You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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"""Pydantic models for parsing an OpenAPI spec."""
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union
from openapi_schema_pydantic import MediaType, Parameter, Reference, Schema
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from import HTTPVerb, OpenAPISpec
"integer": int,
"number": float,
"string": str,
"boolean": bool,
"array": List,
"object": Dict,
"null": None,
# See
# for more info.
class APIPropertyLocation(Enum):
"""The location of the property."""
QUERY = "query"
PATH = "path"
HEADER = "header"
COOKIE = "cookie" # Not yet supported
def from_str(cls, location: str) -> "APIPropertyLocation":
"""Parse an APIPropertyLocation."""
return cls(location)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid APIPropertyLocation. Valid values are {cls.__members__}"
SCHEMA_TYPE = Union[str, Type, tuple, None, Enum]
class APIPropertyBase(BaseModel):
"""Base model for an API property."""
# The name of the parameter is required and is case sensitive.
# If "in" is "path", the "name" field must correspond to a template expression
# within the path field in the Paths Object.
# If "in" is "header" and the "name" field is "Accept", "Content-Type",
# or "Authorization", the parameter definition is ignored.
# For all other cases, the "name" corresponds to the parameter
# name used by the "in" property.
name: str = Field(alias="name")
"""The name of the property."""
required: bool = Field(alias="required")
"""Whether the property is required."""
type: SCHEMA_TYPE = Field(alias="type")
"""The type of the property.
Either a primitive type, a component/parameter type,
or an array or 'object' (dict) of the above."""
default: Optional[Any] = Field(alias="default", default=None)
"""The default value of the property."""
description: Optional[str] = Field(alias="description", default=None)
"""The description of the property."""
class APIProperty(APIPropertyBase):
"""A model for a property in the query, path, header, or cookie params."""
location: APIPropertyLocation = Field(alias="location")
"""The path/how it's being passed to the endpoint."""
def _cast_schema_list_type(schema: Schema) -> Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]]:
type_ = schema.type
if not isinstance(type_, list):
return type_
return tuple(type_)
def _get_schema_type_for_enum(parameter: Parameter, schema: Schema) -> Enum:
"""Get the schema type when the parameter is an enum."""
param_name = f"{}Enum"
return Enum(param_name, {str(v): v for v in schema.enum})
def _get_schema_type_for_array(
schema: Schema,
) -> Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]]:
items = schema.items
if isinstance(items, Schema):
schema_type = APIProperty._cast_schema_list_type(items)
elif isinstance(items, Reference):
ref_name = items.ref.split("/")[-1]
schema_type = ref_name # TODO: Add ref definitions to make his valid
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported array items: {items}")
if isinstance(schema_type, str):
# TODO: recurse
schema_type = (schema_type,)
return schema_type
def _get_schema_type(parameter: Parameter, schema: Optional[Schema]) -> SCHEMA_TYPE:
if schema is None:
return None
schema_type: SCHEMA_TYPE = APIProperty._cast_schema_list_type(schema)
if schema_type == "array":
schema_type = APIProperty._get_schema_type_for_array(schema)
elif schema_type == "object":
# TODO: Resolve array and object types to components.
raise NotImplementedError("Objects not yet supported")
elif schema_type in PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
if schema.enum:
schema_type = APIProperty._get_schema_type_for_enum(parameter, schema)
# Directly use the primitive type
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported type: {schema_type}")
return schema_type
def _validate_location(location: APIPropertyLocation) -> None:
if location not in SUPPORTED_LOCATIONS:
raise NotImplementedError(
f'Unsupported APIPropertyLocation "{location}". '
f"Valid values are {SUPPORTED_LOCATIONS}"
def _validate_content(content: Optional[Dict[str, MediaType]]) -> None:
if content:
raise ValueError(
"API Properties with media content not supported. "
"Media content only supported within APIRequestBodyProperty's"
def _get_schema(parameter: Parameter, spec: OpenAPISpec) -> Optional[Schema]:
schema = parameter.param_schema
if isinstance(schema, Reference):
schema = spec.get_referenced_schema(schema)
elif schema is None:
return None
elif not isinstance(schema, Schema):
raise ValueError(f"Error dereferencing schema: {schema}")
return schema
def from_parameter(cls, parameter: Parameter, spec: OpenAPISpec) -> "APIProperty":
"""Instantiate from an OpenAPI Parameter."""
