local utils = require "fzf-lua.utils" local path = require "fzf-lua.path" local M = {} -- default action map key local _default_action = "default" -- return fzf '--expect=' string from actions keyval tbl M.expect = function(actions) if not actions then return nil end local keys = {} for k, v in pairs(actions) do if k ~= _default_action and v ~= false then table.insert(keys, k) end end if #keys > 0 then return string.format("--expect=%s", table.concat(keys, ',')) end return nil end M.normalize_selected = function(actions, selected) -- 1. If there are no additional actions but the default -- the selected table will contain the selected item(s) -- 2. If multiple actions where defined the first item -- will contain the action keybind string -- -- The below makes separates the keybind from the item(s) -- and makes sure 'selected' contains only items or {} -- so it can always be enumerated safely if not actions or not selected then return end local action = _default_action if utils.tbl_length(actions)>1 then -- keybind should be in item #1 -- default keybind is an empty string -- so we leave that as "default" if #selected[1] > 0 then action = selected[1] end -- entries are items #2+ local entries = {} for i = 2, #selected do table.insert(entries, selected[i]) end return action, entries else return action, selected end end M.act = function(actions, selected, opts) if not actions or not selected then return end local keybind, entries = M.normalize_selected(actions, selected) local action = actions[keybind] if type(action) == 'table' then for _, f in ipairs(action) do f(entries, opts) end elseif type(action) == 'function' then action(entries, opts) elseif type(action) == 'string' then vim.cmd(action) else utils.warn(("unsupported action: '%s', type:%s") :format(action, type(action))) end end M.resume = function(_, _) -- must call via vim.cmd or we create -- circular 'require' -- TODO: is this really a big deal? vim.cmd("lua require'fzf-lua'.resume()") end M.vimcmd = function(vimcmd, selected) for i = 1, #selected do vim.cmd(vimcmd .. " " .. vim.fn.fnameescape(selected[i])) end end M.vimcmd_file = function(vimcmd, selected, opts) local curbuf = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) local is_term = utils.is_term_buffer(0) for i = 1, #selected do local entry = path.entry_to_file(selected[i], opts.cwd, opts.force_uri) entry.ctag = opts._ctag and path.entry_to_ctag(selected[i]) local fullpath = entry.path or entry.uri and entry.uri:match("^%a+://(.*)") if not path.starts_with_separator(fullpath) then fullpath = path.join({opts.cwd or vim.loop.cwd(), fullpath}) end if vimcmd == 'e' and curbuf ~= fullpath and not vim.o.hidden and utils.buffer_is_dirty(nil, true) then -- warn the user when trying to switch from a dirty buffer -- when `:set nohidden` return end -- add current location to jumplist if not is_term then vim.cmd("normal! m`") end -- only change buffer if we need to (issue #122) if vimcmd ~= "e" or curbuf ~= fullpath then if entry.path then -- do not run ': ' for uri entries (#341) vim.cmd(vimcmd .. " " .. vim.fn.fnameescape(entry.path)) elseif vimcmd ~= 'e' then -- uri entries only execute new buffers (new|vnew|tabnew) vim.cmd(vimcmd) end end -- Java LSP entries, 'jdt://...' or LSP locations if entry.uri then vim.lsp.util.jump_to_location(entry, "utf-16") elseif entry.ctag then vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, {1, 0}) vim.fn.search(entry.ctag, "W") elseif entry.line>1 or entry.col>1 then -- make sure we have valid column -- 'nvim-dap' for example sets columns to 0 entry.col = entry.col and entry.col>0 and entry.col or 1 vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, {tonumber(entry.line), tonumber(entry.col)-1}) end if not is_term then vim.cmd("norm! zvzz") end end end -- file actions M.file_edit = function(selected, opts) local vimcmd = "e" M.vimcmd_file(vimcmd, selected, opts) end M.file_split = function(selected, opts) local vimcmd = "new" M.vimcmd_file(vimcmd, selected, opts) end M.file_vsplit = function(selected, opts) local vimcmd = "vnew" M.vimcmd_file(vimcmd, selected, opts) end M.file_tabedit = function(selected, opts) local vimcmd = "tabnew" M.vimcmd_file(vimcmd, selected, opts) end M.file_open_in_background = function(selected, opts) local vimcmd = "badd" M.vimcmd_file(vimcmd, selected, opts) end M.file_sel_to_qf = function(selected, _) local qf_list = {} for i = 1, #selected do local file = path.entry_to_file(selected[i]) local text = selected[i]:match(":%d+:%d?%d?%d?%d?:?(.