"""Attempt to implement MRKL systems as described in arxiv.org/pdf/2205.00445.pdf.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any, Callable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple from langchain.agents.agent import Agent, AgentExecutor from langchain.agents.mrkl.prompt import FORMAT_INSTRUCTIONS, PREFIX, SUFFIX from langchain.agents.tools import Tool from langchain.llms.base import BaseLLM from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate FINAL_ANSWER_ACTION = "Final Answer: " class ChainConfig(NamedTuple): """Configuration for chain to use in MRKL system. Args: action_name: Name of the action. action: Action function to call. action_description: Description of the action. """ action_name: str action: Callable action_description: str def get_action_and_input(llm_output: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Parse out the action and input from the LLM output.""" ps = [p for p in llm_output.split("\n") if p] if ps[-1].startswith("Final Answer"): directive = ps[-1][len(FINAL_ANSWER_ACTION) :] return "Final Answer", directive if not ps[-1].startswith("Action Input: "): raise ValueError( "The last line does not have an action input, " "something has gone terribly wrong." ) if not ps[-2].startswith("Action: "): raise ValueError( "The second to last line does not have an action, " "something has gone terribly wrong." ) action = ps[-2][len("Action: ") :] action_input = ps[-1][len("Action Input: ") :] return action, action_input.strip(" ").strip('"') class ZeroShotAgent(Agent): """Agent for the MRKL chain.""" @property def observation_prefix(self) -> str: """Prefix to append the observation with.""" return "Observation: " @property def llm_prefix(self) -> str: """Prefix to append the llm call with.""" return "Thought:" @classmethod def create_prompt( cls, tools: List[Tool], prefix: str = PREFIX, suffix: str = SUFFIX, input_variables: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> PromptTemplate: """Create prompt in the style of the zero shot agent. Args: tools: List of tools the agent will have access to, used to format the prompt. prefix: String to put before the list of tools. suffix: String to put after the list of tools. input_variables: List of input variables the final prompt will expect. Returns: A PromptTemplate with the template assembled from the pieces here. """ tool_strings = "\n".join([f"{tool.name}: {tool.description}" for tool in tools]) tool_names = ", ".join([tool.name for tool in tools]) format_instructions = FORMAT_INSTRUCTIONS.format(tool_names=tool_names) template = "\n\n".join([prefix, tool_strings, format_instructions, suffix]) if input_variables is None: input_variables = ["input", "agent_scratchpad"] return PromptTemplate(template=template, input_variables=input_variables) @classmethod def _validate_tools(cls, tools: List[Tool]) -> None: for tool in tools: if tool.description is None: raise ValueError( f"Got a tool {tool.name} without a description. For this agent, " f"a description must always be provided." ) def _extract_tool_and_input(self, text: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]: return get_action_and_input(text) class MRKLChain(AgentExecutor): """Chain that implements the MRKL system. Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain import OpenAI, MRKLChain from langchain.chains.mrkl.base import ChainConfig llm = OpenAI(temperature=0) prompt = PromptTemplate(...) chains = [...] mrkl = MRKLChain.from_chains(llm=llm, prompt=prompt) """ @classmethod def from_chains( cls, llm: BaseLLM, chains: List[ChainConfig], **kwargs: Any ) -> AgentExecutor: """User friendly way to initialize the MRKL chain. This is intended to be an easy way to get up and running with the MRKL chain. Args: llm: The LLM to use as the agent LLM. chains: The chains the MRKL system has access to. **kwargs: parameters to be passed to initialization. Returns: An initialized MRKL chain. Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain import LLMMathChain, OpenAI, SerpAPIWrapper, MRKLChain from langchain.chains.mrkl.base import ChainConfig llm = OpenAI(temperature=0) search = SerpAPIWrapper() llm_math_chain = LLMMathChain(llm=llm) chains = [ ChainConfig( action_name = "Search", action=search.search, action_description="useful for searching" ), ChainConfig( action_name="Calculator", action=llm_math_chain.run, action_description="useful for doing math" ) ] mrkl = MRKLChain.from_chains(llm, chains) """ tools = [ Tool(name=c.action_name, func=c.action, description=c.action_description) for c in chains ] agent = ZeroShotAgent.from_llm_and_tools(llm, tools) return cls(agent=agent, tools=tools, **kwargs)