var inject = function () { document.head.appendChild((function () { var fn = function bootstrap (window) { var angular = window.angular; // Helper to determine if the root 'ng' module has been loaded // window.angular may be available if the app is bootstrapped asynchronously, but 'ng' might // finish loading later. var ngLoaded = function () { if (!window.angular) { return false; } try { window.angular.module('ng'); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; }; if (!ngLoaded()) { (function () { // TODO: var name var areWeThereYet = function (ev) { if (ev.srcElement.tagName === 'SCRIPT') { var oldOnload = ev.srcElement.onload; ev.srcElement.onload = function () { if (ngLoaded()) { document.removeEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', areWeThereYet); bootstrap(window); } if (oldOnload) { oldOnload.apply(this, arguments); } }; } }; document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', areWeThereYet); }()); return; } // do not patch twice if (window.__ngDebug) { return; } // Helpers // ======= // polyfill for on older webkit if (! { = performance.webkitNow; } // Based on cycle.js // // Make a deep copy of an object or array, assuring that there is at most // one instance of each object or array in the resulting structure. The // duplicate references (which might be forming cycles) are replaced with // an object of the form // {$ref: PATH} // where the PATH is a JSONPath string that locates the first occurrence. var decycle = function (object) { var objects = [], // Keep a reference to each unique object or array paths = []; // Keep the path to each unique object or array return (function derez(value, path) { var i, // The loop counter name, // Property name nu; // The new object or array switch (typeof value) { case 'object': if (!value) { return null; } for (i = 0; i < objects.length; i += 1) { if (objects[i] === value) { return {$ref: paths[i]}; } } objects.push(value); paths.push(path); if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') { nu = []; for (i = 0; i < value.length; i += 1) { nu[i] = derez(value[i], path + '[' + i + ']'); } } else { nu = {}; for (name in value) { if (, name)) { nu[name] = derez(value[name], path + '[' + JSON.stringify(name) + ']'); } } } return nu; case 'number': case 'string': case 'boolean': return value; } }(object, '$')); }; // End // === // given a scope object, return an object with deep clones // of the models exposed on that scope var getScopeLocals = function (scope) { var scopeLocals = {}, prop; for (prop in scope) { if (scope.hasOwnProperty(prop) && prop !== 'this' && prop[0] !== '$') { scopeLocals[prop] = decycle(scope[prop]); } } return scopeLocals; }; // helper to extract dependencies from function arguments // not all versions of AngularJS expose annotate var annotate = angular.injector().annotate; if (!annotate) { annotate = (function () { var FN_ARGS = /^function\s*[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m; var FN_ARG_SPLIT = /,/; var FN_ARG = /^\s*(_?)(.+?)\1\s*$/; var STRIP_COMMENTS = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg; // TODO: should I keep these assertions? function assertArg(arg, name, reason) { if (!arg) { throw new Error("Argument '" + (name || '?') + "' is " + (reason || "required")); } return arg; } function assertArgFn(arg, name, acceptArrayAnnotation) { if (acceptArrayAnnotation && angular.isArray(arg)) { arg = arg[arg.length - 1]; } assertArg(angular.isFunction(arg), name, 'not a function, got ' + (arg && typeof arg == 'object' ? || 'Object' : typeof arg)); return arg; } return function (fn) { var $inject, fnText, argDecl, last; if (typeof fn == 'function') { if (!($inject = fn.$inject)) { $inject = []; fnText = fn.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, ''); argDecl = fnText.match(FN_ARGS); argDecl[1].split(FN_ARG_SPLIT).forEach(function(arg) { arg.replace(FN_ARG, function(all, underscore, name) { $inject.push(name); }); }); fn.$inject = $inject; } } else if (angular.isArray(fn)) { last = fn.length - 1; assertArgFn(fn[last], 'fn'); $inject = fn.slice(0, last); } else { assertArgFn(fn, 'fn', true); } return $inject; }; }()); } // Public API // ========== var api = window.__ngDebug = { getDeps: function () { return debug.deps; }, getRootScopeIds: function () { var ids = []; angular.forEach(debug.rootScopes, function (elt, id) { ids.push(id); }); return ids; }, getScopeTree: function (id) { if (debug.rootScopeDirty[id] === false) { return; } var traverse = function (sc) { var tree = { id: sc.$id, locals: debug.scopes[sc.$id], children: [] }; var child = sc.$$childHead; if (child) { do { tree.children.push(traverse(child)); } while (child !== sc.$$childTail && (child = child.