diff --git a/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md b/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md index ab47c01b..f4f3338f 100644 --- a/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ poetry install -E all This will install all requirements for running the package, examples, linting, formatting, tests, and coverage. Note the `-E all` flag will install all optional dependencies necessary for integration testing. +❗Note: If you're running Poetry 1.4.1 and receive a `WheelFileValidationError` for `debugpy` during installation, you can try either downgrading to Poetry 1.4.0 or disabling "modern installation" (`poetry config installer.modern-installation false`) and re-install requirements. See [this `debugpy` issue](https://github.com/microsoft/debugpy/issues/1246) for more details. + Now, you should be able to run the common tasks in the following section. ## ✅Common Tasks