You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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"""Quick and dirty representation for OpenAPI specs."""
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
def dereference_refs(spec_obj: dict, full_spec: dict) -> Union[dict, list]:
"""Try to substitute $refs.
The goal is to get the complete docs for each endpoint in context for now.
In the few OpenAPI specs I studied, $refs referenced models
(or in OpenAPI terms, components) and could be nested. This code most
likely misses lots of cases.
def _retrieve_ref_path(path: str, full_spec: dict) -> dict:
components = path.split("/")
if components[0] != "#":
raise RuntimeError(
"All $refs I've seen so far are uri fragments (start with hash)."
out = full_spec
for component in components[1:]:
out = out[component]
return out
def _dereference_refs(
obj: Union[dict, list], stop: bool = False
) -> Union[dict, list]:
if stop:
return obj
obj_out: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.items():
if k == "$ref":
# stop=True => don't dereference recursively.
return _dereference_refs(
_retrieve_ref_path(v, full_spec), stop=True
elif isinstance(v, list):
obj_out[k] = [_dereference_refs(el) for el in v]
elif isinstance(v, dict):
obj_out[k] = _dereference_refs(v)
obj_out[k] = v
return obj_out
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [_dereference_refs(el) for el in obj]
return obj
return _dereference_refs(spec_obj)
class ReducedOpenAPISpec:
servers: List[dict]
description: str
endpoints: List[Tuple[str, str, dict]]
def reduce_openapi_spec(spec: dict, dereference: bool = True) -> ReducedOpenAPISpec:
"""Simplify/distill/minify a spec somehow.
I want a smaller target for retrieval and (more importantly)
I want smaller results from retrieval.
I was hoping would have some useful bits
to this end, but doesn't seem so.
# 1. Consider only get, post endpoints.
endpoints = [
(f"{operation_name.upper()} {route}", docs.get("description"), docs)
for route, operation in spec["paths"].items()
for operation_name, docs in operation.items()
if operation_name in ["get", "post"]
# 2. Replace any refs so that complete docs are retrieved.
# Note: probably want to do this post-retrieval, it blows up the size of the spec.
if dereference:
endpoints = [
(name, description, dereference_refs(docs, spec))
for name, description, docs in endpoints
# 3. Strip docs down to required request args + happy path response.
def reduce_endpoint_docs(docs: dict) -> dict:
out = {}
if docs.get("description"):
out["description"] = docs.get("description")
if docs.get("parameters"):
out["parameters"] = [
for parameter in docs.get("parameters", [])
if parameter.get("required")
if "200" in docs["responses"]:
out["responses"] = docs["responses"]["200"]
return out
endpoints = [
(name, description, reduce_endpoint_docs(docs))
for name, description, docs in endpoints
return ReducedOpenAPISpec(
description=spec["info"].get("description", ""),