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<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
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<title>New Page 1</title>
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<p><font size="4">The World's Worst Website Ever - Site Mistak</font>es</p>
<p>Note:&nbsp; In April 2012, we added a few more quirks to the homepage that
aren't mentioned in the original list below.&nbsp; Soon we'll launch a new TWWWE
for your enjoyment.</p>
<p><font size="1">&lt; </font><a href="index.htm"><font size="1">Return to the
<li>Header graphic is pixelated and over-optimized.</li>
<li>Transparency in header graphic is overdone.</li>
<li>Multiple font colors used in &quot;ever&quot;</li>
<li>Animated stars (all animated gifs are generally a bad idea)</li>
<li>Under construction graphics should never be used</li>
<li>The notice &quot;Under Construction&quot; should almost never be used, especially
on the homepage</li>
<li>&quot;&lt;--&quot; and other text-based markers/graphics are a faux pas in design</li>
<li>This page, filenamed &quot;new_page_1.htm&quot; indicates poor file naming and
<li>&quot;Main Menu&quot; shouldn't exist; if people don't know what a main menu is,
they shouldn't be on the web</li>
<li>Teenie-bopper spellings such as &quot;kewl&quot; should never be used on any
professional website</li>
<li>I personally despise *smile* - please try to avoid it for my own
sanity's sake</li>
<li>Email icons are also really annoying, especially in they are animated
(unless you are using real icons along with others such as print, etc.)</li>
<li>Repeating backgrounds are almost always a bad idea</li>
<li>Backgrounds that have color almost never work</li>
<li>Beveled images, such as in the background image, are almost always
<li>In the yellow table near the top, the cell width is different from the
table width, creating blank space on the right side</li>
<li>Table borders can work if done properly.&nbsp; All borders represented
on this site are examples of what NOT to do</li>
<li>Javascript cursors are a joke!&nbsp; Just because the technology is
there to do something, it shouldn't always be done.&nbsp; Ask the Britons
about the <a target="_blank" href="">
Cobalt Bomb</a>, for example</li>
<li>Mouseovers for links can be done professionally and add a nice touch to
a website, but text should never be resized or bolded when the cursor moves
over it</li>
<li>Inconsistency in the main menu is running rampant.&nbsp; If you're going
to have icons, have them all the links</li>
<li>The border around the icons is way too thick.&nbsp; I see this a lot</li>
<li>The main menu option &quot;GOOGLE MAPS&quot; is not fully hyperlinked</li>
<li>The link &quot;WEATHER&quot; doesn't work</li>
<li>Flashing &quot;New&quot; or &quot;Updated&quot; icons are generally considered cheese-ball.&nbsp;
Avoid them!</li>
<li>Multiple fonts are used throughout the website, including some that are
not web-safe</li>
<li>There are numerous misspelled words in the &quot;What's New&quot; section</li>
<li>Again, &quot;1&quot; for &quot;one&quot; and &quot;u&quot; for &quot;you&quot; are terrible for professional
websites.&nbsp; Your customers will not take you seriously if they see stuff
like this</li>
<li>Scrolling marquees can be effective if used non-obtrusively and rarely.&nbsp;
But most are used wrongly so...</li>
<li>&quot;About TWWWE&quot; has no hyperlink</li>
<li>There are several examples of Microsoft Word Art on this site.&nbsp; It
is almost always a bad idea to use it</li>
<li>Separator bars that are animated can be very disorienting, let alone
<li>Blue on red is a bad idea</li>
<li>Red on blue is a bad idea</li>
<li>Blue or red on black is a bad idea</li>
<li>There are several other &quot;bad idea&quot; examples in the &quot;Fantastic Colours&quot;
<li>I absolutely, unequivocally, hate the font &quot;brush script&quot;, which is used
in &quot;Fantastic Colours&quot; as well as &quot;The&quot; and &quot;Ever&quot; in the header.&nbsp; It
is the most overused script font ever</li>
<li>If you use American English, avoid &quot;Colours&quot; and other misspelled words</li>
