var panels = chrome.devtools.panels; // The function below is executed in the context of the inspected page. var getPanelContents = function () { if (window.angular && $0) { //TODO: can we move this scope export into updateElementProperties var scope = window.angular.element($0).scope(); // Export $scope to the console window.$scope = scope; return (function (scope) { var panelContents = { __private__: {} }; for (prop in scope) { if (scope.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (prop.substr(0, 2) === '$$') { panelContents.__private__[prop] = scope[prop]; } else { panelContents[prop] = scope[prop]; } } } return panelContents; }(scope)); } else { return {}; } }; panels.elements.createSidebarPane( "AngularJS Properties", function (sidebar) { panels.elements.onSelectionChanged.addListener(function updateElementProperties() { sidebar.setExpression("(" + getPanelContents.toString() + ")()"); }); }); // Angular panel var angularPanel = panels.create( "AngularJS", "devtools-panel/img/angular.png", "devtools-panel/panel.html" );