// Service for doing stuff in the context of the application being debugged panelApp.factory('appContext', function(chromeExtension) { // Private vars // ============ var _debugCache = {}, _pollListeners = [], _pollInterval = 500; // TODO: make this private and have it automatically poll? var getDebugData = function (callback) { chromeExtension.eval(function (window) { // Detect whether or not this is an AngularJS app if (!window.angular) { return false; } // cycle.js // 2011-08-24 // https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js/blob/master/cycle.js // Make a deep copy of an object or array, assuring that there is at most // one instance of each object or array in the resulting structure. The // duplicate references (which might be forming cycles) are replaced with // an object of the form // {$ref: PATH} // where the PATH is a JSONPath string that locates the first occurance. var decycle = function decycle(object) { var objects = [], // Keep a reference to each unique object or array paths = []; // Keep the path to each unique object or array return (function derez(value, path) { var i, // The loop counter name, // Property name nu; // The new object or array switch (typeof value) { case 'object': if (!value) { return null; } for (i = 0; i < objects.length; i += 1) { if (objects[i] === value) { return {$ref: paths[i]}; } } objects.push(value); paths.push(path); if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') { nu = []; for (i = 0; i < value.length; i += 1) { nu[i] = derez(value[i], path + '[' + i + ']'); } } else { nu = {}; for (name in value) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, name)) { nu[name] = derez(value[name], path + '[' + JSON.stringify(name) + ']'); } } } return nu; case 'number': case 'string': case 'boolean': return value; } }(object, '$')); }; var rootIds = []; var rootScopes = []; var elts = window.document.getElementsByClassName('ng-scope'); var i; for (i = 0; i < elts.length; i++) { (function (elt) { var $scope = window.angular.element(elt).scope(); while ($scope.$parent) { $scope = $scope.$parent; } if ($scope === $scope.$root && rootScopes.indexOf($scope) === -1) { rootScopes.push($scope); rootIds.push($scope.$id); } }(elts[i])); } var getScopeTree = function (scope) { var tree = {}; var getScopeNode = function (scope, node) { // copy scope's locals node.locals = {}; for (var i in scope) { if (i[0] !== '$' && scope.hasOwnProperty(i) && i !== 'this') { if (typeof scope[i] === 'number' || typeof scope[i] === 'boolean') { node.locals[i] = scope[i]; } else if (typeof scope[i] === 'string') { node.locals[i] = '"' + scope[i] + '"'; } else { node.locals[i] = JSON.stringify(decycle(scope[i])); } } } node.id = scope.$id; if (window.__ngDebug) { node.watchers = __ngDebug.watchers[scope.$id]; } // recursively get children scopes node.children = []; var child; if (scope.$$childHead) { child = scope.$$childHead; do { getScopeNode(child, node.children[node.children.length] = {}); } while (child = child.$$nextSibling); } }; getScopeNode(scope, tree); return tree; }; var trees = {}; rootScopes.forEach(function (root) { trees[root.$id] = getScopeTree(root); }); // get histogram data var histogram = [], timeline; // performance if (window.__ngDebug) { (function (info) { for (exp in info) { if (info.hasOwnProperty(exp)) { histogram.push({ name: exp, time: info[exp].time, calls: info[exp].calls }); } } }(window.__ngDebug.watchExp)); timeline = __ngDebug.timeline; } return { roots: rootIds, trees: trees, histogram: histogram, timeline: timeline }; }, function (data) { _debugCache = data; _pollListeners.forEach(function (fn) { fn(); }); // poll every 500 ms setTimeout(getDebugData, _pollInterval); }); }; getDebugData(); // Public API // ========== return { executeOnScope: function(scopeId, fn, args, cb) { if (typeof args === 'function') { cb = args; args = {}; } else if (!args) { args = {}; } args.scopeId = scopeId; args.fn = fn.toString(); chromeExtension.eval("function (window, args) {" + "var elts = window.document.getElementsByClassName('ng-scope'), i;" + "for (i = 0; i < elts.length; i++) {" + "(function (elt) {" + "var $scope = window.angular.element(elt).scope();" + "if ($scope.$id === args.scopeId) {" + "(" + args.fn + "($scope, elt, args));" + "}" + "}(elts[i]));" + "}" + "}", args, cb); }, // Getters // ------- getTimeline: function () { return _debugCache.timeline; }, getHistogram: function () { return _debugCache.histogram; }, getListOfRoots: function () { return _debugCache.roots; }, getModelTrees: function () { return _debugCache.trees; }, // Actions // ------- clearTimeline: function (cb) { chromeExtension.eval(function (window) { window.__ngDebug.timeline = []; }, cb); }, clearHistogram: function (cb) { chromeExtension.eval(function (window) { window.__ngDebug.watchExp = {}; }, cb); }, refresh: function (cb) { chromeExtension.eval(function (window) { window.document.location.reload(); }, cb); }, inspect: function (scopeId) { this.executeOnScope(scopeId, function (scope, elt) { inspect(elt); }); }, // Settings // -------- // takes a bool setDebug: function (setting) { if (setting) { chromeExtension.eval(function (window) { window.document.cookie = '__ngDebug=true;' window.document.location.reload(); }); } else { chromeExtension.eval(function (window) { window.document.cookie = '__ngDebug=false;' window.document.location.reload(); }); } }, getDebug: function (cb) { chromeExtension.eval(function (window) { return document.cookie.indexOf('__ngDebug=true') != -1; }, cb); }, // takes a bool setLog: function (setting) { chromeExtension.eval('function (window) {' + 'window.__ngDebug.log = ' + setting.toString() + ';' + '}'); }, // takes # of miliseconds setPollInterval: function (setting) { _pollInterval = setting; }, // Registering events // ------------------ // TODO: depreciate this; only poll from now on? // TODO: move to chromeExtension? watchRefresh: function (cb) { var port = chrome.extension.connect(); port.postMessage({ action: 'register', inspectedTabId: chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId }); port.onMessage.addListener(function(msg) { if (msg === 'refresh') { cb(); } }); port.onDisconnect.addListener(function (a) { console.log(a); }); }, watchPoll: function (fn) { _pollListeners.push(fn); } }; });