README update

bhagwan 2 years ago
parent f452111888
commit 782b8599fd

@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ Using [vim-plug](
Plug 'ibhagwan/fzf-lua'
" optional for icon support
Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons'
@ -213,6 +214,8 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
local actions = require "fzf-lua.actions"
require'fzf-lua'.setup {
-- fzf_bin = 'sk', -- use skim instead of fzf?
global_resume = true, -- enable global `resume`?
-- can also be sent individually:
-- `<any_function>.({ gl ... })`
@ -224,7 +227,7 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
-- "belowright vnew" : split right
-- "aboveleft vnew : split left
-- Only valid when using a float window
-- (i.e. when 'split' is not defined)
-- (i.e. when 'split' is not defined, default)
height = 0.85, -- window height
width = 0.80, -- window width
row = 0.35, -- window row position (0=top, 1=bottom)
@ -320,9 +323,6 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
["shift-up"] = "preview-page-up",
-- use skim instead of fzf?
-- fzf_bin = 'sk',
fzf_opts = {
-- options are sent as `<left>=<right>`
-- set to `false` to remove a flag
@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
-- fzf '--color=' options (optional)
--[[ fzf_colors = {
["fg"] = { "fg", "CursorLine" },
["bg"] = { "bg", "Normal" },
["hl"] = { "fg", "Comment" },
["fg+"] = { "fg", "Normal" },
["bg+"] = { "bg", "CursorLine" },
["hl+"] = { "fg", "Statement" },
["info"] = { "fg", "PreProc" },
["prompt"] = { "fg", "Conditional" },
["pointer"] = { "fg", "Exception" },
["marker"] = { "fg", "Keyword" },
["spinner"] = { "fg", "Label" },
["header"] = { "fg", "Comment" },
["gutter"] = { "bg", "Normal" },
["fg"] = { "fg", "CursorLine" },
["bg"] = { "bg", "Normal" },
["hl"] = { "fg", "Comment" },
["fg+"] = { "fg", "Normal" },
["bg+"] = { "bg", "CursorLine" },
["hl+"] = { "fg", "Statement" },
["info"] = { "fg", "PreProc" },
["prompt"] = { "fg", "Conditional" },
["pointer"] = { "fg", "Exception" },
["marker"] = { "fg", "Keyword" },
["spinner"] = { "fg", "Label" },
["header"] = { "fg", "Comment" },
["gutter"] = { "bg", "Normal" },
}, ]]
previewers = {
cat = {
@ -382,7 +382,9 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
-- provider setup
files = {
-- previewer = "cat", -- uncomment to override previewer
-- previewer = "bat", -- uncomment to override previewer
-- (name from 'previewers' table)
-- set to 'false' to disable
prompt = 'Files ',
multiprocess = true, -- run command in a separate process
git_icons = true, -- show git icons?
@ -400,7 +402,7 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
-- set bind to 'false' to disable an action
-- default action opens a single selection
-- or sends multiple selection to quickfix
-- replace the default aciton with the below
-- replace the default action with the below
-- to open all files whether single or multiple
-- ["default"] = actions.file_edit,
["default"] = actions.file_edit_or_qf,
@ -471,9 +473,9 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
["A"] = { icon = "A", color = "green" },
["?"] = { icon = "?", color = "magenta" },
-- override git icons?
-- ["M"] = { icon = "★", color = "red" },
-- ["D"] = { icon = "✗", color = "red" },
-- ["A"] = { icon = "+", color = "green" },
-- ["M"] = { icon = "★", color = "red" },
-- ["D"] = { icon = "✗", color = "red" },
-- ["A"] = { icon = "+", color = "green" },
grep = {
@ -496,17 +498,14 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
args = {
prompt = 'Args ',
files_only = true,
actions = {
-- added on top of regular file actions
["ctrl-x"] = actions.arg_del,
-- added on top of regular file actions
actions = { ["ctrl-x"] = actions.arg_del }
oldfiles = {
prompt = 'History ',
cwd_only = false,
buffers = {
-- previewer = false, -- disable the builtin previewer?
prompt = 'Buffers ',
file_icons = true, -- show file icons?
color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons
@ -563,14 +562,8 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
colorschemes = {
prompt = 'Colorschemes ',
live_preview = true, -- apply the colorscheme on preview?
actions = {
["default"] = actions.colorscheme,
["ctrl-y"] = function(selected) print(selected[1]) end,
winopts = {
height = 0.55,
width = 0.30,
actions = { ["default"] = actions.colorscheme, },
winopts = { height = 0.55, width = 0.30, },
post_reset_cb = function()
-- reset statusline highlights after
-- a live_preview of the colorscheme
@ -578,13 +571,11 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
quickfix = {
-- cwd = vim.loop.cwd(),
file_icons = true,
git_icons = true,
lsp = {
prompt = ' ',
-- cwd = vim.loop.cwd(),
cwd_only = false, -- LSP/diagnostics for cwd only?
async_or_timeout = 5000, -- timeout(ms) or 'true' for async calls
file_icons = true,
@ -599,7 +590,7 @@ require'fzf-lua'.setup {
-- uncomment to disable the previewer
-- nvim = { marks = { previewer = { _ctor = false } } },
-- nvim = { marks = { previewer = { _ctor = false } } },
-- helptags = { previewer = { _ctor = false } },
-- manpages = { previewer = { _ctor = false } },
-- uncomment to set dummy win location (help|man bar)