*)$") table.insert(qf_list, { filename = file.path, lnum = file.line, col = file.col, text = text, }) end vim.fn.setqflist(qf_list) vim.cmd 'copen' end M.file_edit_or_qf = function(selected, opts) if #selected>1 then return M.file_sel_to_qf(selected, opts) else return M.file_edit(selected, opts) end end M.file_switch = function(selected, opts) local bufnr = nil local entry = path.entry_to_file(selected[1]) local fullpath = entry.path if not path.starts_with_separator(fullpath) then fullpath = path.join({opts.cwd or vim.loop.cwd(), fullpath}) end for _, b in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) do local bname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(b) if bname and bname == fullpath then bufnr = b break end end if not bufnr then return false end local is_term = utils.is_term_buffer(0) if not is_term then vim.cmd("normal! m`") end local winid = utils.winid_from_tab_buf(0, bufnr) if winid then vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(winid) end if entry.line>1 or entry.col>1 then vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, {tonumber(entry.line), tonumber(entry.col)-1}) end if not is_term then vim.cmd("norm! zvzz") end return true end M.file_switch_or_edit = function(...) M.file_switch(...) M.file_edit(...) end -- buffer actions M.vimcmd_buf = function(vimcmd, selected, _) local curbuf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() for i = 1, #selected do local bufnr = string.match(selected[i], "%[(%d+)") if bufnr then if vimcmd == 'b' and curbuf ~= tonumber(bufnr) and not vim.o.hidden and utils.buffer_is_dirty(nil, true) then -- warn the user when trying to switch from a dirty buffer -- when `:set nohidden` return end if vimcmd ~= "b" or curbuf ~= tonumber(bufnr) then local cmd = vimcmd .. " " .. bufnr local ok, res = pcall(vim.cmd, cmd) if not ok then utils.warn(("':%s' failed: %s"):format(cmd, res)) end end end end end M.buf_edit = function(selected, opts) local vimcmd = "b" M.vimcmd_buf(vimcmd, selected, opts) end M.buf_split = function(selected, opts) local vimcmd = "split | b" M.vimcmd_buf(vimcmd, selected, opts) end M.buf_vsplit = function(selected, opts) local vimcmd = "vertical split | b" M.vimcmd_buf(vimcmd, selected, opts) end M.buf_tabedit = function(selected, opts) local vimcmd = "tab split | b" M.vimcmd_buf(vimcmd, selected, opts) end M.buf_del = function(selected, opts) local vimcmd = "bd" local bufnrs = vim.tbl_filter(function(line) local b = tonumber(line:match("%[(%d+)")) return not utils.buffer_is_dirty(b, true) end, selected) M.vimcmd_buf(vimcmd, bufnrs, opts) end M.buf_switch = function(selected, _) local tabnr = selected[1]:match("(%d+)%)") if tabnr then vim.cmd("tabn " .. tabnr) else tabnr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_tabpage(0) end local bufnr = tonumber(string.match(selected[1], "%[(%d+)")) if bufnr then local winid = utils.winid_from_tab_buf(tabnr, bufnr) if winid then vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(winid) end end end M.buf_switch_or_edit = function(...) M.buf_switch(...) M.buf_edit(...) end M.colorscheme = function(selected) local colorscheme = selected[1] vim.cmd("colorscheme " .. colorscheme) end M.ensure_insert_mode = function() -- not sure what is causing this, tested with -- 'NVIM v0.6.0-dev+575-g2ef9d2a66' -- vim.cmd("startinsert") doesn't start INSERT mode -- 'mode' returns { blocking = false, mode = "t" } -- manually input 'i' seems to workaround this issue -- **only if fzf term window was succefully opened (#235) -- this is only required after the 'nt' (normal-terminal) -- mode was introduced along with the 'ModeChanged' event -- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/15878 -- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/15840 local has_mode_nt = not vim.tbl_isempty( vim.fn.getcompletion('ModeChanged', 'event')) or vim.fn.has('nvim-0.6') == 1 if has_mode_nt then local mode = vim.api.nvim_get_mode() local wininfo = vim.fn.getwininfo(vim.api.nvim_get_current_win())[1] if vim.bo.ft == 'fzf' and wininfo.terminal == 1 and mode and mode.mode == 't' then vim.cmd[[noautocmd lua vim.api.nvim_feedkeys('i', 'n', true)]] end end end M.run_builtin = function(selected) local method = selected[1] vim.cmd(string.format("lua require'fzf-lua'.%s()", method)) M.ensure_insert_mode() end M.ex_run = function(selected) local cmd = selected[1] vim.cmd("stopinsert") vim.fn.feedkeys(string.format(":%s", cmd), "n") return cmd end M.ex_run_cr = function(selected) local cmd = M.ex_run(selected) utils.feed_keys_termcodes("") vim.fn.histadd("cmd", cmd) end M.search = function(selected) local query = selected[1] vim.cmd("stopinsert") vim.fn.feedkeys(string.format("/%s", query), "n") return query end M.search_cr = function(selected) local query = M.search(selected) utils.feed_keys_termcodes("") vim.fn.histadd("search", query) end M.goto_mark = function(selected) local mark = selected[1] mark = mark:match("[^ ]+") vim.cmd("stopinsert") vim.cmd("normal! '" .. mark) -- vim.fn.feedkeys(string.format("'%s", mark)) end M.goto_jump = function(selected, opts) if opts.jump_using_norm then local jump, _, _, _ = selected[1]:match("(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(.*)") if tonumber(jump) then vim.cmd(("normal! %d"):format(jump)) end else local _, lnum, col, filepath = selected[1]:match("(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(.