"""Multi strategy output parser.""" import logging from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Any, Callable, Generic, Iterator, Sequence, TypeVar, Union, Optional from langchain.schema import ( BaseOutputParser, OutputParserException, ) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) T = TypeVar("T") S = TypeVar("S") TPredicate = Callable[[str], bool] TParser = Callable[[str], S] class ParseStrategy(Generic[S]): """A strategy is a pair of (parser, predicate). This class behave like a tuple for easy definition of multiple strategies. """ def __init__( self, parser: TParser[S], predicate: TPredicate, name: Optional[str] = None ): assert callable(parser), "first argument must be callable" self.parser = parser assert callable(predicate), "second argument must be callable" self.predicate = predicate self.name = name def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.name is None: return f"ParseStrategy(parser={self.parser}," "predicate={self.predicate})" return ( f"ParseStrategy[{self.name}](parser={self.parser}," "predicate={self.predicate})" ) def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Union[TParser[S], TPredicate]: """Behaves like a tuple.""" if index == 0: return self.parser elif index == 1: return self.predicate else: raise IndexError("tuple index out of range") def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]: """Implement tuple unpacking.""" yield self.parser yield self.predicate class MultiStrategyParser(BaseOutputParser[T], ABC, Generic[T, S]): """Try multiple strategies to parse the output. A strategy is a tuple of (parser, predicate). The parser takes the some text as input and returns some type S. The parser is only called if the predicate returns True. When the `parse` method is called, all registered strategies are tried in order and the first one that succeeds returns its result. The returned value of type `S` is then passed to the final_parse method to produce the final result compatible with the inhertited output parser interface. Appending a strategy to the end makes it a fallback strategy. """ class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True strategies: Sequence[ParseStrategy[S]] """List of strategies to try. The first one that succeeds is returned.""" def add_strategy(self, *strategy: ParseStrategy[S]) -> None: """Register a new strategy. A strategy is a callbale that takes in text as `str` and returns some type `S`. """ self.strategies = [*self.strategies, *strategy] @abstractmethod def final_parse(self, text: str, parsed: S) -> T: """Parse the output of a strategy.""" def parse(self, text: str) -> T: """Try the registered strategies in order. Returns the output of the first succeeding strategy.""" if len(self.strategies) == 0: raise OutputParserException("No strategy available") for strategy, predicate in self.strategies: log.debug(f"trying strategy {strategy}") if not predicate(text): log.debug(f"Skipping strategy {strategy}") if predicate(text): try: parsed = strategy(text) result = self.final_parse(text, parsed) log.debug(f"Strategy {strategy} succeeded") return result except Exception: continue raise OutputParserException(f"Could not parse output: {text}") @property def _type(self) -> str: return "multi_strategy"