-- modified version of: -- https://github.com/vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf/blob/master/action_helper.lua local uv = vim.loop local function get_preview_socket() local tmp = vim.fn.tempname() local socket = uv.new_pipe(false) uv.pipe_bind(socket, tmp) return socket, tmp end local preview_socket, preview_socket_path = get_preview_socket() uv.listen(preview_socket, 100, function(err) local preview_receive_socket = uv.new_pipe(false) -- start listening uv.accept(preview_socket, preview_receive_socket) preview_receive_socket:read_start(function(err, data) assert(not err) if not data then uv.close(preview_receive_socket) uv.close(preview_socket) vim.schedule(function() vim.cmd[[qall]] end) return end io.write(data) end) end) local function_id = tonumber(vim.fn.argv(1)) local success, errmsg = pcall(function () local nargs = vim.fn.argc() local args = {} -- this is guaranteed to be 2 or more, we are interested in those greater than 2 for i=3,nargs do -- vim uses zero indexing table.insert(args, vim.fn.argv(i - 1)) end local environ = vim.fn.environ() local chan_id = vim.fn.sockconnect("pipe", vim.fn.argv(0), { rpc = true }) -- for skim compatibility local preview_lines = environ.FZF_PREVIEW_LINES or environ.LINES local preview_cols = environ.FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS or environ.COLUMNS vim.rpcrequest(chan_id, "nvim_exec_lua", [[ local luaargs = {...} local function_id = luaargs[1] local preview_socket_path = luaargs[2] local fzf_selection = luaargs[3] local fzf_lines = luaargs[4] local fzf_columns = luaargs[5] local usr_func = require"fzf-lua.shell".get_func(function_id) return usr_func(preview_socket_path, fzf_selection, fzf_lines, fzf_columns) ]], { function_id, preview_socket_path, args, tonumber(preview_lines), tonumber(preview_cols) }) vim.fn.chanclose(chan_id) end) if not success then io.write("FzfLua Error:\n\n" .. errmsg .. "\n") vim.cmd [[qall]] end