if not pcall(require, "fzf") then return end local fzf_helpers = require("fzf.helpers") local path = require "fzf-lua.path" local core = require "fzf-lua.core" local utils = require "fzf-lua.utils" local config = require "fzf-lua.config" local last_search = {} local M = {} local get_grep_cmd = function(opts, search_query, no_esc) if opts.raw_cmd and #opts.raw_cmd>0 then return opts.raw_cmd end local command = nil if opts.cmd and #opts.cmd > 0 then command = opts.cmd elseif vim.fn.executable("rg") == 1 then command = string.format("rg %s", opts.rg_opts) else command = string.format("grep %s", opts.grep_opts) end -- filename takes precedence over directory -- filespec takes precedence over all and doesn't shellescape -- this is so user can send a file populating command instead local search_path = '' if opts.filespec and #opts.filespec>0 then search_path = opts.filespec elseif opts.filename and #opts.filename>0 then search_path = vim.fn.shellescape(opts.filename) end search_query = search_query or '' if not (no_esc or opts.no_esc) then search_query = utils.rg_escape(search_query) end -- do not escape at all if not (no_esc == 2 or opts.no_esc == 2) then search_query = vim.fn.shellescape(search_query) end return string.format('%s %s %s', command, search_query, search_path) end local function set_search_header(opts, type) if not opts then opts = {} end if opts.no_header then return opts end if not opts.cwd_header then opts.cwd_header = "cwd:" end if not opts.search_header then opts.search_header = "Searching for:" end local header_str local cwd_str = opts.cwd and ("%s %s"):format(opts.cwd_header, opts.cwd) local search_str = opts.search and #opts.search > 0 and ("%s %s"):format(opts.search_header, opts.search) -- 1: only search -- 2: only cwd -- otherwise, all if type == 1 then header_str = search_str or '' elseif type == 2 then header_str = cwd_str or '' else header_str = search_str or '' if #header_str>0 and cwd_str and #cwd_str>0 then header_str = header_str .. ", " end header_str = header_str .. (cwd_str or '') end if not header_str or #header_str==0 then return opts end opts.fzf_opts['--header'] = vim.fn.shellescape(header_str) return opts end M.grep = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.grep) if not opts then return end local no_esc = false if opts.continue_last_search or opts.repeat_last_search then no_esc = last_search.no_esc opts.search = last_search.query end -- if user did not provide a search term -- provide an input prompt if not opts.search then opts.search = vim.fn.input(opts.input_prompt) or '' end --[[ if not opts.search or #opts.search == 0 then utils.info("Please provide a valid search string") return end ]] -- search query in header line opts = set_search_header(opts) -- save the search query so the use can -- call the same search again last_search = {} last_search.no_esc = no_esc or opts.no_esc last_search.query = opts.search local command = get_grep_cmd(opts, opts.search, no_esc) opts.fzf_fn = fzf_helpers.cmd_line_transformer( {cmd = command, cwd = opts.cwd}, function(x) return core.make_entry_file(opts, x) end) --[[ opts.cb_selected = function(_, x) return x end ]] opts = core.set_fzf_line_args(opts) core.fzf_files(opts) opts.search = nil end M.live_grep = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.grep) if not opts then return end local no_esc = false if opts.continue_last_search or opts.repeat_last_search then no_esc = last_search.no_esc opts.search = last_search.query end opts.query = opts.search or '' if opts.search and #opts.search>0 then -- save the search query so the use can -- call the same search again last_search = {} last_search.no_esc = true last_search.query = opts.search -- escape unless the user requested not to if not (no_esc or opts.no_esc) then opts.query = utils.rg_escape(opts.search) end end -- search query in header line opts = set_search_header(opts, 2) opts._reload_command = function(query) if query and not opts.do_not_save_last_search then last_search = {} last_search.no_esc = true last_search.query = query end -- can be nill when called as fzf initial command query = query or '' -- TODO: need to empty filespec -- fix this collision, rename