Commit Graph

714 Commits (main)

Author SHA1 Message Date
blob42 84d7ad397d langchain-docker readme 1 year ago
blob42 de551d62a8 linting in docker and parallel make jobs
- linting can be run in docker in parallel with `make -j4 docker.lint`
1 year ago
blob42 d8fd0e790c enable test + lint on docker 1 year ago
blob42 97c2b31cc5 added all extra dependencies to dev image + customized builds
- downgraded to python 3.10 to accomadate installing all dependencies
- by default installs all dev + extra dependencies
- option to install only dev dependencies by customizing .env file
1 year ago
blob42 f1dc03d0cc docker development image and helper makefile
separate makefile and build env:

- separate makefile for docker
- only show docker commands when docker detected in system
- only rebuild container on change
- use an unpriviliged user

builder image and base dev image:

- fully isolated environment inside container.
- all venv installed inside container shell and available as commands.
    - ex: `docker run IMG jupyter notebook` to launch notebook.
- pure python based container without poetry.
- custom motd to add a message displayed to users when they connect to
- print environment versions (git, package, python) on login
- display help message when starting container
1 year ago
Harrison Chase f76e9eaab1 bump version (#1342) 1 year ago
Harrison Chase db2e9c2b0d partial variables (#1308) 1 year ago
Tim Asp d22651d82a Add new iFixit document loader (#1333)
iFixit is a wikipedia-like site that has a huge amount of open content
on how to fix things, questions/answers for common troubleshooting and
"things" related content that is more technical in nature. All content
is licensed under CC-BY-SA-NC 3.0

Adding docs from iFixit as context for user questions like "I dropped my
phone in water, what do I do?" or "My macbook pro is making a whining
noise, what's wrong with it?" can yield significantly better responses
than context free response from LLMs.
1 year ago
Matt Robinson c46478d70e feat: document loader for image files (#1330)
### Summary

Adds a document loader for image files such as `.jpg` and `.png` files.

### Testing

Run the following using the example document from the [`unstructured`

from langchain.document_loaders.image import UnstructuredImageLoader

loader = UnstructuredImageLoader("layout-parser-paper-fast.jpg")
1 year ago
Eugene Yurtsev e3fcc72879 Documentation: Minor typo fixes (#1327)
Fixing a few minor typos in the documentation (and likely introducing
ones in the process).
1 year ago
blob42 2fdb1d842b refactoring into submodules 1 year ago
blob42 c30ef7dbc4 drop network capabilities by default, example on using networking 1 year ago
blob42 8a7871ece3 add exec_attached: attach to running container and exec cmd 1 year ago
blob42 201ecdc9ee fix run and exec_run default commands, actually use gVisor
- run and exec_run need a separate default command. Run usually executes
  a script while exec_run simulates an interactive session. The image
  templates and run funcs have been upgraded to handle both
  types of commands.

