forked from Archives/langchain
tldr: The docarray [integration PR]( introduced a pinned dependency to protobuf. This is a docarray dependency, not a langchain dependency. Since this is handled by the docarray dependencies, it is unnecessary here. Further, as a pinned dependency, this quickly leads to incompatibilities with application code that consumes the library. Much less with a heavily used library like protobuf. Detail: as we see in the [docarray integration](, the transitive dependencies of docarray were also listed as langchain dependencies. This is unnecessary as the docarray project has an appropriate [extras](a01a05542d/pyproject.toml (L70)
). The docarray project also does not require this _pinned_ version of protobuf, rather [a minimum version](a01a05542d/pyproject.toml (L41)
). So this pinned version was likely in error. To fix this, this PR reverts the explicit hnswlib and protobuf dependencies and adds the hnswlib extras install for docarray (which installs hnswlib and protobuf, as originally intended). Because version `0.32.0` of the docarray hnswlib extras added protobuf, we bump the docarray dependency from `^0.31.0` to `^0.32.0`. # revert docarray explicit transitive dependencies and use extras instead ## Who can review? @dev2049 -- reviewed the original PR @eyurtsev -- bumped the pinned protobuf dependency a few days ago --------- Co-authored-by: Dev 2049 <>
306 lines
8.6 KiB
306 lines
8.6 KiB
name = "langchain"
version = "0.0.177"
description = "Building applications with LLMs through composability"
authors = []
license = "MIT"
readme = ""
repository = ""
langchain-server = "langchain.server:main"
langchain = "langchain.cli.main:main"
python = ">=3.8.1,<4.0"
pydantic = "^1"
SQLAlchemy = ">=1.4,<3"
requests = "^2"
PyYAML = ">=5.4.1"
numpy = "^1"
azure-core = {version = "^1.26.4", optional=true}
tqdm = {version = ">=4.48.0", optional = true}
openapi-schema-pydantic = "^1.2"
faiss-cpu = {version = "^1", optional = true}
wikipedia = {version = "^1", optional = true}
elasticsearch = {version = "^8", optional = true}
opensearch-py = {version = "^2.0.0", optional = true}
redis = {version = "^4", optional = true}
manifest-ml = {version = "^0.0.1", optional = true}
spacy = {version = "^3", optional = true}
nltk = {version = "^3", optional = true}
transformers = {version = "^4", optional = true}
beautifulsoup4 = {version = "^4", optional = true}
torch = {version = ">=1,<3", optional = true}
jinja2 = {version = "^3", optional = true}
tiktoken = {version = "^0.3.2", optional = true, python="^3.9"}
pinecone-client = {version = "^2", optional = true}
pinecone-text = {version = "^0.4.2", optional = true}
clickhouse-connect = {version="^0.5.14", optional=true}
weaviate-client = {version = "^3", optional = true}
google-api-python-client = {version = "2.70.0", optional = true}
wolframalpha = {version = "5.0.0", optional = true}
anthropic = {version = "^0.2.6", optional = true}
qdrant-client = {version = "^1.1.2", optional = true, python = ">=3.8.1,<3.12"}
dataclasses-json = "^0.5.7"
tensorflow-text = {version = "^2.11.0", optional = true, python = "^3.10, <3.12"}
tenacity = "^8.1.0"
cohere = {version = "^3", optional = true}
openai = {version = "^0", optional = true}
nlpcloud = {version = "^1", optional = true}
nomic = {version = "^1.0.43", optional = true}
huggingface_hub = {version = "^0", optional = true}
jina = {version = "^3.14", optional = true}
google-search-results = {version = "^2", optional = true}
sentence-transformers = {version = "^2", optional = true}
aiohttp = "^3.8.3"
arxiv = {version = "^1.4", optional = true}
pypdf = {version = "^3.4.0", optional = true}
networkx = {version="^2.6.3", optional = true}
aleph-alpha-client = {version="^2.15.0", optional = true}
deeplake = {version = "^3.3.0", optional = true}
pgvector = {version = "^0.1.6", optional = true}
psycopg2-binary = {version = "^2.9.5", optional = true}
pyowm = {version = "^3.3.0", optional = true}
async-timeout = {version = "^4.0.0", python = "<3.11"}
