local M = {} local path = require "fzf-lua.path" local utils = require "fzf-lua.utils" local config = nil -- attempt to load the current config -- should fail if we're running headless do local ok, module = pcall(require, "fzf-lua.config") if ok then config = module end end -- These globals are set by spawn.fn_transform loadstring ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field M._fzf_lua_server = _G._fzf_lua_server ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field M._devicons_path = _G._devicons_path ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field M._devicons_setup = _G._devicons_setup local function load_config_section(s, datatype, optional) if config then local keys = utils.strsplit(s, '.') local iter, sect = config, nil for i=1,#keys do iter = iter[keys[i]] if not iter then break end if i == #keys and type(iter) == datatype then sect = iter end end return sect elseif M._fzf_lua_server then -- load config from our running instance local res = nil local is_bytecode = false local exec_str, exec_opts = nil, nil if datatype == 'function' then is_bytecode = true exec_opts = { s, datatype } exec_str = ("return require'fzf-lua'.config.bytecode(...)"):format(s) else exec_opts = {} exec_str = ("return require'fzf-lua'.config.%s"):format(s) end local ok, errmsg = pcall(function() local chan_id = vim.fn.sockconnect("pipe", M._fzf_lua_server, { rpc = true }) res = vim.rpcrequest(chan_id, "nvim_exec_lua", exec_str, exec_opts) vim.fn.chanclose(chan_id) end) if ok and is_bytecode then ok, res = pcall(loadstring, res) end if not ok and not optional then io.stderr:write(("Error loading remote config section '%s': %s\n") :format(s, errmsg)) elseif ok and type(res) == datatype then return res end end end local function set_config_section(s, data) if M._fzf_lua_server then -- save config in our running instance local ok, errmsg = pcall(function() local chan_id = vim.fn.sockconnect("pipe", M._fzf_lua_server, { rpc = true }) vim.rpcrequest(chan_id, "nvim_exec_lua", ([[ local data = select(1, ...) require'fzf-lua'.config.%s = data ]]):format(s), { data }) vim.fn.chanclose(chan_id) end) if not ok then io.stderr:write(("Error setting remote config section '%s': %s\n") :format(s, errmsg)) end return ok elseif config then local keys = utils.strsplit(s, '.') local iter = config for i=1,#keys do iter = iter[keys[i]] if not iter then break end if i == #keys-1 then iter[keys[i+1]] = data return iter end end end end -- Setup the terminal colors codes for nvim-web-devicons colors local setup_devicon_term_hls = function() local function hex(hexstr) local r,g,b = hexstr:match('.(..)(..)(..)') r, g, b = tonumber(r, 16), tonumber(g, 16), tonumber(b, 16) return r, g, b end for _, info in pairs(M._devicons.get_icons()) do local r, g, b = hex(info.color) utils.add_ansi_code('DevIcon' .. info.name, string.format('[38;2;%s;%s;%sm', r, g, b)) end end local function load_devicons() if config and config._has_devicons then -- file was called from the primary instance -- acquire nvim-web-devicons from config M._devicons = config._devicons elseif M._devicons_path and vim.loop.fs_stat(M._devicons_path) then -- file was called from a headless instance -- load nvim-web-devicons manually -- add nvim-web-devicons path to `package.path` -- so `require("nvim-web-devicons")` can find it package.path = (";%s/?.lua;"):format(vim.fn.fnamemodify(M._devicons_path, ':h')) .. package.path M._devicons = require("nvim-web-devicons") -- WE NO LONGER USE THIS, LEFT FOR DOCUMENTATION -- loading with 'require' is needed, 'loadfile' -- cannot load a custom setup function as it's -- considered a separate instance and the inner -- 'require' in the setup fill will create an -- additional 'nvim-web-devicons' instance --[[ local file = loadfile(M._devicons_path) M._devicons = file and file() ]] -- did caller specify a custom setup function? -- must be called before the next step as `setup` -- is ignored when called the second time M._devicons_setup = M._devicons_setup and vim.fn.expand(M._devicons_setup) if M._devicons and M._devicons_setup and vim.loop.fs_stat(M._devicons_setup) then local file = loadfile(M._devicons_setup) if file then file() end end end if M._devicons and M._devicons.setup and not M._devicons.has_loaded() then -- if the caller has devicons lazy loaded -- running without calling setup will generate an error: -- nvim-web-devicons.lua:972: E5560: -- nvim_command must not be called in a lua loop callback M._devicons.setup() end if M._devicons and M._devicons.has_loaded() then -- Setup devicon terminal ansi color codes setup_devicon_term_hls() end end -- Load remote config and devicons pcall(load_devicons) if not config then local _config = { globals = { git = {}, files = {}, grep = {} } } _config.globals.git.icons = load_config_section('globals.git.icons', 'table') or {} _config.globals.file_icon_colors = load_config_section('globals.file_icon_colors', 'table') or {} _config.globals.file_icon_padding = load_config_section('globals.file_icon_padding', 'string') _config.globals.files.git_status_cmd = load_config_section('globals.files.git_status_cmd', 'table') _config.globals.grep.rg_glob_fn = load_config_section('globals.grep.rg_glob_fn', 'function', true) _config.globals.nbsp = load_config_section('globals.nbsp', 'string') if _config.globals.nbsp then utils.nbsp = _config.globals.nbsp end config = _config end M.get_devicon = function(file, ext) local icon, hl if M._devicons then icon, hl = M._devicons.get_icon(file, ext:lower(), {default = true}) else icon, hl = '', 'dark_grey' end -- allow user override of the color local override = config.globals.file_icon_colors and config.globals.file_icon_colors[ext] if override then hl = override end if config.globals.file_icon_padding and #config.globals.file_icon_padding>0 then icon = icon .. config.globals.file_icon_padding end return icon, hl end M.get_diff_files = function(opts) local diff_files = {} local cmd = opts.git_status_cmd or config.globals.files.git_status_cmd if not cmd then return {} end local ok, status, err = pcall(utils.io_systemlist, path.git_cwd(cmd, opts.cwd)) if ok and err == 0 then for i = 1, #status do local icon = status[i]:match("[MUDARC?]