- test: make docker tests run when docker is installed and docker lib
  - test that runsc runtime is used by default when gVisor is installed.
    (manually removing gVisor skips the test)
1 year ago
blob42 149fe0055e exec_run fixes to keep stdin open 1 year ago
blob42 096b82f2a1 update notebook for utility 1 year ago
blob42 87b5a84cfb update tests and docstrings 1 year ago
blob42 ed97aa65af exec_run: add timeout and delay params
- use `delay` to wait for sent payload to finish
- use `timeout` to control how long to wait for output
1 year ago
blob42 c9e6baf60d image templates, enhanced wrapper building with custom prameters
- quickly run or exec_run commands with sane defaults
- wip image templates with parameters for common docker images
- shell escaping logic
- capture stdout+stderr for exec commands
- added minimal testing
1 year ago
blob42 7cde1cbfc3 docker: attach to container's stdin
- wip image helper for optimized params with common images
- gVisor runtime checker
- make tests skipped if docker installed
1 year ago
blob42 17213209e0 stream stdin and stdout to container through docker API's socket 1 year ago
blob42 895f862662 docker wrapper tool for untrusted execution 1 year ago
Harrison Chase f61858163d
bump version to 0.0.95 (#1324) 1 year ago
Harrison Chase 0824d65a5c
Harrison/indexing pipeline (#1317) 1 year ago
Akshay a0bf856c70
Update agent_vectorstore.ipynb (#1318)
nitpicking but just thought i'd add this typo which I found when going
through the How-to 😄 (unless it was intentional) also, it's amazing that
you added ReAct to LangChain!
1 year ago
Harrison Chase 166cda2cc6
Harrison/deeplake (#1316)
Co-authored-by: Davit Buniatyan <>
1 year ago
Harrison Chase aaad6cc954
Harrison/atlas db (#1315)
Co-authored-by: Brandon Duderstadt <>
1 year ago
Marc Puig 3989c793fd
Making it possible to use "certainty" as a parameter for the weaviate similarity_search (#1218)
Checking if weaviate similarity_search kwargs contains "certainty" and
use it accordingly. The minimal level of certainty must be a float, and
it is computed by normalized distance.
1 year ago
Alexander Hoyle 42b892c21b
Avoid IntegrityError for SQLiteCache updates (#1286)
While using a `SQLiteCache`, if there are duplicate `(prompt, llm, idx)`
tuples passed to
[`update_cache()`](c5dd491a21/langchain/llms/ (L39)),
then an `IntegrityError` is thrown. This can happen when there are
duplicated prompts within the same batch.

This PR changes the SQLAlchemy `session.add()` to a `session.merge()` in
``, [following the solution from this SO
I believe this fixes #983, but not entirely sure since that also
involves async

Here's a minimal example of the error:
from pathlib import Path

import langchain
from langchain.cache import SQLiteCache

llm = langchain.OpenAI(model_name="text-ada-001", openai_api_key=Path("/.openai_api_key").read_text().strip())
langchain.llm_cache = SQLiteCache("test_cache.db")
llm.generate(['a'] * 5)
>   IntegrityError: (sqlite3.IntegrityError) UNIQUE constraint failed: full_llm_cache.prompt, full_llm_cache.llm, full_llm_cache.idx
    [SQL: INSERT INTO full_llm_cache (prompt, llm, idx, response) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)]
    [parameters: ('a', "[('_type', 'openai'), ('best_of', 1), ('frequency_penalty', 0), ('logit_bias', {}), ('max_tokens', 256), ('model_name', 'text-ada-001'), ('n', 1), ('presence_penalty', 0), ('request_timeout', None), ('stop', None), ('temperature', 0.7), ('top_p', 1)]", 0, '\n\nA is for air.\n\nA is for atmosphere.')]
    (Background on this error at:

After the change, we now have the following
class Output:
    def __init__(self, text):
        self.text = text

# make dummy data
cache = SQLiteCache("test_cache_2.db")
cache.update(prompt="prompt_0", llm_string="llm_0", return_val=[Output("text_0")])
cache.engine.execute("SELECT * FROM full_llm_cache").fetchall()

# output
>   [('prompt_0', 'llm_0', 0, 'text_0')]

#  update data, before change this would have thrown an `IntegrityError`
cache.update(prompt="prompt_0", llm_string="llm_0", return_val=[Output("text_0_new")])
cache.engine.execute("SELECT * FROM full_llm_cache").fetchall()

# output
>   [('prompt_0', 'llm_0', 0, 'text_0_new')]
1 year ago
Harrison Chase 81abcae91a
Harrison/banana fix (#1311)
Co-authored-by: Erik Dunteman <>
1 year ago
Casey A. Fitzpatrick 648b3b3909
Fix use case sentence for bash util doc (#1295)
Thanks for all your hard work!

I noticed a small typo in the bash util doc so here's a quick update.
Additionally, my formatter caught some spacing in the `.md` as well.
Happy to revert that if it's an issue.

