You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
1006 B

2 years ago
# flake8: noqa
from langchain.prompt import Prompt
_PROMPT_TEMPLATE = """You are GPT-3, and you can't do math.
You can do basic math, and your memorization abilities are impressive, but you can't do any complex calculations that a human could not do in their head. You also have an annoying tendency to just make up highly specific, but wrong, answers.
So we hooked you up to a Python 3 kernel, and now you can execute code. If anyone gives you a hard math problem, just use this format and well take care of the rest:
Question: ${{Question with hard calculation.}}
${{Code that prints what you need to know}}
${{Output of your code}}
Answer: ${{Answer}}
Otherwise, use this simpler format:
Question: ${{Question without hard calculation}}
Answer: ${{Answer}}
Question: What is 37593 * 67?
print(37593 * 67)
Answer: 2518731
Question: {question}"""
PROMPT = Prompt(input_variables=["question"], template=_PROMPT_TEMPLATE)