to _filespec opts.no_esc = nil opts.filespec = nil return get_grep_cmd(opts, query, true) end opts = core.set_fzf_line_args(opts) opts = core.set_fzf_interactive_cmd(opts) core.fzf_files(opts) end M.live_grep_native = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.grep) if not opts then return end local no_esc = false if opts.continue_last_search or opts.repeat_last_search then no_esc = last_search.no_esc opts.search = last_search.query end local query = opts.search or '' if opts.search and #opts.search>0 then -- save the search query so the use can -- call the same search again last_search = {} last_search.no_esc = no_esc or opts.no_esc last_search.query = opts.search -- escape unless the user requested not to if not (no_esc or opts.no_esc) then query = utils.rg_escape(opts.search) end end -- search query in header line opts = set_search_header(opts, 2) -- fzf already adds single quotes around the placeholder when expanding -- for skim we surround it with double quotes or single quote searches fail local placeholder = utils._if(opts._is_skim, '"{}"', '{q}') local initial_command = get_grep_cmd(opts , placeholder, 2) local reload_command = initial_command if not opts.exec_empty_query then reload_command = ('[ -z %s ] || %s'):format(placeholder, reload_command) end if opts._is_skim then -- skim interactive mode does not need a piped command opts.fzf_fn = nil opts.fzf_opts['--prompt'] = '*' .. opts.prompt opts.fzf_opts['--cmd-prompt'] = vim.fn.shellescape(opts.prompt) -- since we surrounded the skim placeholder with quotes -- we need to escape them in the initial query opts.fzf_opts['--cmd-query'] = vim.fn.shellescape(utils.sk_escape(query)) opts._fzf_cli_args = string.format("-i -c %s", vim.fn.shellescape( ("(cd %s && %s)"):format( vim.fn.shellescape(opts.cwd or '.'), reload_command))) else opts.fzf_fn = {} if opts.exec_empty_query or (opts.search and #opts.search > 0) then opts.fzf_fn = fzf_helpers.cmd_line_transformer( {cmd = initial_command:gsub(placeholder, vim.fn.shellescape(query)), cwd = opts.cwd}, function(x) return core.make_entry_file(opts, x) end) end opts.fzf_opts['--phony'] = '' opts.fzf_opts['--query'] = vim.fn.shellescape(query) opts._fzf_cli_args = string.format('--bind=%s', vim.fn.shellescape(("change:reload:%s"):format( ("(cd %s && %s || true)"):format( vim.fn.shellescape(opts.cwd or '.'), reload_command)))) end -- we cannot parse any entries as they're not getting called -- past the initial command, until I can find a solution for -- that icons must be disabled opts.git_icons = false opts.file_icons = false opts = core.set_fzf_line_args(opts) core.fzf_files(opts) opts.search = nil end M.live_grep_sk = function(opts) if not opts then opts = {} end opts.fzf_bin = "sk" M.live_grep(opts) end M.live_grep_fzf = function(opts) if not opts then opts = {} end opts.fzf_bin = "fzf" M.live_grep(opts) end M.live_grep_resume = function(opts) if not opts then opts = {} end if not opts.search then opts.continue_last_search = (opts.continue_last_search == nil and opts.repeat_last_search == nil and true) or (opts.continue_last_search or opts.repeat_last_search) end return M.live_grep(opts) end M.grep_last = function(opts) if not opts then opts = {} end opts.continue_last_search = true return M.grep(opts) end M.grep_cword = function(opts) if not opts then opts = {} end opts.search = vim.fn.expand("") return M.grep(opts) end M.grep_cWORD = function(opts) if not opts then opts = {} end opts.search = vim.fn.expand("") return M.grep(opts) end M.grep_visual = function(opts) if not opts then opts = {} end opts.search = utils.get_visual_selection() return M.grep(opts) end M.grep_curbuf = function(opts) if not opts then opts = {} end opts.rg_opts = config.globals.grep.rg_opts .. " --with-filename" opts.grep_opts = config.globals.grep.grep_opts .. " --with-filename" if opts.exec_empty_query == nil then opts.exec_empty_query = true end opts.filename = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) if #opts.filename > 0 then opts.filename = path.relative(opts.filename, vim.loop.cwd()) return M.live_grep(opts) else utils.info("Rg current buffer requires actual file on disk") return end end return M