**MIRRORED FROM**: https://git.sp4ke.com/sp4ke/hugobot # HUGOBOT *hugobot* is a an automated content fetch and aggregation bot for [Hugo][hugo] data driven websites. It has the following features: ## Data fetch - Add feeds to the bot in the `feeds` sqlite table - Currently handles these types of feeds: `RSS`, `Github Releases`, `Newsletters` - Define your own feed types by implementing the `JobHandler` interface (see `handlers/handlers.go`). - Hugobot automatically fetch new posts from the feeds you defined - It runs periodically to download new posts in the defined feeds. - Storage is done with sqlite. - The scheduler can handle any number of tasks and uses leveldb for caching/resuming jobs. ## Hugo export - Data is automatically exported to the configured Hugo website path. - It can export `markdown` files or `json/toml` data files - All fields in the exported files can be customized - You can define custom output formats by using the `FormatHandler` interface. ## API - *hugobot* also includes a webserver API that can be used with Hugo [Data Driven Mode][data-driven]. - WIP: Insert and query data - An example usage is the automated generation of Bitcoin addresses for new articles on [bitcointechweekly.com][btw-btc] ## Sqliteweb interface - See Docker files [data-driven]:https://gohugo.io/templates/data-templates/#data-driven-content [btw-btc]:https://bitcointechweekly.com/btc/3Jv15g4G5LDnBJPDh1e2ja8NPnADzMxhVh [hugo]:https://gohugo.io