diff --git a/docs.md b/docs.md index 5148c4d..a917f47 100644 --- a/docs.md +++ b/docs.md @@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ Create _.fxrc_ file in `$HOME` directory, and require any packages or define glo For example, access all lodash methods without `_` prefix. Put in your `.fxrc` file: ```js -Object.assign(global, require('lodash')) +Object.assign(global, require('lodash/fp')) ``` And now you will be able to call all lodash methods. For example, see who's been committing to react recently: ``` curl 'https://api.github.com/repos/facebook/react/commits?per_page=100' \ -| fx 'mapValues(groupBy(this, "commit.committer.name"), size)' +| fx 'groupBy("commit.author.name")' 'mapValues(size)' toPairs 'sortBy(1)' reverse 'take(10)' fromPairs ``` > To be able require global modules make sure you have correct `NODE_PATH` env variable.