Generic Chains -------------- A chain is made up of links, which can be either primitives or other chains. Primitives can be either `prompts <../prompts.html>`_, `llms <../llms.html>`_, `utils <../utils.html>`_, or other chains. The examples here are all generic end-to-end chains that are meant to be used to construct other chains rather than serving a specific purpose. **LLMChain** - **Links Used**: PromptTemplate, LLM - **Notes**: This chain is the simplest chain, and is widely used by almost every other chain. This chain takes arbitrary user input, creates a prompt with it from the PromptTemplate, passes that to the LLM, and then returns the output of the LLM as the final output. - `Example Notebook `_ **Transformation Chain** - **Links Used**: TransformationChain - **Notes**: This notebook shows how to use the Transformation Chain, which takes an arbitrary python function and applies it to inputs/outputs of other chains. - `Example Notebook `_ **Sequential Chain** - **Links Used**: Sequential - **Notes**: This notebook shows how to combine calling multiple other chains in sequence. - `Example Notebook `_ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: :caption: Generic Chains :name: generic :hidden: generic/*