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171 lines
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"# Custom prompt template\n",
"Let's suppose we want the LLM to generate English language explanations of a function given its name. To achieve this task, we will create a custom prompt template that takes in the function name as input, and formats the prompt template to provide the source code of the function.\n",
"## Why are custom prompt templates needed?\n",
"LangChain provides a set of default prompt templates that can be used to generate prompts for a variety of tasks. However, there may be cases where the default prompt templates do not meet your needs. For example, you may want to create a prompt template with specific dynamic instructions for your language model. In such cases, you can create a custom prompt template.\n",
"Take a look at the current set of default prompt templates [here](/docs/modules/model_io/prompts/prompt_templates/)."
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"## Creating a Custom Prompt Template\n",
"There are essentially two distinct prompt templates available - string prompt templates and chat prompt templates. String prompt templates provides a simple prompt in string format, while chat prompt templates produces a more structured prompt to be used with a chat API.\n",
"In this guide, we will create a custom prompt using a string prompt template. \n",
"To create a custom string prompt template, there are two requirements:\n",
"1. It has an input_variables attribute that exposes what input variables the prompt template expects.\n",
"2. It exposes a format method that takes in keyword arguments corresponding to the expected input_variables and returns the formatted prompt.\n",
"We will create a custom prompt template that takes in the function name as input and formats the prompt to provide the source code of the function. To achieve this, let's first create a function that will return the source code of a function given its name."
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"import inspect\n",
"def get_source_code(function_name):\n",
" # Get the source code of the function\n",
" return inspect.getsource(function_name)"
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"Next, we'll create a custom prompt template that takes in the function name as input, and formats the prompt template to provide the source code of the function.\n"
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"source": [
"from langchain.prompts import StringPromptTemplate\n",
"from pydantic import BaseModel, validator\n",
"class FunctionExplainerPromptTemplate(StringPromptTemplate, BaseModel):\n",
" \"\"\"A custom prompt template that takes in the function name as input, and formats the prompt template to provide the source code of the function.\"\"\"\n",
" @validator(\"input_variables\")\n",
" def validate_input_variables(cls, v):\n",
" \"\"\"Validate that the input variables are correct.\"\"\"\n",
" if len(v) != 1 or \"function_name\" not in v:\n",
" raise ValueError(\"function_name must be the only input_variable.\")\n",
" return v\n",
" def format(self, **kwargs) -> str:\n",
" # Get the source code of the function\n",
" source_code = get_source_code(kwargs[\"function_name\"])\n",
" # Generate the prompt to be sent to the language model\n",
" prompt = f\"\"\"\n",
" Given the function name and source code, generate an English language explanation of the function.\n",
" Function Name: {kwargs[\"function_name\"].__name__}\n",
" Source Code:\n",
" {source_code}\n",
" Explanation:\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" return prompt\n",
" def _prompt_type(self):\n",
" return \"function-explainer\""
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"## Use the custom prompt template\n",
"Now that we have created a custom prompt template, we can use it to generate prompts for our task."
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" Given the function name and source code, generate an English language explanation of the function.\n",
" Function Name: get_source_code\n",
" Source Code:\n",
" def get_source_code(function_name):\n",
" # Get the source code of the function\n",
" return inspect.getsource(function_name)\n",
" Explanation:\n",
" \n"
"source": [
"fn_explainer = FunctionExplainerPromptTemplate(input_variables=[\"function_name\"])\n",
"# Generate a prompt for the function \"get_source_code\"\n",
"prompt = fn_explainer.format(function_name=get_source_code)\n",
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