+") local file = status[i]:match("[^ ]*$") if icon and file then diff_files[file] = icon:gsub("%?%?", "?") end end end return diff_files end M.glob_parse = function(opts, query) if not query or not query:find(opts.glob_separator) then return query, nil end if config.globals.grep.rg_glob_fn then return config.globals.grep.rg_glob_fn(opts, query) end local glob_args = nil local search_query, glob_str = query:match("(.*)"..opts.glob_separator.."(.*)") for _, s in ipairs(utils.strsplit(glob_str, "%s")) do glob_args = (glob_args or "") .. ("%s %s ") :format(opts.glob_flag, vim.fn.shellescape(s)) end return search_query, glob_args end M.preprocess = function(opts) if opts.cwd_only and not opts.cwd then opts.cwd = vim.loop.cwd() end if opts.git_icons then opts.diff_files = M.get_diff_files(opts) end local argv = function(i, debug) -- argv1 is actually the 7th argument if we count -- arguments already supplied by 'wrap_spawn_stdio' -- if no index was supplied use the last argument local idx = tonumber(i) and tonumber(i)+6 or #vim.v.argv if debug then io.stdout:write(("[DEBUG]: argv(%d) = %s\n") :format(idx, vim.fn.shellescape(vim.v.argv[idx]))) end return vim.v.argv[idx] end -- live_grep replace pattern with last argument local argvz = "{argvz}" local has_argvz = opts.cmd:match(argvz) -- save our last search argument for resume if opts.argv_expr and has_argvz then local query = argv(nil, opts.debug) set_config_section('__resume_data.last_query', query) if opts.__module__ then set_config_section(("globals.%s._last_search"):format(opts.__module__), { query = query, no_esc = true }) end end -- did the caller request rg with glob support? -- mannipulation needs to be done before the argv hack if opts.rg_glob and has_argvz then local query = argv() local search_query, glob_args = M.glob_parse(opts, query) if glob_args then -- gsub doesn't like single % on rhs search_query = search_query:gsub("%%", "%%%%") -- reset argvz so it doesn't get replaced again below opts.cmd = opts.cmd:gsub(argvz, glob_args .. vim.fn.shellescape(search_query)) end end -- nifty hack to avoid having to double escape quotations -- see my comment inside 'live_grep' initial_command code if opts.argv_expr then opts.cmd = opts.cmd:gsub("{argv.*}", function(x) local idx = x:match("{argv(.*)}") return vim.fn.shellescape(argv(idx)) end) end return opts end M.file = function(opts, x) local ret = {} local icon, hl local file = utils.strip_ansi_coloring(string.match(x, '[^:]*')) -- TODO: this can cause issues with files/grep/live_grep -- process_lines gsub will replace the entry with nil -- **low priority as we never use 'cwd_only' with files/grep if opts.cwd_only and path.starts_with_separator(file) then local cwd = opts.cwd or vim.loop.cwd() if not path.is_relative(file, cwd) then return nil end end -- fd v8.3 requires adding '--strip-cwd-prefix' to remove -- the './' prefix, will not work with '--color=always' -- https://github.com/sharkdp/fd/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md if not (opts.strip_cwd_prefix == false) and path.starts_with_cwd(x) then x = path.strip_cwd_prefix(x) -- this is required to fix git icons not showing -- since `git status -s` does not prepend './' -- we can assume no ANSI coloring is present -- since 'path.starts_with_cwd == true' file = x end if opts.cwd and #opts.cwd > 0 then -- TODO: does this work if there are ANSI escape codes in x? x = path.relative(x, opts.cwd) end if opts.git_icons then local indicators = opts.diff_files and opts.diff_files[file] or utils.nbsp for i=1,#indicators do icon = indicators:sub(i,i) local git_icon = config.globals.git.icons[icon] if git_icon then icon = git_icon.icon if opts.color_icons then icon = utils.ansi_codes[git_icon.color or "dark_grey"](icon) end end ret[#ret+1] = icon end ret[#ret+1] = utils.nbsp end if opts.file_icons then local filename = path.tail(file) local ext = path.extension(filename) icon, hl = M.get_devicon(filename, ext) if opts.color_icons then -- extra workaround for issue #119 (or similars) -- use default if we can't find the highlight ansi local fn = utils.ansi_codes[hl] or utils.ansi_codes['dark_grey'] icon = fn(icon) end ret[#ret+1] = icon ret[#ret+1] = utils.nbsp end ret[#ret+1] = x return table.concat(ret) end M.tag = function(opts, x) local name, file, text = x:match("([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t(.*)") if not file or not name or not text then return x end text = text:match('(.*);"') or text -- remove ctag comments -- unescape ctags special chars -- '\/' -> '/' -- '\\' -> '\' for _, s in ipairs({ '/', '\\' }) do text = text:gsub([[\]]..s, s) end local line, tag = text:match("(%d-);?(/.*/)") line = line and #line>0 and tonumber(line) return ("%s%s: %s %s"):format( M.file(opts, file), not line and "" or ":"..utils.ansi_codes.green(tostring(line)), utils.ansi_codes.magenta(name), utils.ansi_codes.green(tag)) , line end return M