You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

172 lines
5.6 KiB

import json
import logging
import time
import urllib.error
import urllib.request
from typing import List
from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra
from langchain.schema import Document
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PubMedAPIWrapper(BaseModel):
Wrapper around PubMed API.
This wrapper will use the PubMed API to conduct searches and fetch
document summaries. By default, it will return the document summaries
of the top-k results of an input search.
top_k_results: number of the top-scored document used for the PubMed tool
load_max_docs: a limit to the number of loaded documents
if True: the `metadata` of the loaded Documents gets all available meta info
if False: the `metadata` gets only the most informative fields.
base_url_esearch = ""
base_url_efetch = ""
max_retry = 5
sleep_time = 0.2
# Default values for the parameters
top_k_results: int = 3
load_max_docs: int = 25
doc_content_chars_max: int = 2000
load_all_available_meta: bool = False
email: str = ""
class Config:
"""Configuration for this pydantic object."""
extra = Extra.forbid
def run(self, query: str) -> str:
Run PubMed search and get the article meta information.
It uses only the most informative fields of article meta information.
# Retrieve the top-k results for the query
docs = [
f"Published: {result['pub_date']}\nTitle: {result['title']}\n"
f"Summary: {result['summary']}"
for result in self.load(query[: self.ARXIV_MAX_QUERY_LENGTH])
# Join the results and limit the character count
return (
"\n\n".join(docs)[: self.doc_content_chars_max]
if docs
else "No good PubMed Result was found"
except Exception as ex:
return f"PubMed exception: {ex}"
def load(self, query: str) -> List[dict]:
Search PubMed for documents matching the query.
Return a list of dictionaries containing the document metadata.
url = (
+ "db=pubmed&term="
+ str({urllib.parse.quote(query)})
+ f"&retmode=json&retmax={self.top_k_results}&usehistory=y"
result = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
text ="utf-8")
json_text = json.loads(text)
articles = []
webenv = json_text["esearchresult"]["webenv"]
for uid in json_text["esearchresult"]["idlist"]:
article = self.retrieve_article(uid, webenv)
# Convert the list of articles to a JSON string
return articles
def _transform_doc(self, doc: dict) -> Document:
summary = doc.pop("summary")
return Document(page_content=summary, metadata=doc)
def load_docs(self, query: str) -> List[Document]:
document_dicts = self.load(query=query)
return [self._transform_doc(d) for d in document_dicts]
def retrieve_article(self, uid: str, webenv: str) -> dict:
url = (
+ "db=pubmed&retmode=xml&id="
+ uid
+ "&webenv="
+ webenv
retry = 0
while True:
result = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 429 and retry < self.max_retry:
# Too Many Requests error
# wait for an exponentially increasing amount of time
f"Too Many Requests, "
f"waiting for {self.sleep_time:.2f} seconds..."
self.sleep_time *= 2
retry += 1
raise e
xml_text ="utf-8")
# Get title
title = ""
if "<ArticleTitle>" in xml_text and "</ArticleTitle>" in xml_text:
start_tag = "<ArticleTitle>"
end_tag = "</ArticleTitle>"
title = xml_text[
xml_text.index(start_tag) + len(start_tag) : xml_text.index(end_tag)
# Get abstract
abstract = ""
if "<AbstractText>" in xml_text and "</AbstractText>" in xml_text:
start_tag = "<AbstractText>"
end_tag = "</AbstractText>"
abstract = xml_text[
xml_text.index(start_tag) + len(start_tag) : xml_text.index(end_tag)
# Get publication date
pub_date = ""
if "<PubDate>" in xml_text and "</PubDate>" in xml_text:
start_tag = "<PubDate>"
end_tag = "</PubDate>"
pub_date = xml_text[
xml_text.index(start_tag) + len(start_tag) : xml_text.index(end_tag)
# Return article as dictionary
article = {
"uid": uid,
"title": title,
"summary": abstract,
"pub_date": pub_date,
return article