console.log("LOADING BATARANG BACKGROUND.JS"); // scopes need to be cached here so that if the devtools connects, // the list of scopes can be immediately populated // TODO: clear this on refresh ? // appId --> { scopeName --> (key, value...) } var scopeCache = {}; var scopeCacheEmpty = function () { return Object.keys(scopeCache).length; }; // messages to be forwarded from content script to the devtools var toForward = [ 'modelChange', 'scopeChange', 'scopeDeleted', 'watcherChange', 'watchPerfChange', 'applyPerfChange' ]; chrome.extension.onConnect.addListener(function (port) { port.onMessage.addListener(function (msg) { // [devtools] --> [background] // notify of page refreshes if (msg.action === 'register') { chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(respond); port.onDisconnect.addListener(function () { chrome.tabs.onUpdated.removeListener(respond); }); function respond (tabId, changeInfo, tab) { if (tabId === msg.inspectedTabId) { port.postMessage('refresh'); // [background] --> [devtools] delete scopeCache[msg.appId]; // clear cache } } if (!scopeCache[msg.appId]) { scopeCache[msg.appId] = {}; } // immediately populate the scopes tree from the cache Object.keys(scopeCache[msg.appId]).forEach(function (scopeId) { port.postMessage({ // [background] --> [devtools] action: 'scopeChange', scope: scopeCache[msg.appId][scopeId], scopeId: scopeId }); }); } }); // [content script] --> [background] --> [devtools] chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function (msg) { if (toForward.indexOf(msg.action) !== -1) { port.postMessage(msg); } }); }); chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function (msg, sender) { if (msg.action === 'scopeChange') { scopeCache[msg.appId] = scopeCache[msg.appId] || {}; scopeCache[msg.appId][] = msg.scope; } });