Get the leaf structural nodes of a node."""
if _is_structural(node) and not _has_structural_descendant(node):
return [node]
leaf_nodes = []
for child in node:
return leaf_nodes
def _create_doc(node: Any, text: str) -> Document:
"""Create a Document from a node and text."""
metadata = {
XPATH_KEY: _xpath_for_chunk(node),
DOCUMENT_ID_KEY: document["id"],
DOCUMENT_NAME_KEY: document["name"],
STRUCTURE_KEY: node.attrib.get("structure", ""),
TAG_KEY: re.sub(r"\{.*\}", "", node.tag),
if doc_metadata:
return Document(
# parse the tree and return chunks
tree = etree.parse(io.BytesIO(content))
root = tree.getroot()
chunks: List[Document] = []
prev_small_chunk_text = None
for node in _leaf_structural_nodes(root):
text = _get_text(node)
if prev_small_chunk_text:
text = prev_small_chunk_text + " " + text
prev_small_chunk_text = None
if _is_heading(node) or len(text) < self.min_chunk_size:
# Save headings or other small chunks to be appended to the next chunk
prev_small_chunk_text = text
chunks.append(_create_doc(node, text))
if prev_small_chunk_text and len(chunks) > 0:
# small chunk at the end left over, just append to last chunk
chunks[-1].page_content += " " + prev_small_chunk_text
return chunks
def _document_details_for_docset_id(self, docset_id: str) -> List[Dict]:
"""Gets all document details for the given docset ID"""
url = f"{self.api}/docsets/{docset_id}/documents"
all_documents = []
while url:
response = requests.get(
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.access_token}"},
if response.ok:
data = response.json()
url = data.get("next", None)
raise Exception(
f"Failed to download {url} (status: {response.status_code})"
return all_documents
def _project_details_for_docset_id(self, docset_id: str) -> List[Dict]:
"""Gets all project details for the given docset ID"""
url = f"{self.api}/projects?{docset_id}"
all_projects = []
while url:
response = requests.request(
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.access_token}"},
if response.ok:
data = response.json()
url = data.get("next", None)
raise Exception(
f"Failed to download {url} (status: {response.status_code})"
return all_projects
def _metadata_for_project(self, project: Dict) -> Dict:
"""Gets project metadata for all files"""
project_id = project.get("id")
url = f"{self.api}/projects/{project_id}/artifacts/latest"
all_artifacts = []
while url:
response = requests.request(
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.access_token}"},
if response.ok:
data = response.json()
url = data.get("next", None)
raise Exception(
f"Failed to download {url} (status: {response.status_code})"
per_file_metadata = {}
for artifact in all_artifacts:
artifact_name = artifact.get("name")
artifact_url = artifact.get("url")
artifact_doc = artifact.get("document")
if artifact_name == f"{project_id}.xml" and artifact_url and artifact_doc:
doc_id = artifact_doc["id"]
metadata: Dict = {}
# the evaluated XML for each document is named after the project
response = requests.request(
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.access_token}"},
if response.ok:
from lxml import etree
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"Could not import lxml python package. "
"Please install it with `pip install lxml`."
artifact_tree = etree.parse(io.BytesIO(response.content))
artifact_root = artifact_tree.getroot()
ns = artifact_root.nsmap
entries = artifact_root.xpath("//wp:Entry", namespaces=ns)
for entry in entries:
heading = entry.xpath("./wp:Heading", namespaces=ns)[0].text
value = " ".join(
entry.xpath("./wp:Value", namespaces=ns)[0].itertext()
metadata[heading] = value
per_file_metadata[doc_id] = metadata
raise Exception(
f"Failed to download {artifact_url}/content "
+ "(status: {response.status_code})"
return per_file_metadata
def _load_chunks_for_document(
self, docset_id: str, document: Dict, doc_metadata: Optional[Dict] = None
) -> List[Document]:
"""Load chunks for a document."""
document_id = document["id"]
url = f"{self.api}/docsets/{docset_id}/documents/{document_id}/dgml"
response = requests.request(
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.access_token}"},
if response.ok:
return self._parse_dgml(document, response.content, doc_metadata)
raise Exception(
f"Failed to download {url} (status: {response.status_code})"
def load(self) -> List[Document]:
"""Load documents."""
chunks: List[Document] = []
if self.access_token and self.docset_id:
# remote mode
_document_details = self._document_details_for_docset_id(self.docset_id)
if self.document_ids:
_document_details = [
d for d in _document_details if d["id"] in self.document_ids
_project_details = self._project_details_for_docset_id(self.docset_id)
combined_project_metadata = {}
if _project_details:
# if there are any projects for this docset, load project metadata
for project in _project_details:
metadata = self._metadata_for_project(project)
for doc in _document_details:
doc_metadata = combined_project_metadata.get(doc["id"])
chunks += self._load_chunks_for_document(
self.docset_id, doc, doc_metadata
elif self.file_paths:
# local mode (for integration testing, or pre-downloaded XML)
for path in self.file_paths:
path = Path(path)
with open(path, "rb") as file:
chunks += self._parse_dgml(
return chunks