unicode separator set to U+2002 (should solve #189)

bhagwan 3 years ago
parent 9a6a8a2833
commit 35a2302b73

@ -8,21 +8,36 @@ end
local M = {}
-- invisible unicode char (A0) + zero-width space (200B)
-- as our separator sequence, creates invisible spaces
-- without interfering with filenames that contain A0
-- zero-width space did not work for 'fzf' (only 'sk')
-- Word joiner (U+2060) works well for both 'fzf' and 'sk'
-- but causes the fuzzy search to get messed up, can use
-- Line Separator (U+2028) or Paragraph Separator (U+2029)
-- DO NOT USE '\u{}' sequences as it throws
-- "invalid escape sequence" in older lua versions
-- M.nbsp = "\u{00a0}\u{200b}"
-- M.nbsp = "\u{00a0}\u{2060}"
-- M.nbsp = "\u{2029}"
-- M.nbsp = " "
-- M.nbsp = " "
M.nbsp = " "
-- sets an invisible unicode character as icon seaprator
-- the below was reached after many iterations, a short summary of everything
-- that was tried and why it failed:
-- nbsp, U+00a0: the original separator, fails with files that contain nbsp
-- nbsp + zero-width space (U+200b): works only with `sk` (`fzf` shows <200b>)
-- word joiner (U+2060): display works fine, messes up fuzzy search highlights
-- line separator (U+2028), paragraph separator (U+2029): created extra space
-- EN space (U+2002): seems to work well
-- For more unicode SPACE options see:
-- http://unicode-search.net/unicode-namesearch.pl?term=SPACE&.submit=Search
-- DO NOT USE '\u{}' escape, it will fail with
-- "invalid escape sequence" if Lua < 5.3
-- '\x' escape sequence requires Lua 5.2
-- M.nbsp = "\xc2\xa0" -- "\u{00a0}"
M.nbsp = "\xe2\x80\x82" -- "\u{2002}"
-- Lua 5.1 compatibility, not sure if required since we're running LuaJIT
-- but it's harmless anyways since if the '\x' escape worked it will do nothing
-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29966782/how-to-embed-hex-values-in-a-lua-string-literal-i-e-x-equivalent
if _VERSION and type(_VERSION) == 'string' then
local ver= tonumber(_VERSION:match("%d+.%d+"))
if ver< 5.2 then
M.nbsp = M.nbsp:gsub("\\x(%x%x)",
function (x) return string.char(tonumber(x,16))
M._if = function(bool, a, b)
if bool then
