
461 lines
11 KiB

// Chrome browser module.
// Chrome bookmarks are stored in a json file normally called Bookmarks.
// The bookmarks file is updated atomically by chrome for each change to the
// bookmark entries by the user.
// Changes are detected by watching the parent directory for fsnotify.Create
// events on the bookmark file. On linux this is done by using fsnotify.
package chrome
import (
var (
log = logging.GetLogger("Chrome")
// Type of the func used recursively on each json node entry by [jsonparser.ArrayEach]
type ParseChildJSONFunc func([]byte, jsonparser.ValueType, int, error)
type RecursiveParseJSONFunc func([]byte, []byte, jsonparser.ValueType, int) error
var jsonNodeTypes = map[string]tree.NodeType{
"folder": tree.FolderNode,
"url": tree.URLNode,
var jsonNodePaths = struct {
Type, Children, URL string
}{"type", "children", "url"}
// type used to store json nodes in memory for parsing.
type RawNode struct {
name []byte
nType []byte
url []byte
children []byte
childrenType jsonparser.ValueType
func (rawNode *RawNode) parseItems(nodeData []byte) {
// Paths to lookup in node payload
paths := [][]string{
{"name"}, // Title of page
jsonparser.EachKey(nodeData, func(idx int, value []byte, vt jsonparser.ValueType, err error) {
if err != nil {
log.Critical("error parsing node items")
switch idx {
case 0:
rawNode.nType = value
case 1: // name or title
//currentNode.Name = s(value)
rawNode.name = value
case 2:
//currentNode.URL = s(value)
rawNode.url = value
case 3:
rawNode.children, rawNode.childrenType = value, vt
}, paths...)
// Returns *tree.Node from *RawNode
func (rawNode *RawNode) getNode() *tree.Node {
node := new(tree.Node)
nType, ok := jsonNodeTypes[string(rawNode.nType)]
if !ok {
log.Criticalf("unknown node type: %s", rawNode.nType)
node.Type = nType
node.Name = string(rawNode.name)
return node
// Chrome browser module
type Chrome struct {
// holds browsers.BrowserConfig
// Init() is the first method called after a browser instance is created
// and registered.
// Return ok, error
func (ch *Chrome) Init(_ *modules.Context) error {
log.Infof("initializing <%s>", ch.Name)
return ch.setupWatchers()
func (ch *Chrome) setupWatchers() error {
bookmarkDir, err := ch.BookmarkDir()
log.Debugf("Watching path: %s", bookmarkDir)
if err != nil {
return err
bookmarkPath := filepath.Join(bookmarkDir, ch.BkFile)
// Setup watcher
w := &watch.Watch{
Path: bookmarkDir,
EventTypes: []fsnotify.Op{fsnotify.Create},
EventNames: []string{bookmarkPath},
// NOTE: it used to be that chrome watcher would go stale after the
// first event, this is because the bookmark file is created after the
// browser is started, so we need to reset the watcher after the first
// event. This is not needed anymore as we are using the watcher to
// watch the bookmark dir and not the file itself.
ResetWatch: false,
ok, err := modules.SetupWatchers(ch.BrowserConfig, w)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not setup watcher: %s", err)
if !ok {
return errors.New("could not setup watcher")
return nil
func (ch *Chrome) ResetWatcher() error {
w := ch.GetWatcher()
if err := w.W.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if err := ch.setupWatchers(); err != nil {
return err
go watch.WatchLoop(ch)
return nil
// Returns a pointer to an initialized browser config
func (ch Chrome) Config() *modules.BrowserConfig {
return ch.BrowserConfig
func (ch Chrome) ModInfo() modules.ModInfo {
return modules.ModInfo{
ID: modules.ModID(ch.Name),
New: func() modules.Module {
return NewChrome()
func (ch *Chrome) Watch() *watch.WatchDescriptor {
// calls modules.BrowserConfig.GetWatcher()
return ch.GetWatcher()
func (ch *Chrome) Run() {
startRun := time.Now()
// Rebuild node tree
ch.NodeTree = &tree.Node{
Name: RootNodeName,
Parent: nil,
Type: tree.RootNode,
// Load bookmark file
//WIP: use builting path helpers
bookmarkPath, err := ch.BookmarkPath()
if err != nil {
f, err := os.ReadFile(bookmarkPath)
if err != nil {
var parseChildren ParseChildJSONFunc
var jsonParseRecursive RecursiveParseJSONFunc
parseChildren = func(childVal []byte,
dataType jsonparser.ValueType,
offset int,
err error) {
if err != nil {
err = jsonParseRecursive(nil, childVal, dataType, offset)
if err != nil {
// Needed to store the parent of each child node
var parentNodes []*tree.Node
jsonParseRoots := func(key []byte,
node []byte,
dataType jsonparser.ValueType,
offset int,
) error {
// If node type is string ignore (needed for sync_transaction_version)
if dataType == jsonparser.String {
return nil
rawNode := new(RawNode)
//log.Debugf("Parsing root folder %s", rawNode.name)
currentNode := rawNode.getNode()
// Process this node as parent node later
parentNodes = append(parentNodes, currentNode)
// add the root node as parent to this node
currentNode.Parent = ch.NodeTree
// Add this root node as a child of the root node
ch.NodeTree.Children = append(ch.NodeTree.Children, currentNode)
// Call recursive parsing of this node which must
// a root folder node
