"""Handle chained inputs.""" from typing import Dict, List, Optional _TEXT_COLOR_MAPPING = { "blue": "36;1", "yellow": "33;1", "pink": "38;5;200", "green": "32;1", } def get_color_mapping( items: List[str], excluded_colors: Optional[List] = None ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get mapping for items to a support color.""" colors = list(_TEXT_COLOR_MAPPING.keys()) if excluded_colors is not None: colors = [c for c in colors if c not in excluded_colors] color_mapping = {item: colors[i % len(colors)] for i, item in enumerate(items)} return color_mapping def get_colored_text(text: str, color: str) -> str: """Get colored text.""" color_str = _TEXT_COLOR_MAPPING[color] return f"\u001b[{color_str}m\033[1;3m{text}\u001b[0m" def print_text(text: str, color: Optional[str] = None, end: str = "") -> None: """Print text with highlighting and no end characters.""" if color is None: text_to_print = text else: text_to_print = get_colored_text(text, color) print(text_to_print, end=end)