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Let your buttons fly

It's a plugin that make it possible for any button to float on it's parent div


  1. Include jQuery and jQueryui

  2. Include stylesheet and js files

    <link href="css/bootstrap-magic-button.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="jquery.hoverIntent.js"></script>
    <script src="bootstrap-magic-button.js"></script>
  3. Include class="magicBtn" and data-image="path/to/image.png" to your buttons

  4. Start using :
  5. It is preferable to add your own class to group of magic buttons, use that class to customize groups of magic buttons

    <button class="magicBtn myClass" ... /> 


Simple button

This is the most basic magic button, the default behavior is to stick on the right side of div which is containing magic buttons


<div class="well span3">
  <p>This is the most basic magic button, ...</p>

  <button class="magicBtn" data-image="img/msg.png"/>

Toggle effect

Add a toggle effect using the data-toggle="magicBtn"

<button class="magicBtn" data-image="img/msg.png" data-toggle="magicBtn"/>

Toggle image

Usedata-toggle-image to customize toggle image

<button class="magicBtn" data-image="img/pin-off.png" data-toggle="magicBtn" data-toggle-image="img/pin-on.png"/>

Hover effect

You can enable a hover effect over your buttons

jquery.hoverIntent is used in replacement of jQuery builtin hover

<button class="magicBtn hover" data-image="img/pin-off.png" data-toggle="magicBtn" data-toggle-image="img/pin-on.png"/>
$('.hover').magicBtn({hover: true});

How about bootstrap icons ?

Just put the icons inside the button

<button class="magicBtn icon"><i class="icon-search"></i></button>
<button class="magicBtn icon"><i class="icon-user"></i></button>
$('.icon').magicBtn({hover: true, alignement: 'top'});



Shows the buttons found by selector


Hides the buttons found by selector


Activates toggle state

You can enable auto toggling of a button by using data-toggle attribute


Name type default description
alignement string center start showing buttons from center, 1 in middle, even on ones top and odd ones on bottom
betweenSpace integer 2 space between buttons
hover boolean false Enables hover effect