var ng = angular.module('ng'); ng.config(function ($provide) { // methods to patch // $provide.provider var temp = $provide.provider; $provide.provider = function (name, definition) { if (!definition) { angular.forEach(name, function (definition, name) { var tempGet = definition.$get; definition.$get = function () { recordDependencies(name, annotate(tempGet)); return tempGet.apply(this, arguments); }; }); } else if (definition instanceof Array) { // it is a constructor with array syntax var tempConstructor = definition[definition.length - 1]; definition[definition.length - 1] = function () { recordDependencies(name, annotate(tempConstructor)); return tempConstructor.apply(this, arguments); }; } else if (definition.$get instanceof Array) { // it should have a $get var tempGet = definition.$get[definition.$get.length - 1]; definition.$get[definition.$get.length - 1] = function () { recordDependencies(name, annotate(tempGet)); return tempGet.apply(this, arguments); }; } else if (typeof definition === 'object') { // it should have a $get var tempGet = definition.$get; // preserve original annotations definition.$get = annotate(definition.$get); definition.$get.push(function () { recordDependencies(name, annotate(tempGet)); return tempGet.apply(this, arguments); }); } else { recordDependencies(name, annotate(definition)); } return temp.apply(this, arguments); }; // $provide.(factory|service) [ 'factory', 'service' ].forEach(function (met) { var temp = $provide[met]; $provide[met] = function (name, definition) { if (typeof name === 'object') { angular.forEach(name, function (value, key) { var isArray = value instanceof Array; var originalValue = isArray ? value[value.length - 1] : value; var newValue = function () { recordDependencies(key, annotate(originalValue)); return originalValue.apply(this, arguments); }; if (isArray) { value[value.length - 1] = newValue; } else { name[value] = newValue; } }); } else { recordDependencies(name, annotate(definition)); } return temp.apply(this, arguments); }; }); $provide.decorator('$rootScope', function ($delegate) { var watchFnToHumanReadableString = function (fn) { if (fn.exp) { return fn.exp.trim(); } if ( { return; } return fn.toString(); }; var applyFnToLogString = function (fn) { var str; if (fn) { if ( { str =; } else if (fn.toString().split('\n').length > 1) { str = 'fn () { ' + fn.toString().split('\n')[1].trim() + ' /* ... */ }'; } else { str = fn.toString().trim().substr(0, 30) + '...'; } } else { str = '$apply'; } return str; }; // patch registering watchers // ========================== var _watch = $delegate.__proto__.$watch; $delegate.__proto__.$watch = function (watchExpression, applyFunction) { var thatScope = this; var watchStr = watchFnToHumanReadableString(watchExpression); if (!debug.watchPerf[watchStr]) { debug.watchPerf[watchStr] = { time: 0, calls: 0 }; } if (!debug.watchers[thatScope.$id]) { debug.watchers[thatScope.$id] = []; } debug.watchers[thatScope.$id].push(watchStr); emit.watcherChange(thatScope.$id); // patch watchExpression // --------------------- var w = watchExpression; if (typeof w === 'function') { watchExpression = function () { var start =; var ret = w.apply(this, arguments); var end =; debug.watchPerf[watchStr].time += (end - start); debug.watchPerf[watchStr].calls += 1; emit.watchPerfChange(watchStr); return ret; }; } else { watchExpression = function () { var start =; var ret = thatScope.$eval(w); var end =; debug.watchPerf[watchStr].time += (end - start); debug.watchPerf[watchStr].calls += 1; emit.watchPerfChange(watchStr); return ret; }; } // patch applyFunction // ------------------- if (typeof applyFunction === 'function') { var applyStr = applyFunction.toString(); var unpatchedApplyFunction = applyFunction; applyFunction = function () { var start =; var ret = unpatchedApplyFunction.apply(this, arguments); var end =; //TODO: move these checks out of here and into registering the watcher if (!debug.applyPerf[applyStr]) { debug.applyPerf[applyStr] = { time: 0, calls: 0 }; } debug.applyPerf[applyStr].time += (end - start); debug.applyPerf[applyStr].calls += 1; emit.applyPerfChange(applyStr); return ret; }; } return _watch.apply(this, arguments); }; // patch $destroy // -------------- var _destroy = $delegate.__proto__.$destroy; $delegate.__proto__.$destroy = function () { [ 'watchers', 'scopes' ].forEach(function (prop) { if (debug[prop][this.$id]) { delete debug[prop][this.$id]; } }, this); emit.scopeDeleted(this.$id); return _destroy.apply(this, arguments); }; // patch $new // ---------- var _new = $delegate.__proto__.$new; $delegate.__proto__.$new = function () { var ret = _new.apply(this, arguments); if (ret.$root) { debug.rootScopes[ret.$root.$id] = ret.$root; emit.scopeChange(ret.$root.$id); } // create empty watchers array for this scope if (!debug.watchers[ret.$id]) { debug.watchers[ret.$id] = []; } debug.scopes[ret.$id] = ret; debug.scopes[this.$id] = this; return ret; }; // patch $digest // ------------- var _digest = $delegate.__proto__.$digest; $delegate.__proto__.$digest = function (fn) { var ret = _digest.apply(this, arguments); emit.modelChange(this.$id); return ret; }; // patch $apply // ------------ var _apply = $delegate.__proto__.$apply; $delegate.__proto__.$apply = function (fn) { var start =; var ret = _apply.apply(this, arguments); var end =; // If the debugging option is enabled, log to console // -------------------------------------------------- if (debug.log) { console.log(applyFnToLogString(fn) + '\t\t' + (end - start).toPrecision(4) + 'ms'); } return ret; }; return $delegate; }); });