azure-identity = {version = "^1.12.0", optional=true}
gptcache = {version = ">=0.1.7", optional = true}
atlassian-python-api = {version = "^3.36.0", optional=true}
pytesseract = {version = "^0.3.10", optional=true}
html2text = {version="^2020.1.16", optional=true}
numexpr = "^2.8.4"
duckduckgo-search = {version="^2.8.6", optional=true}
azure-cosmos = {version="^4.4.0b1", optional=true}
lark = {version="^1.1.5", optional=true}
lancedb = {version = "^0.1", optional = true}
pexpect = {version = "^4.8.0", optional = true}
pyvespa = {version = "^0.33.0", optional = true}
O365 = {version = "^2.0.26", optional = true}
jq = {version = "^1.4.1", optional = true}
steamship = {version = "^2.16.9", optional = true}
pdfminer-six = {version = "^20221105", optional = true}
docarray = {version="^0.32.0", extras=["hnswlib"], optional=true}
lxml = {version = "^4.9.2", optional = true}
pymupdf = {version = "^1.22.3", optional = true}
pypdfium2 = {version = "^4.10.0", optional = true}
gql = {version = "^3.4.1", optional = true}
pandas = {version = "^2.0.1", optional = true}
telethon = {version = "^1.28.5", optional = true}
neo4j = {version = "^5.8.1", optional = true}
psychicapi = {version = "^0.2", optional = true}
zep-python = {version="^0.25", optional=true}
chardet = {version="^5.1.0", optional=true}
requests-toolbelt = {version = "^1.0.0", optional = true}
autodoc_pydantic = "^1.8.0"
myst_parser = "^0.18.1"
nbsphinx = "^0.8.9"
sphinx = "^4.5.0"
sphinx-autobuild = "^2021.3.14"
sphinx_book_theme = "^0.3.3"
sphinx_rtd_theme = "^1.0.0"
sphinx-typlog-theme = "^0.8.0"
sphinx-panels = "^0.6.0"
toml = "^0.10.2"
myst-nb = "^0.17.1"
linkchecker = "^10.2.1"
sphinx-copybutton = "^0.5.1"
# The only dependencies that should be added are
# dependencies used for running tests (e.g., pytest, freezegun, response).
# Any dependencies that do not meet that criteria will be removed.
pytest = "^7.3.0"
pytest-cov = "^4.0.0"
pytest-dotenv = "^0.5.2"
duckdb-engine = "^0.7.0"
pytest-watcher = "^0.2.6"
freezegun = "^1.2.2"
responses = "^0.22.0"
pytest-asyncio = "^0.20.3"
lark = "^1.1.5"
pytest-mock = "^3.10.0"
pytest-socket = "^0.6.0"
optional = true
pytest-vcr = "^1.0.2"
wrapt = "^1.15.0"
openai = "^0.27.4"
elasticsearch = {extras = ["async"], version = "^8.6.2"}
redis = "^4.5.4"
pinecone-client = "^2.2.1"
pinecone-text = "^0.4.2"
clickhouse-connect = "^0.5.14"
pgvector = "^0.1.6"
transformers = "^4.27.4"
pandas = "^2.0.0"
deeplake = "^3.2.21"
weaviate-client = "^3.15.5"
torch = "^1.0.0"
chromadb = "^0.3.21"
tiktoken = "^0.3.3"
python-dotenv = "^1.0.0"
sentence-transformers = "^2"
gptcache = "^0.1.9"
promptlayer = "^0.1.80"
tair = "^1.3.3"
wikipedia = "^1"
pymongo = "^4.3.3"
cassandra-driver = "^3.27.0"
arxiv = "^1.4"
ruff = "^0.0.249"
types-toml = "^"
types-redis = "^"
black = "^23.1.0"
types-chardet = "^"
mypy = "^0.991"
types-pyyaml = "^"
types-requests = "^"
optional = true
jupyter = "^1.0.0"
playwright = "^1.28.0"
setuptools = "^67.6.1"
llms = ["anthropic", "cohere", "openai", "nlpcloud", "huggingface_hub", "manifest-ml", "torch", "transformers"]
qdrant = ["qdrant-client"]
openai = ["openai", "tiktoken"]
text_helpers = ["chardet"]
cohere = ["cohere"]
docarray = ["docarray"]
embeddings = ["sentence-transformers"]
azure = ["azure-identity", "azure-cosmos", "openai", "azure-core"]
all = [
# An extra used to be able to add extended testing.
# Please use new-line on formatting to make it easier to add new packages without
# merge-conflicts
extended_testing = [
select = [
"E", # pycodestyle
"F", # pyflakes
"I", # isort
exclude = [
ignore_missing_imports = "True"
disallow_untyped_defs = "True"
exclude = ["notebooks"]
omit = [
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
# --strict-markers will raise errors on unknown marks.
# --strict-config any warnings encountered while parsing the `pytest`
# section of the configuration file raise errors.
addopts = "--strict-markers --strict-config --durations=5"
# Registering custom markers.
markers = [
"requires: mark tests as requiring a specific library"