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"""Integration test for Arxiv API Wrapper."""
import pytest
from langchain.utilities import ArxivAPIWrapper
def api_client() -> ArxivAPIWrapper:
return ArxivAPIWrapper()
def test_call(api_client: ArxivAPIWrapper) -> None:
"""Test that ArxivAPIWrapper returns correct answer"""
output ="1605.08386")
assert "Heat-bath random walks with Markov bases" in output
def test_several_docs(api_client: ArxivAPIWrapper) -> None:
"""Test that ArxivAPIWrapper returns several docs"""
output ="Caprice Stanley")
assert "On Mixing Behavior of a Family of Random Walks" in output
def test_no_result_call(api_client: ArxivAPIWrapper) -> None:
"""Test that call gives no result."""
output ="1605.08386WWW")
assert "No good Arxiv Result was found" == output