*)") local ok, res = pcall(vim.fn.expand, filepath) if not ok then filepath = '' else filepath = res end if not filepath or not vim.loop.fs_stat(filepath) then -- no accessible file -- jump is in current filepath = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) end local entry = ("%s:%d:%d:"):format(filepath, tonumber(lnum), tonumber(col)+1) M.file_edit({ entry }, opts) end end M.spell_apply = function(selected) local word = selected[1] vim.cmd("normal! ciw" .. word) vim.cmd("stopinsert") end M.set_filetype = function(selected) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(0, 'filetype', selected[1]) end M.packadd = function(selected) for i = 1, #selected do vim.cmd("packadd " .. selected[i]) end end M.help = function(selected) local vimcmd = "help" M.vimcmd(vimcmd, selected) end M.help_vert = function(selected) local vimcmd = "vert help" M.vimcmd(vimcmd, selected) end M.help_tab = function(selected) local vimcmd = "tab help" M.vimcmd(vimcmd, selected) end M.man = function(selected) local vimcmd = "Man" M.vimcmd(vimcmd, selected) end M.man_vert = function(selected) local vimcmd = "vert Man" M.vimcmd(vimcmd, selected) end M.man_tab = function(selected) local vimcmd = "tab Man" M.vimcmd(vimcmd, selected) end M.git_switch = function(selected, opts) local cmd = path.git_cwd({"git", "checkout"}, opts.cwd) local git_ver = utils.git_version() -- git switch was added with git version 2.23 if git_ver and git_ver >= 2.23 then cmd = path.git_cwd({"git", "switch"}, opts.cwd) end -- remove anything past space local branch = selected[1]:match("[^ ]+") -- do nothing for active branch if branch:find("%*") ~= nil then return end if branch:find("^remotes/") then table.insert(cmd, "--detach") end table.insert(cmd, branch) local output = utils.io_systemlist(cmd) if utils.shell_error() then utils.err(unpack(output)) else utils.info(unpack(output)) vim.cmd("edit!") end end M.git_checkout = function(selected, opts) local cmd_checkout = path.git_cwd({"git", "checkout"}, opts.cwd) local cmd_cur_commit = path.git_cwd({"git", "rev-parse", "--short HEAD"}, opts.cwd) local commit_hash = selected[1]:match("[^ ]+") if vim.fn.input("Checkout commit " .. commit_hash .. "? [y/n] ") == "y" then local current_commit = utils.io_systemlist(cmd_cur_commit) if(commit_hash == current_commit) then return end table.insert(cmd_checkout, commit_hash) local output = utils.io_systemlist(cmd_checkout) if utils.shell_error() then utils.err(unpack(output)) else utils.info(unpack(output)) vim.cmd("edit!") end end end local git_exec = function(selected, opts, cmd) for _, e in ipairs(selected) do local file = path.relative(path.entry_to_file(e, opts.cwd).path, opts.cwd) local _cmd = vim.deepcopy(cmd) table.insert(_cmd, file) local output = utils.io_systemlist(_cmd) if utils.shell_error() then utils.err(unpack(output)) -- elseif not vim.tbl_isempty(output) then -- utils.info(unpack(output)) end end end M.git_stage = function(selected, opts) local cmd = path.git_cwd({"git", "add", "--"}, opts.cwd) git_exec(selected, opts, cmd) end M.git_unstage = function(selected, opts) local cmd = path.git_cwd({"git", "reset", "--"}, opts.cwd) git_exec(selected, opts, cmd) end M.git_buf_edit = function(selected, opts) local cmd = path.git_cwd({"git", "show"}, opts.cwd) local git_root = path.git_root(opts.cwd, true) local win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() local buffer_filetype = vim.bo.filetype local file = path.relative(vim.fn.expand("%:p"), git_root) local commit_hash = selected[1]:match("[^ ]+") table.insert(cmd, commit_hash .. ":" .. file) local git_file_contents = utils.io_systemlist(cmd) local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, true) local file_name = string.gsub(file,"$","[" .. commit_hash .. "]") vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(buf,0,0,true,git_file_contents) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(buf,file_name) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(buf, 'buftype', 'nofile') vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(buf, 'bufhidden', 'wipe') vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(buf, 'filetype', buffer_filetype) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(buf, 'modifiable', false) vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(win, buf) end M.git_buf_tabedit = function(selected, opts) vim.cmd('tab split') M.git_buf_edit(selected, opts) end M.git_buf_split = function(selected, opts) vim.cmd('split') M.git_buf_edit(selected, opts) end M.git_buf_vsplit = function(selected, opts) vim.cmd('vsplit') M.git_buf_edit(selected, opts) end M.arg_add = function(selected, opts) local vimcmd = "argadd" M.vimcmd_file(vimcmd, selected, opts) end M.arg_del = function(selected, opts) local vimcmd = "argdel" M.vimcmd_file(vimcmd, selected, opts) end return M