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// content-scripts/inject.js
// this file is run from the content script context (separate JS VM from the app, but same DOM)
// but injects an 'instrumentation' script tag into the app context
// confusing, right?
var instument = function instument (window) {
// Helper to determine if the root 'ng' module has been loaded
// window.angular may be available if the app is bootstrapped asynchronously, but 'ng' might
// finish loading later.
var ngLoaded = function () {
if (!window.angular) {
return false;
try {
catch (e) {
return false;
return true;
if (!ngLoaded()) {
// TODO: var name
function areWeThereYet (ev) {
if (ev.srcElement.tagName === 'SCRIPT') {
var oldOnload = ev.srcElement.onload;
ev.srcElement.onload = function () {
if (ngLoaded()) {
document.removeEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', areWeThereYet);
if (oldOnload) {
oldOnload.apply(this, arguments);
document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', areWeThereYet);
// do not patch twice
if (window.__ngDebug) {
// Helpers
// =======
var throttle = require('./lib/throttle.js');
var summarizeObject = require('./lib/summarizeObject.js');
var niceNames = require('./lib/niceNames.js');
// helper to extract dependencies from function arguments
// not all versions of AngularJS expose annotate
var annotate = angular.injector().annotate || require('./lib/annotate.js');
// polyfill for on older webkit
if (! { = performance.webkitNow;
// Send notifications from app context to devtools context
// in order to do this, we need to create a DOM element across which
// the app and content script contexts can communicate
var eventProxyElement = document.createElement('div'); = '__ngDebugElement'; = 'none';
var customEvent = document.createEvent('Event');
customEvent.initEvent('myCustomEvent', true, true);
var fireCustomEvent = function (data) {
data.appId = instrumentedAppId;
eventProxyElement.innerText = JSON.stringify(data);
// given a scope object, return an object with deep clones
// of the models exposed on that scope
var getScopeLocals = function (scope) {
var scopeLocals = {}, prop;
for (prop in scope) {
if (scope.hasOwnProperty(prop) && prop !== 'this' && prop[0] !== '$') {
scopeLocals[prop] = decycle(scope[prop]);
return scopeLocals;
// Private state
// =============
//var bootstrap = window.angular.bootstrap;
var debug = {
// map of scopes --> watcher function name strings
watchers: {},
// maps of watch/apply exp/fns to perf data
watchPerf: {},
applyPerf: {},
// map of scope.$ids --> $scope objects
scopes: {},
// whether or not to emit profile data
profiling: false,
// map of $ids --> [] array of things being watched
modelWatchers: {},
// map of $id + watcher --> value
modelWatchersState: {},
// map of $ids --> refs to $rootScope objects
rootScopes: {},
deps: []
var instrumentedAppId = + '~' + + '~' + Math.random();
// Utils
// =====
var getScopeTree = function (id) {
var names = niceNames();
var traverse = function (sc) {
var tree = {
id: sc.$id,
name: names[sc.$id],
watchers: debug.watchers[sc.$id],
children: []
var child = sc.$$childHead;
if (child) {
do {
} while (child !== sc.$$childTail && (child = child.$$nextSibling));
return tree;
var root = debug.rootScopes[id];
var tree = traverse(root);
return tree;
var getWatchPerf = function () {
var changes = [];
angular.forEach(debug.watchPerf, function (info, name) {
if (info.time > 0) {
name: name,
time: info.time
info.time = 0;
return changes;
// Emit stuff
// ==========
var emit = {
modelChange: throttle(function (id, watchers) {
var scope = debug.scopes[id];
var changes = {};
watchers = watchers || debug.modelWatchers[id];
if (scope && debug.modelWatchers[id]) {
forEach(function (watcher) {
var newValue = api.getModel(id, watcher),
newString = JSON.stringify(newValue),
prop = id + '~' + watcher;
if (debug.modelWatchersState[prop] !== newString) {
changes[watcher] = newValue;
debug.modelWatchersState[prop] = newString;
if (Object.keys(changes).length > 0) {
action: 'modelChange',
id: id,
changes: changes
}, 50),
scopeChange: throttle(function (id) {
action: 'scopeChange',
id: id,
scope: getScopeTree(id)
}, 50),
scopeDeleted: function (id) {
action: 'scopeDeleted',
id: id
watcherChange: throttle(function (id) {
if (debug.modelWatchers[id]) {
action: 'watcherChange',
id: id,
watchers: debug.watchers[id]
}, 50),
watchPerfChange: throttle(function (str) {
if (debug.profiling) {
action: 'watchPerfChange',
watcher: str,
value: debug.watchPerf[str]
}, 50),
applyPerfChange: throttle(function (str) {
if (debug.profiling) {
action: 'applyPerfChange',
watcher: str,
value: debug.applyPerf[str]
}, 50),
// might be worth limiting
watchPerf: function () {
throw new Error('Implement me :c');
// Public API
// ==========
var api = window.__ngDebug = {
profiling: function (setting) {
debug.profiling = setting;
getDeps: function () {
return debug.deps;
getRootScopeIds: function () {
return Object.keys(debug.rootScopes);
getAppId: function () {
return instrumentedAppId;
fireCustomEvent : fireCustomEvent,
niceNames : niceNames,
getModel : summarizeObject,
setSomeModel: function (id, path, value) {
debug.scope[id].$apply(path + '=' + JSON.stringify(value));
watchModel: function (id, path) {
debug.modelWatchers[id] = debug.modelWatchers[id] || {};
debug.modelWatchers[id][path || ''] = true;
if (!path || path === '') {
debug.modelWatchersState = {};
// unwatches all children of the given path
// Ex:
// if watching '', '', and 'foo'
// unwatchModel('001', '')
// unwatches '' and ''
unwatchModel: function (id, path) {
if (!debug.modelWatchers[id]) {
if (path === undefined) {
path = '';
Object.keys(modelWatchers[id]).forEach(function (key) {
if (key.substr(0, path.length) === path) {
delete debug.modelWatchers[id][key];
var recordDependencies = function (providerName, dependencies) {
name: providerName,
imports: dependencies
// inject into the application context from the content script context
var inject = function () {
var script = window.document.createElement('script');
script.innerHTML = '(' + instument.toString() + '(window))';
// handle forwarding the events sent from the app context to the
// background page context
var eventProxyElement = document.getElementById('__ngDebugElement');
if (eventProxyElement) {
eventProxyElement.addEventListener('myCustomEvent', function () {
var eventData = JSON.parse(eventProxyElement.innerText);
document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', inject);
// only inject if cookie is set
if (document.cookie.indexOf('__ngDebug=true') != -1) {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', inject);