local core = require "fzf-lua.core" local config = require "fzf-lua.config" local make_entry = require "fzf-lua.make_entry" local M = {} M.oldfiles = function(opts) opts = config.normalize_opts(opts, config.globals.oldfiles) if not opts then return end local current_buffer = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local current_file = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(current_buffer) local sess_tbl = {} local sess_map = {} if opts.include_current_session then for _, buffer in ipairs(vim.split(vim.fn.execute(':buffers! t'), "\n")) do local bufnr = tonumber(buffer:match('%s*(%d+)')) if bufnr then local file = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) local fs_stat = not opts.stat_file and true or vim.loop.fs_stat(file) if #file>0 and fs_stat and bufnr ~= current_buffer then sess_map[file] = true table.insert(sess_tbl, file) end end end end local contents = function (cb) local function add_entry(x, co) x = make_entry.file(x, opts) if not x then return end cb(x, function(err) coroutine.resume(co) if err then -- close the pipe to fzf, this -- removes the loading indicator in fzf cb(nil) end end) coroutine.yield() end -- run in a coroutine for async progress indication coroutine.wrap(function() local co = coroutine.running() for _, file in ipairs(sess_tbl) do add_entry(file, co) end -- local start = os.time(); for _ = 1,10000,1 do for _, file in ipairs(vim.v.oldfiles) do local fs_stat = not opts.stat_file and true or vim.loop.fs_stat(file) if fs_stat and file ~= current_file and not sess_map[file] then add_entry(file, co) end end -- end; print("took", os.time()-start, "seconds.") -- done cb(nil) end)() end -- for 'file_ignore_patterns' to work on relative paths opts.cwd = opts.cwd or vim.loop.cwd() opts = core.set_header(opts, opts.headers or {"cwd"}) return core.fzf_exec(contents, opts) end return M