1. [Ultimate Guide to LangChain & Deep Lake: Build ChatGPT to Answer Questions on Your Financial Data](https://www.activeloop.ai/resources/ultimate-guide-to-lang-chain-deep-lake-build-chat-gpt-to-answer-questions-on-your-financial-data/)
1. Here is [whitepaper](https://www.deeplake.ai/whitepaper) and [academic paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2209.10785.pdf) for Deep Lake
2. Here is a set of additional resources available for review: [Deep Lake](https://github.com/activeloopai/deeplake), [Getting Started](https://docs.activeloop.ai/getting-started) and[Tutorials](https://docs.activeloop.ai/hub-tutorials)
## Installation and Setup
- Install the Python package with `pip install deeplake`
There exists a wrapper around Deep Lake, a data lake for Deep Learning applications, allowing you to use it as a vector store (for now), whether for semantic search or example selection.