jsonparser.ArrayEach(node, parseChildren, jsonNodePaths.Children)
// Finished parsing this root, it is not anymore a parent
_, parentNodes = parentNodes[len(parentNodes)-1],
//log.Debugf("Parsed root %s folder", rawNode.name)
return nil
// Main recursive parsing underneath each root folder
jsonParseRecursive = func(key []byte,
node []byte,
dataType jsonparser.ValueType,
offset int,
) error {
// If node type is string ignore (needed for sync_transaction_version)
if dataType == jsonparser.String {
return nil
rawNode := new(RawNode)
currentNode := rawNode.getNode()
//log.Debugf("parsing node %s", currentNode.Name)
// if parents array is not empty
if len(parentNodes) != 0 {
parent := parentNodes[len(parentNodes)-1]
//log.Debugf("Adding current node to parent %s", parent.Name)
// Add current node to closest parent
currentNode.Parent = parent
// Add current node as child to parent
currentNode.Parent.Children = append(currentNode.Parent.Children, currentNode)
// if node is a folder with children
if rawNode.childrenType == jsonparser.Array && len(rawNode.children) > 2 { // if len(children) > len("[]")
//log.Debugf("Started folder %s", rawNode.name)
parentNodes = append(parentNodes, currentNode)
// Process recursively all child nodes of this folder node
jsonparser.ArrayEach(node, parseChildren, jsonNodePaths.Children)
//log.Debugf("Finished folder %s", rawNode.name)
_, parentNodes = parentNodes[len(parentNodes)-1], parentNodes[:len(parentNodes)-1]
// if node is url(leaf), handle the url
if currentNode.Type == tree.URLNode {
currentNode.URL = string(rawNode.url)
// Check if url-node already in index
var nodeVal *tree.Node
iVal, found := ch.URLIndex.Get(currentNode.URL)
nameHash := xxhash.ChecksumString64(currentNode.Name)
// If node url not in index, add it to index
if !found {
//log.Debugf("Not found")
// store hash(name)
currentNode.NameHash = nameHash
// The value in the index will be a
// pointer to currentNode
log.Debugf("Inserting url %s to index", currentNode.URL)
ch.URLIndex.Insert(currentNode.URL, currentNode)
// Run registered bookmark parsing hooks
err = ch.CallHooks(currentNode)
if err != nil {
return err
// If we find the node already in index
// we check if the hash(name) changed meaning
// the data changed
} else {
// log.Debugf("URL Found in index")
nodeVal = iVal.(*tree.Node)
// hash(name) is different meaning new commands/tags could
// be added, we need to process the parsing hoos
if nodeVal.NameHash != nameHash {
log.Debugf("URL name changed !")
// Run parse hooks on node
// Else we do nothing, the node will not
// change
//If parent is folder, add it as tag and add current node as child
//And add this link as child
if currentNode.Parent.Type == tree.FolderNode {
log.Debug("Parent is folder, parsing as tag ...")
currentNode.Tags = append(currentNode.Tags, currentNode.Parent.Name)
return nil
// starts from the "roots" key of chrome json bookmark file
rootsData, _, _, _ := jsonparser.Get(f, "roots")
// Start a new node tree building job
jsonparser.ObjectEach(rootsData, jsonParseRoots)
ch.LastFullTreeParseTime = time.Since(startRun)
log.Debugf("<%s> parsed tree in %s", ch.Name, ch.LastFullTreeParseTime)
// Finished node tree building job
// Debug walk tree
//go PrintTree(ch.NodeTree)
// Reset the index to represent the nodetree
// Finished parsing
log.Debugf("<%s> parsed %d bookmarks and %d nodes", ch.Name, ch.CurrentURLCount, ch.CurrentNodeCount)
//Add nodeTree to Cache
//log.Debugf("<%s> buffer content", ch.Name)
log.Debugf("<%s> syncing to buffer", ch.Name)
database.SyncTreeToBuffer(ch.NodeTree, ch.BufferDB)
log.Debugf("<%s> tree synced to buffer", ch.Name)
// database.Cache represents bookmarks across all browsers
// From browsers it should support: add/update
// Delete method should only be possible through admin interface
// We could have an @ignore command to ignore a bookmark
// URLIndex is a hashmap index of all URLS representing current state
// of the browser
// nodeTree is current state of the browser as tree
// Buffer is the current state of the browser represetned by
// URLIndex and nodeTree
// If the cache is empty just copy buffer to cache
// until local db is already populated and preloaded
//debugPrint("%d", BufferDB.Count())
if empty, err := database.Cache.DB.IsEmpty(); empty {
if err != nil {
log.Info("cache empty: loading buffer to CacheDB")
log.Debugf("syncing <%s> to disk", database.Cache.DB.Name)
} else {
go database.Cache.DB.SyncToDisk(database.GetDBFullPath())
ch.LastWatchRunTime = time.Since(startRun)
// Load() will be called right after a browser is initialized
func (ch *Chrome) Load() error {
go ch.Run()
return nil
func NewChrome() *Chrome {
return &Chrome{
ChromeConfig: ChromeCfg,
func init() {
modules.RegisterBrowser(Chrome{ChromeConfig: ChromeCfg})
// interface guards
var _ modules.BrowserModule = (*Chrome)(nil)
var _ modules.Initializer = (*Chrome)(nil)
var _ modules.Loader = (*Chrome)(nil)
var _ watch.WatchRunner = (*Chrome)(nil)
var _ hooks.HookRunner = (*Chrome)(nil)
var _ watch.Stats = (*Chrome)(nil)