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from typing import List, Tuple, Any
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from langchain.output_parsers.multi_strategy.base import MultiStrategyParser
from langchain.output_parsers.multi_strategy.agent import ConvMultiStrategyParser
from langchain.output_parsers.multi_strategy import strategies
# How the test works:
# it loads all llm output files from the ../data/llm_outputs directory
# For each file it tries a MultiStrategyParser with the strategies to test.
def prepare_outputs() -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
outputs = []
for path in (Path(__file__).parent.parent / "data/llm_outputs/").glob("*"):
with open(str(path), "r") as f:
return outputs
llm_outputs = prepare_outputs()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("output, name", llm_outputs, ids=[x[1] for x in llm_outputs])
def test_json_react_strategies(
output: str, name: str, parser: MultiStrategyParser[Any, Any]
) -> None:
# the ignored test is for the fallback strategy
if name != "ignored_format_instructions":
_test_json_react_strategy(output, name, parser)
def _test_json_react_strategy(
output: str, name: str, parser: MultiStrategyParser[Any, Any]
) -> None:
except Exception as e:"Error parsing output entry: {name}.")
def test_fix_json_with_embedded_code_block() -> None:
path = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "data/llm_outputs/bare_json_embed_code_block"
with open(str(path), "r") as f:
output =
res = strategies.fix_json_with_embedded_code_block(output)
assert type(res) == dict
with pytest.raises(Exception):
res = strategies.fix_json_with_embedded_code_block(output, max_loop=1)
def conv_multi_strategy_parser() -> Any:
return ConvMultiStrategyParser(strategies.json_react_strategies)