local core = require "fzf-lua.core" local path = require "fzf-lua.path" local utils = require "fzf-lua.utils" local config = require "fzf-lua.config" local actions = require "fzf-lua.actions" local M = {} -- will hold current/previous buffer/tab local __STATE = {} local UPDATE_STATE = function() __STATE = { curtab = vim.api.nvim_win_get_tabpage(0), curbuf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf(), prevbuf = vim.fn.bufnr('#'), buflist = vim.api.nvim_list_bufs(), bufmap = (function() local map = {} for _, b in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) do map[b] = true end return map end)() } end local filter_buffers = function(opts, unfiltered) if type(unfiltered) == 'function' then unfiltered = unfiltered() end local curtab_bufnrs = {} if opts.current_tab_only then for _, w in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(__STATE.curtab)) do local b = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(w) curtab_bufnrs[b] = true end end local excluded = {} local bufnrs = vim.tbl_filter(function(b) if not opts.show_unlisted and 1 ~= vim.fn.buflisted(b) then excluded[b] = true end -- only hide unloaded buffers if opts.show_all_buffers is false, keep them listed if true or nil if opts.show_all_buffers == false and not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(b) then excluded[b] = true end if utils.buf_is_qf(b) then if opts.show_quickfix then -- show_quickfix trumps show_unlisted excluded[b] = nil else excluded[b] = true end end if opts.ignore_current_buffer and b == __STATE.curbuf then excluded[b] = true end if opts.current_tab_only and not curtab_bufnrs[b] then excluded[b] = true end if opts.no_term_buffers and utils.is_term_buffer(b) then excluded[b] = true end if opts.cwd_only and not path.is_relative(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(b), vim.loop.cwd()) then excluded[b] = true end return not excluded[b] end, unfiltered) return bufnrs, excluded end local populate_buffer_entries = function(opts, bufnrs, tabnr) local buffers = {} for _, bufnr in ipairs(bufnrs) do local flag = (bufnr == __STATE.curbuf and '%') or (bufnr == __STATE.prevbuf and '#') or ' ' local element = { bufnr = bufnr, flag = flag, info = vim.fn.getbufinfo(bufnr)[1], } -- get the correct lnum for tabbed buffers if tabnr then local winid = utils.winid_from_tab_buf(tabnr, bufnr) if winid then element.info.lnum = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(winid)[1] end end table.insert(buffers, element) end if opts.sort_lastused then table.sort(buffers, function(a, b) return a.info.lastused > b.info.lastused end) end return buffers end local function gen_buffer_entry(opts, buf, hl_curbuf) -- local hidden = buf.info.hidden == 1 and 'h' or 'a' local hidden = '' local readonly = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(buf.bufnr, 'readonly') and '=' or ' ' local changed = buf.info.changed == 1 and '+' or ' ' local flags = hidden .. readonly .. changed local leftbr = utils.ansi_codes.clear('[') local rightbr = utils.ansi_codes.clear(']') local bufname = string.format("%s:%s", #buf.info.name>0 and path.relative(buf.info.name, vim.loop.cwd()) or utils.nvim_buf_get_name(buf.bufnr, buf.info), buf.info.lnum>0 and buf.info.lnum or "") if buf.flag == '%' then flags = utils.ansi_codes.red(buf.flag) .. flags if hl_curbuf then -- no header line, highlight current buffer leftbr = utils.ansi_codes.green('[') rightbr = utils.ansi_codes.green(']') bufname = utils.ansi_codes.green(bufname) end elseif buf.flag == '#' then flags = utils.ansi_codes.cyan(buf.flag) .. flags else flags = utils.nbsp .. flags end local bufnrstr = string.format("%s%s%s", leftbr, utils.ansi_codes.yellow(string.format(buf.bufnr)), rightbr) local buficon = '' local hl = '' if opts.file_icons then if utils.is_term_bufname(buf.info.name) then -- get shell-like icon for terminal buffers buficon, hl = core.get_devicon(buf.info.name, "sh") else local filename = path.tail(buf.info.name) local extension = path.extension(filename) buficon, hl = core.get_devicon(filename, extension) end if opts.color_icons then buficon = utils.ansi_codes[hl](buficon) end end local item_str = string.format("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", utils._if(opts._prefix, opts._prefix, ''), string.format("%-32s", bufnrstr), utils.nbsp, flags, utils.nbsp, buficon, utils.nbsp, bufname) return item_str end M.buffers = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.buffers) if not opts then return end -- get current tab/buffer/previos buffer -- save as a func ref for resume to reuse opts.fn_pre_fzf = UPDATE_STATE