<li>There is a page counter at the bottom.&nbsp; 99% of the time it is a bad
idea to have a public counter on your page</li>
<li>The link &quot;Shocking Pictures&quot; goes to the &quot;Shocking Photos&quot; section.&nbsp;
Most of the time the link and the page/section title should be the same</li>
<li>There are varying table widths on this site.&nbsp; Consistency is key!</li>
<li>There is a table that is too long for the screen, creating a horizontal
scrollbar.&nbsp; Horizontal scrollbars are bad, bad, bad!</li>
<li>In addition to numerous misspelled words, there is several examples of
bad grammar, including &quot;These photos are SHOCKINGLY formatted HORRIFICLY&quot;</li>
<li>The first photo on the left is formatted wrong.&nbsp; It is actually a
large photo resized using HTML.&nbsp; This is bad because photo quality is
lost, but most importantly the size of the file is huge, which takes a long
time to download.</li>
<li>The second photo from the left is also formatted wrong.&nbsp; It is
beveled (which is really personal taste, not necessarily wrong) and
over-optimized.&nbsp; Notice the bleeding colors</li>
<li>The third image might be hard to tell at first.&nbsp; If you look
closely, the sunset colors are grainy.&nbsp; This is because the image was
saved as a gif instead of a jpg.&nbsp; When working with images of brilliant
colors, save them as jpgs and not gifs.&nbsp; This is because gifs are
limited to 256 colors while jpgs are virtually limitless</li>
<li>The fourth image is what happens when you take a small photo and
increase it's size.&nbsp; Despite what CSI: Miami does, you cannot blow up
images and make them look good</li>
<li>A funny bit, at least humorous to me, is the word &quot;Trifecta&quot; used on the
fourth photo</li>
<li>When laying out photos left to right, if possible, make sure they are
the same size</li>
<li>The domain name <a href=""></a> is too long (that's why we also use
<a href=""></a>)</li>
<li>I really think the four racing scrolling marquees are quite hilarious,
but again, the overuse of marquees are never a good idea</li>
<li>There are broken images everywhere on this site.&nbsp; Watch out for
<li>The text box that says &quot;Could we possibly do any more, said the cat&quot; is
a triple-whammy.&nbsp; First, it doesn't make sense.&nbsp; Secondly, it has
nothing to do with the site's content.&nbsp; And thirdly, it is a graphic
when it should be plain HTML text.</li>
<li>Last updated scripts are mostly a bad idea.&nbsp; The only exceptions is
if you update your site very often (almost daily) and probably should be
used for blogs, news sites or the like</li>
<li>&quot;Sight&quot; being used instead of &quot;site&quot;.&nbsp; I actually see this occur
too often</li>
<li>MIDIs (the music playing in the background) are officially my biggest
pet-peeve.&nbsp; They should never be used under any circumstance.&nbsp;
Almost all embedded sounds, not just midis, are very annoying</li>
<li>The embedded midi cannot be turned off and loops forever.&nbsp; If you
must have sound on your website, give people the QUICK option to turn it off</li>
<li>Back in the late 90s it was considered normal for webmasters to put
viewing requirements/suggestions in the footer of their site (i.e. &quot;Best
viewed with Internet Explorer&quot;).&nbsp; I almost never see this on
professional websites with the exception of some Flash-based sites</li>
<li>Page transitions were neat in 1996, but not today</li>
<li>Justified text, as seen in the &quot;What's New&quot; box, is usually not a good
idea.&nbsp; It looks good on newspapers, but for some reason doesn't work
for the web</li>
<li>Another pet-peeve is text and images that butt-up against the table's
border.&nbsp; To fix this, add cell or table padding</li>
<li>I'm sure there other mistakes on this site or ones made not represented
here, but for now, that's all</li>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="2"><EFBFBD> 2008 The World's Worst Website Ever /
<a href="">Kentucky Lake Productions, LLC</a> - Murray, KY.&nbsp;
All Rights Reserved.</font></p>