local path = require "fzf-lua.path" local utils = require "fzf-lua.utils" local libuv = require "fzf-lua.libuv" local config = require "fzf-lua.config" local make_entry = require "fzf-lua.make_entry" local M = {} function M.get_last_search(_) local last_search = config.globals.tags._last_search or {} return last_search.query, last_search.no_esc end function M.set_last_search(_, query, no_esc) config.globals.tags._last_search = { query = query, no_esc = no_esc } if config.__resume_data then config.__resume_data.last_query = query end end local function get_tags_cmd(opts) local query, filter = nil, nil local bin, flags = nil, nil if vim.fn.executable("rg") == 1 then bin, flags = "rg", opts.rg_opts else bin, flags = "grep", opts.grep_opts end -- filename (i.e. btags) takes precedence over -- search query as we can't search for both if opts.filename and #opts.filename>0 then query = libuv.shellescape(opts.filename) elseif opts.search and #opts.search>0 then filter = ('%s -v "^!"'):format(bin) query = libuv.shellescape(opts.no_esc and opts.search or utils.rg_escape(opts.search)) else query = '-v "^!_TAG_"' end return ("%s %s %s %s"):format( bin, flags, query, opts._ctags_file and vim.fn.shellescape(opts._ctags_file) or '' ), filter end local function tags(opts) -- we need this for 'actions.grep_lgrep' opts.__MODULE__ = opts.__MODULE__ or M opts.__module__ = opts.__module__ or 'tags' -- signal actions this is a ctag opts._ctag = true opts.ctags_file = opts.ctags_file and vim.fn.expand(opts.ctags_file) or "tags" opts._ctags_file = opts.ctags_file if not path.starts_with_separator(opts._ctags_file) and opts.cwd then opts._ctags_file = path.join({opts.cwd, opts.ctags_file}) end if not vim.loop.fs_stat(opts._ctags_file) then utils.info(("Tags file ('%s') does not exists. Create one with ctags -R") :format(opts._ctags_file)) return end if opts.line_field_index == nil then -- if caller did not specify the line field index -- grep the first tag with '-m 1' and test for line presence local cmd = get_tags_cmd({ rg_opts = "-m 1", grep_opts = "-m 1", _ctags_file = opts._ctags_file }) local ok, lines, err = pcall(utils.io_systemlist, cmd) if ok and err == 0 and lines and not vim.tbl_isempty(lines) then local tag, line = make_entry.tag(lines[1], opts) if tag and not line then -- tags file does not contain lines -- remove preview offset field index opts.line_field_index = 0 end end end -- prevents 'file|git_icons=false' from overriding processing opts.requires_processing = true if opts.multiprocess then opts.__mt_transform = [[return require("make_entry").tag]] else opts.__mt_transform = make_entry.tag end if opts.lgrep then -- live_grep requested by caller ('tags_live_grep') local _, filter = get_tags_cmd({ search = 'dummy' }) opts.filter = (opts.filter == nil) and filter or opts.filter -- rg globs are meaningless here since we searching -- a single file opts.rg_glob = false opts.filename = opts._ctags_file if opts.multiprocess then return require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.live_grep_mt(opts) else -- 'live_grep_st' uses different signature 'fn_transform' opts.fn_transform = function(x) return make_entry.tag(x, opts) end return require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.live_grep_st(opts) end else -- generate the command and pipe filter if needed -- since we cannot use include and exclude in the -- same grep command we need to use a pipe to filter local cmd, filter = get_tags_cmd(opts) opts.raw_cmd = opts.cmd or cmd opts.filter = (opts.filter == nil) and filter or opts.filter if opts.filter and #opts.filter>0 then opts.raw_cmd = ("%s | %s"):format(opts.raw_cmd, opts.filter) end return require'fzf-lua.providers.grep'.grep(opts) end end M.tags = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.tags) if not opts then return end return tags(opts) end M.btags = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.btags) if not opts then return end opts.filename = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) if not opts.filename or #opts.filename==0 then utils.info("'btags' is not available for unnamed buffers.") return end -- tags use relative paths opts.filename = path.relative(opts.filename, opts.cwd or vim.loop.cwd()) return tags(opts) end M.grep = function(opts) opts = opts or {} if not opts.search and opts.resume then opts.search, opts.no_esc = M.get_last_search(opts) opts.search = opts.search or opts.resume_search_default end if not opts.search then opts.search = utils.input(opts.input_prompt or 'Grep For> ') end return M.tags(opts) end M.live_grep = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.tags) if not opts then return end opts.lgrep = true return tags(opts) end M.grep_cword = function(opts) if not opts then opts = {} end opts.search = vim.fn.expand("") return M.grep(opts) end M.grep_cWORD = function(opts) if not opts then opts = {} end opts.search = vim.fn.expand("") return M.grep(opts) end M.grep_visual = function(opts) if not opts then opts = {} end opts.search = utils.get_visual_selection() return M.grep(opts) end return M