@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ Using vim-plug <>
Plug 'ibhagwan/fzf-lua'
" optional for icon support
Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons'
Using packer.nvim <>
@ -251,6 +252,8 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
local actions = require "fzf-lua.actions"
require'fzf-lua'.setup {
-- fzf_bin = 'sk', -- use skim instead of fzf?
global_resume = true, -- enable global `resume`?
-- can also be sent individually:
-- `<any_function>.({ gl ... })`
@ -262,7 +265,7 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
-- "belowright vnew" : split right
-- "aboveleft vnew : split left
-- Only valid when using a float window
-- (i.e. when 'split' is not defined)
-- (i.e. when 'split' is not defined, default)
height = 0.85, -- window height
width = 0.80, -- window width
row = 0.35, -- window row position (0=top, 1=bottom)
@ -358,9 +361,6 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
["shift-up"] = "preview-page-up",
-- use skim instead of fzf?
-- fzf_bin = 'sk',
fzf_opts = {
-- options are sent as `<left>=<right>`
-- set to `false` to remove a flag
@ -374,19 +374,19 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
-- fzf '--color=' options (optional)
--[[ fzf_colors = {
["fg"] = { "fg", "CursorLine" },
["bg"] = { "bg", "Normal" },
["hl"] = { "fg", "Comment" },
["fg+"] = { "fg", "Normal" },
["bg+"] = { "bg", "CursorLine" },
["hl+"] = { "fg", "Statement" },
["info"] = { "fg", "PreProc" },
["prompt"] = { "fg", "Conditional" },
["pointer"] = { "fg", "Exception" },
["marker"] = { "fg", "Keyword" },
["spinner"] = { "fg", "Label" },
["header"] = { "fg", "Comment" },
["gutter"] = { "bg", "Normal" },
["fg"] = { "fg", "CursorLine" },
["bg"] = { "bg", "Normal" },
["hl"] = { "fg", "Comment" },
["fg+"] = { "fg", "Normal" },
["bg+"] = { "bg", "CursorLine" },
["hl+"] = { "fg", "Statement" },
["info"] = { "fg", "PreProc" },
["prompt"] = { "fg", "Conditional" },
["pointer"] = { "fg", "Exception" },
["marker"] = { "fg", "Keyword" },
["spinner"] = { "fg", "Label" },
["header"] = { "fg", "Comment" },
["gutter"] = { "bg", "Normal" },
}, ]]
previewers = {
cat = {
@ -420,7 +420,9 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
-- provider setup
files = {
-- previewer = "cat", -- uncomment to override previewer
-- previewer = "bat", -- uncomment to override previewer
-- (name from 'previewers' table)
-- set to 'false' to disable
prompt = 'Files ',
multiprocess = true, -- run command in a separate process
git_icons = true, -- show git icons?
@ -438,7 +440,7 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
-- set bind to 'false' to disable an action
-- default action opens a single selection
-- or sends multiple selection to quickfix
-- replace the default aciton with the below
-- replace the default action with the below
-- to open all files whether single or multiple
-- ["default"] = actions.file_edit,
["default"] = actions.file_edit_or_qf,
@ -509,9 +511,9 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
["A"] = { icon = "A", color = "green" },
["?"] = { icon = "?", color = "magenta" },
-- override git icons?
-- ["M"] = { icon = "★", color = "red" },
-- ["D"] = { icon = "✗", color = "red" },
-- ["A"] = { icon = "+", color = "green" },
-- ["M"] = { icon = "★", color = "red" },
-- ["D"] = { icon = "✗", color = "red" },
-- ["A"] = { icon = "+", color = "green" },
grep = {
@ -534,17 +536,14 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
args = {
prompt = 'Args ',
files_only = true,
actions = {
-- added on top of regular file actions
["ctrl-x"] = actions.arg_del,
-- added on top of regular file actions
actions = { ["ctrl-x"] = actions.arg_del }
oldfiles = {
prompt = 'History ',
cwd_only = false,
buffers = {
-- previewer = false, -- disable the builtin previewer?
prompt = 'Buffers ',
file_icons = true, -- show file icons?
color_icons = true, -- colorize file|git icons
@ -601,14 +600,8 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
colorschemes = {
prompt = 'Colorschemes ',
live_preview = true, -- apply the colorscheme on preview?
actions = {
["default"] = actions.colorscheme,
["ctrl-y"] = function(selected) print(selected[1]) end,
winopts = {
height = 0.55,
width = 0.30,
actions = { ["default"] = actions.colorscheme, },
winopts = { height = 0.55, width = 0.30, },
post_reset_cb = function()
-- reset statusline highlights after
-- a live_preview of the colorscheme
@ -616,13 +609,11 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
quickfix = {
-- cwd = vim.loop.cwd(),
file_icons = true,
git_icons = true,
lsp = {
prompt = ' ',
-- cwd = vim.loop.cwd(),
cwd_only = false, -- LSP/diagnostics for cwd only?
async_or_timeout = 5000, -- timeout(ms) or 'true' for async calls
file_icons = true,
@ -637,7 +628,7 @@ Consult the list below for available settings:
-- uncomment to disable the previewer
-- nvim = { marks = { previewer = { _ctor = false } } },
-- nvim = { marks = { previewer = { _ctor = false } } },
-- helptags = { previewer = { _ctor = false } },
-- manpages = { previewer = { _ctor = false } },
-- uncomment to set dummy win location (help|man bar)
