describe('hintService', function() { var hintService; beforeEach(module('ngHintUI')); beforeEach(inject(function(_hintService_) { hintService = _hintService_; })); var messageFunction = { addListener: jasmine.createSpy('messageFunction') } var postMessageFunction = jasmine.createSpy('postMessageFunction'); var onDisconnectFunction = { addListener: jasmine.createSpy('onDisconnect') } chrome = { extension: { connect: function() { return { onMessage: messageFunction, postMessage: postMessageFunction, onDisconnect: onDisconnectFunction }; } }, devtools: { inspectedWindow: { tabId: 1 } } }; it('should set the function to be executed for each hint', function() { var onHintFunction = function() { console.log('Do this when passed a hint.'); }; hintService.setHintFunction(onHintFunction); expect(hintService.getHintFunction()).toEqual(onHintFunction); }); });