
181 lines
4.0 KiB

package main
import (
const (
RE_TAGS = `\B#\w+`
type Bookmark struct {
url string
metadata string
tags []string
desc string
//flags int
var parserStat = struct {
lastNodeCount int
lastUrlCount int
currentCount int
var jsonNodeTypes = struct {
Folder, Url string
}{"folder", "url"}
var jsonNodePaths = struct {
Type, Children, Url string
}{"type", "children", "url"}
type parseFunc func([]byte, []byte, jsonparser.ValueType, int) error
func _s(value interface{}) string {
return string(value.([]byte))
func findTagsInTitle(title []byte) {
var regex = regexp.MustCompile(RE_TAGS)
tags := regex.FindAll(title, -1)
debugPrint("%s ---> found following tags: %s", title, tags)
func googleParseBookmarks(bw *bookmarkWatcher) {
// Create buffer db
bufferDB := &DB{"buffer", DB_BUFFER_PATH, nil}
defer bufferDB.Close()
err := bufferDB.Init()
// Load bookmark file
bookmarkPath := path.Join(bw.baseDir, bw.bkFile)
f, err := ioutil.ReadFile(bookmarkPath)
var parseChildren func([]byte, jsonparser.ValueType, int, error)
var gJsonParseRecursive func([]byte, []byte, jsonparser.ValueType, int) error
parseChildren = func(childVal []byte, dataType jsonparser.ValueType, offset int, err error) {
if err != nil {
gJsonParseRecursive(nil, childVal, dataType, offset)
gJsonParseRecursive = func(key []byte, node []byte, dataType jsonparser.ValueType, offset int) error {
// Core of google chrome bookmark parsing
// Any loading to local db is done here
var nodeType, children []byte
var childrenType jsonparser.ValueType
bookmark := &Bookmark{}
// Paths to lookup in node payload
paths := [][]string{
[]string{"name"}, // Title of page
jsonparser.EachKey(node, func(idx int, value []byte, vt jsonparser.ValueType, err error) {
switch idx {
case 0:
nodeType = value
case 1: // name or title
bookmark.metadata = _s(value)
case 2:
bookmark.url = _s(value)
case 3:
children, childrenType = value, vt
}, paths...)
// If node type is string ignore (needed for sync_transaction_version)
if dataType == jsonparser.String {
return nil
// if node is url(leaf), handle the url
if _s(nodeType) == jsonNodeTypes.Url {
// Add bookmark to db here
//debugPrint("%s", url)
//debugPrint("%s", node)
// Find tags in title
addBookmark(bookmark, bufferDB)
// if node is a folder with children
if childrenType == jsonparser.Array && len(children) > 2 { // if len(children) > len("[]")
jsonparser.ArrayEach(node, parseChildren, jsonNodePaths.Children)
return nil
if err != nil {
//debugPrint("parsing bookmarks")
// Begin parsing
rootsData, _, _, _ := jsonparser.Get(f, "roots")
debugPrint("loading bookmarks to bufferdb")
// Load bookmarks to currentJobDB
jsonparser.ObjectEach(rootsData, gJsonParseRecursive)
// Finished parsing
debugPrint("parsed %d bookmarks", parserStat.lastUrlCount)
// Compare currentDb with memCacheDb for new bookmarks
// If CACHE_DB is empty just copy bufferDB to CACHE_DB
if isEmptyDb(CACHE_DB.handle) {
debugPrint("first preloading, copying bufferdb to cachedb")
start := time.Now()
debugPrint("<%s> is now (%d)", CACHE_DB.name, CACHE_DB.Count())
elapsed := time.Since(start)
debugPrint("copy in %s", elapsed)
func addBookmark(bookmark *Bookmark, db *DB) {
// Single out unique urls
//debugPrint("%v", bookmark)
_db := db.handle
tx, err := _db.Begin()
stmt, err := tx.Prepare(`INSERT INTO bookmarks(URL, metadata, tags, desc, flags) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`)
defer stmt.Close()
_, err = stmt.Exec(bookmark.url, bookmark.metadata, "", "", 0)
err = tx.Commit()