local contents = function(cb) local filtered = filter_buffers(opts, __STATE.buflist) if next(filtered) then local buffers = populate_buffer_entries(opts, filtered) for _, bufinfo in pairs(buffers) do cb(gen_buffer_entry(opts, bufinfo, not opts.sort_lastused)) end end cb(nil) end opts.fzf_opts['--header-lines'] = (not opts.ignore_current_buffer and opts.sort_lastused) and '1' opts = core.set_fzf_field_index(opts) core.fzf_wrap(opts, contents, function(selected) if not selected then return end actions.act(opts.actions, selected, opts) end)() end M.lines = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.lines) M.buffer_lines(opts) end M.blines = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.blines) opts.current_buffer_only = true M.buffer_lines(opts) end M.buffer_lines = function(opts) if not opts then return end opts.fn_pre_fzf = UPDATE_STATE opts.fn_pre_fzf() local buffers = filter_buffers(opts, opts.current_buffer_only and { __STATE.curbuf } or __STATE.buflist) local items = {} for _, bufnr in ipairs(buffers) do local data = {} local filepath = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then data = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false) elseif vim.fn.filereadable(filepath) ~= 0 then data = vim.fn.readfile(filepath, "") end local bufname = path.basename(filepath) local buficon, hl if opts.file_icons then local filename = path.tail(bufname) local extension = path.extension(filename) buficon, hl = core.get_devicon(filename, extension) if opts.color_icons then buficon = utils.ansi_codes[hl](buficon) end end if not bufname or #bufname==0 then bufname = utils.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) end for l, text in ipairs(data) do table.insert(items, ("[%s]%s%s%s%s:%s: %s"):format( utils.ansi_codes.yellow(tostring(bufnr)), utils.nbsp, buficon or '', buficon and utils.nbsp or '', utils.ansi_codes.magenta(bufname), utils.ansi_codes.green(tostring(l)), text)) end end -- ignore bufnr when searching -- disable multi-select opts.fzf_opts["--no-multi"] = '' opts.fzf_opts["--preview-window"] = 'hidden:right:0' if opts.search and #opts.search>0 then opts.fzf_opts['--query'] = vim.fn.shellescape(opts.search) end opts = core.set_fzf_field_index(opts, 3, "{..-2}") core.fzf_wrap(opts, items, function(selected) if not selected then return end -- get the line number local line = tonumber(selected[2]:match(":(%d+):")) actions.act(opts.actions, selected, opts) if line then -- add current location to jumplist local is_term = utils.is_term_buffer(0) if not is_term then vim.cmd("normal! m`") end vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, {line, 0}) if not is_term then vim.cmd("norm! zz") end end end)() end M.tabs = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.tabs) if not opts then return end opts.fn_pre_fzf = UPDATE_STATE opts._list_bufs = function() local res = {} for _, t in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_tabpages()) do for _, w in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(t)) do local b = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(w) -- since this function is called after fzf window -- is created, exclude the scratch fzf buffers if __STATE.bufmap[b] then opts._tab_to_buf[t] = opts._tab_to_buf[t] or {} opts._tab_to_buf[t][b] = t table.insert(res, b) end end end return res end local contents = function(cb) opts._tab_to_buf = {} local filtered, excluded = filter_buffers(opts, opts._list_bufs) if not next(filtered) then return end -- remove the filtered-out buffers for b, _ in pairs(excluded) do for _, bufnrs in pairs(opts._tab_to_buf) do bufnrs[b] = nil end end for t, bufnrs in pairs(opts._tab_to_buf) do cb(("%d)%s%s\t%s"):format(t, utils.nbsp, utils.ansi_codes.blue("%s%s#%d"):format(opts.tab_title, utils.nbsp, t), (t==__STATE.curtab) and utils.ansi_codes.blue(utils.ansi_codes.bold(opts.tab_marker)) or '')) local bufnrs_flat = {} for b, _ in pairs(bufnrs) do table.insert(bufnrs_flat, b) end opts.sort_lastused = false opts._prefix = ("%d)%s%s%s"):format(t, utils.nbsp, utils.nbsp, utils.nbsp) local buffers = populate_buffer_entries(opts, bufnrs_flat, t) for _, bufinfo in pairs(buffers) do cb(gen_buffer_entry(opts, bufinfo, false)) end end cb(nil) end -- opts.fzf_opts["--no-multi"] = '' opts.fzf_opts["--preview-window"] = 'hidden:right:0' opts.fzf_opts["--delimiter"] = vim.fn.shellescape('[\\):]') opts.fzf_opts["--with-nth"] = '2..' opts = core.set_fzf_field_index(opts, 3) core.fzf_wrap(opts, contents, function(selected) if not selected then return end actions.act(opts.actions, selected, opts) end)() end return M