The main change is just
- A common use case this is for letting it interact with your local file system. 

+ A common use case for this is letting the LLM interact with your local file system.

## Testing

`make docs_build` succeeds locally and the changes show as expected ✌️ 
<img width="704" alt="image"
1 year ago
Ingo Kleiber fd9975dad7
add CoNLL-U document loader (#1297)
I've added a simple
[CoNLL-U]( document
loader. CoNLL-U is a common format for NLP tasks and is used, for
example, in the Universal Dependencies treebank corpora. The loader
reads a single file in standard CoNLL-U format and returns a document.
1 year ago
Harrison Chase d29f74114e
copy paste loader (#1302) 1 year ago
Harrison Chase ce441edd9c
improve docs (#1309) 1 year ago
Harrison Chase 6f30d68581
add example of using agent with vectorstores (#1285) 1 year ago
Harrison Chase 002da6edc0
ruff ruff (#1203) 1 year ago
Harrison Chase 0963096491
fix imports (#1288) 1 year ago
Harrison Chase c5dd491a21
bump version to 0094 (#1280) 1 year ago
Matt Robinson 2f15c11b87
feat: document loader for MS Word documents (#1282)
### Summary

Adds a document loader for MS Word Documents. Works with both `.docx`
and `.doc` files as longer as the user has installed

### Testing

The follow workflow test the loader for both `.doc` and `.docx` files
using example docs from the `unstructured` repo.

#### `.docx`

from langchain.document_loaders import UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader

filename = "../unstructured/example-docs/fake.docx"
loader = UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader(filename)

#### `.doc`

from langchain.document_loaders import UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader

filename = "../unstructured/example-docs/fake.doc"
loader = UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader(filename)
1 year ago
Harrison Chase 96db6ed073
cleanup (#1274) 1 year ago
Harrison Chase 7e8f832cd6
Harrison/cohere params (#1278)
Co-authored-by: Stefano Faraggi <>
1 year ago
Harrison Chase a8e88e1874
Harrison/logprobs (#1279)
Co-authored-by: Prateek Shah <>
1 year ago
Harrison Chase 42167a1e24
Harrison/fb loader (#1277)
Co-authored-by: Vairo Di Pasquale <>
1 year ago
Harrison Chase bb53d9722d
Harrison/errors (#1276)
Co-authored-by: Kevin Huo <>
1 year ago
Klein Tahiraj 8a0751dadd
adding .ipynb loader and documentation Fixes #1248 (#1252)
`NotebookLoader.load()` loads the `.ipynb` notebook file into a
`Document` object.


* `include_outputs` (bool): whether to include cell outputs in the
resulting document (default is False).
* `max_output_length` (int): the maximum number of characters to include
from each cell output (default is 10).
* `remove_newline` (bool): whether to remove newline characters from the
cell sources and outputs (default is False).
* `traceback` (bool): whether to include full traceback (default is
1 year ago
Harrison Chase 4b5d427421
Harrison/source docs (#1275)
Co-authored-by: Tushar Dhadiwal <>
1 year ago
Enrico Shippole 9becdeaadf
Add Writer, Banana, Modal, StochasticAI (#1270)
Add LLM wrappers and examples for Banana, Writer, Modal, Stochastic AI

Added rigid json format for Banana and Modal
1 year ago
blob42 5457d48416
searx: add `query_suffix` parameter (#1259)
- allows to build tools and dynamically inject extra searxh suffix in
  the query. example:
  `"python library", query_suffix="")`
 resulting query: `python library`

Co-authored-by: blob42 <spike@w530>
1 year ago
Harrison Chase 9381005098
fix bug with length function (#1257) 1 year ago
Matt Robinson 10e73a3723
docs: remove nltk download steps (#1253)
### Summary

Updates the docs to remove the `nltk` download steps from
`unstructured`. As of `unstructured` `0.4.14`, this is handled
automatically in the relevant modules within `unstructured`.
1 year ago