location = APIPropertyLocation.from_str(parameter.param_in)
schema = cls._get_schema(parameter, spec)
schema_type = cls._get_schema_type(parameter, schema)
default_val = schema.default if schema is not None else None
return cls(,
class APIRequestBodyProperty(APIPropertyBase):
"""A model for a request body property."""
properties: List[APIProperty] = Field(alias="properties")
"""The sub-properties of the property."""
class APIRequestBody(BaseModel):
"""A model for a request body."""
properties: List[APIRequestBodyProperty] = Field(alias="properties")
# E.g., application/json - we only support JSON at the moment.
media_type: str = Field(alias="media_type")
"""The media type of the request body."""
class APIOperation(BaseModel):
"""A model for a single API operation."""
operation_id: str = Field(alias="operation_id")
"""The unique identifier of the operation."""
description: Optional[str] = Field(alias="description")
"""The description of the operation."""
base_url: str = Field(alias="base_url")
"""The base URL of the operation."""
path: str = Field(alias="path")
"""The path of the operation."""
method: HTTPVerb = Field(alias="method")
"""The HTTP method of the operation."""
properties: Sequence[APIProperty] = Field(alias="properties")
# TODO: Add parse in used components to be able to specify what type of
# referenced object it is.
# """The properties of the operation."""
# components: Dict[str, BaseModel] = Field(alias="components")
# request_body: Optional[APIRequestBody] = Field(alias="request_body")
# """The request body of the operation."""
def from_openapi_url(
spec_url: str,
path: str,
method: str,
) -> "APIOperation":
"""Create an APIOperation from an OpenAPI URL."""
spec = OpenAPISpec.from_url(spec_url)
return cls.from_openapi_spec(spec, path, method)
def from_openapi_spec(
spec: OpenAPISpec,
path: str,
method: str,
) -> "APIOperation":
"""Create an APIOperation from an OpenAPI spec."""
operation = spec.get_operation(path, method)
parameters = spec.get_parameters_for_operation(operation)
properties = [APIProperty.from_parameter(param, spec) for param in parameters]
operation_id = OpenAPISpec.get_cleaned_operation_id(operation, path, method)
return cls(
def ts_type_from_python(type_: SCHEMA_TYPE) -> str:
if type_ is None:
# TODO: Handle Nones better. These often result when
# parsing specs that are < v3
return "any"
elif isinstance(type_, str):
return {
"str": "string",
"integer": "number",
"float": "number",
"date-time": "string",
}.get(type_, type_)
elif isinstance(type_, tuple):
return f"Array<{APIOperation.ts_type_from_python(type_[0])}>"
elif isinstance(type_, type) and issubclass(type_, Enum):
return " | ".join([f"'{e.value}'" for e in type_])
return str(type_)
def to_typescript(self) -> str:
"""Get typescript string representation of the operation."""
operation_name = self.operation_id
params = []
for prop in
prop_name =
prop_type = self.ts_type_from_python(prop.type)
prop_required = "" if prop.required else "?"
prop_desc = f"/* {prop.description} */" if prop.description else ""
params.append(f"{prop_desc}\n\t\t{prop_name}{prop_required}: {prop_type},")
formatted_params = "\n".join(params).strip()
description_str = f"/* {self.description} */" if self.description else ""
typescript_definition = f"""
type {operation_name} = (_: {{
}}) => any;
return typescript_definition.strip()
def query_params(self) -> List[str]:
return [
for property in
if property.location == APIPropertyLocation.QUERY
def path_params(self) -> List[str]:
return [
for property in
if property.location == APIPropertyLocation.PATH