$$nextSibling)); } return tree; }; var root = debug.rootScopes[id]; var tree = traverse(root); if (tree) { debug.rootScopeDirty[id] = false; } return tree; }, getWatchPerf: function () { var changes = []; angular.forEach(debug.watchPerf, function (info, name) { if (info.time > 0) { changes.push({ name: name, time: info.time }); info.time = 0; } }); return changes; }, getWatchTree: function (id) { var traverse = function (sc) { var tree = { id: sc.$id, watchers: debug.watchers[sc.$id], children: [] }; var child = sc.$$childHead; if (child) { do { tree.children.push(traverse(child)); } while (child !== sc.$$childTail && (child = child.$$nextSibling)); } return tree; }; var root = debug.rootScopes[id]; var tree = traverse(root); return tree; } }; // Private state // ============= //var bootstrap = window.angular.bootstrap; var debug = { // map of scopes --> watcher function name strings watchers: {}, // maps of watch/apply exp/fns to perf data watchPerf: {}, applyPerf: {}, // map of scope.$ids --> model objects scopes: {}, // map of $ids --> refs to root scopes rootScopes: {}, // map of $ids --> bools rootScopeDirty: {}, deps: [] }; // Instrumentation // =============== var ng = angular.module('ng'); ng.config(function ($provide) { // methods to patch [ 'provider', 'factory', 'service' ].forEach(function (met) { var temp = $provide[met]; $provide[met] = function (name, definition) { if (typeof name === 'object') { angular.forEach(name, function (value, key) { name[key] = function () { debug.deps.push({ name: key, imports: annotate(value) }); return value.apply(this, arguments); }; }); } else { debug.deps.push({ name: name, imports: annotate(definition) }); } return temp.apply(this, arguments); }; }); $provide.decorator('$rootScope', function ($delegate) { var watchFnToHumanReadableString = function (fn) { if (fn.exp) { return fn.exp.trim(); } else if ( { return; } else { return fn.toString(); } }; var applyFnToLogString = function (fn) { var str; if (fn) { if ( { str =; } else if (fn.toString().split('\n').length > 1) { str = 'fn () { ' + fn.toString().split('\n')[1].trim() + ' /* ... */ }'; } else { str = fn.toString().trim().substr(0, 30) + '...'; } } else { str = '$apply'; } return str; }; // patch registering watchers // ========================== var _watch = $delegate.__proto__.$watch; $delegate.__proto__.$watch = function (watchExpression, applyFunction) { var thatScope = this; var watchStr = watchFnToHumanReadableString(watchExpression); if (!debug.watchPerf[watchStr]) { debug.watchPerf[watchStr] = { time: 0, calls: 0 }; } if (!debug.watchers[thatScope.$id]) { debug.watchers[thatScope.$id] = []; } debug.watchers[thatScope.$id].push(watchStr); // patch watchExpression // --------------------- var w = watchExpression; if (typeof w === 'function') { watchExpression = function () { var start =; var ret = w.apply(this, arguments); var end =; debug.watchPerf[watchStr].time += (end - start); debug.watchPerf[watchStr].calls += 1; return ret; }; } else { watchExpression = function () { var start =; var ret = thatScope.$eval(w); var end =; debug.watchPerf[watchStr].time += (end - start); debug.watchPerf[watchStr].calls += 1; return ret; }; } // patch applyFunction // ------------------- if (typeof applyFunction === 'function') { var applyStr = applyFunction.toString(); var unpatchedApplyFunction = applyFunction; applyFunction = function () { var start =; var ret = unpatchedApplyFunction.apply(this, arguments); var end =; debug.scopes[thatScope.$id] = getScopeLocals(thatScope); //TODO: move these checks out of here and into registering the watcher if (!debug.applyPerf[applyStr]) { debug.applyPerf[applyStr] = { time: 0, calls: 0 }; } debug.applyPerf[applyStr].time += (end - start); debug.applyPerf[applyStr].calls += 1; debug.rootScopeDirty[thatScope.$root.$id] = true; return ret; }; } return _watch.apply(this, arguments); }; // patch $destroy // -------------- var _destroy = $delegate.__proto__.$destroy; $delegate.__proto__.$destroy = function () { if (debug.watchers[this.$id]) { delete debug.watchers[this.$id]; } if (debug.scopes[this.$id]) { delete debug.scopes[this.$id]; } return _destroy.apply(this, arguments); }; // patch $new // ---------- var _new = $delegate.__proto__.$new; $delegate.__proto__.$new = function () { var ret = _new.apply(this, arguments); if (ret.$root) { debug.rootScopes[ret.$root.$id] = ret.$root; } // create empty watchers array for this scope if (!debug.watchers[ret.$id]) { debug.watchers[ret.$id] = []; } debug.rootScopeDirty[ret.$root.$id] = true; return ret; }; // patch $apply // ------------ var _apply = $delegate.__proto__.$apply; $delegate.__proto__.$apply = function (fn) { var start =; var ret = _apply.apply(this, arguments); var end =; // If the debugging option is enabled, log to console // -------------------------------------------------- if (debug.log) { console.log(applyFnToLogString(fn) + '\t\t' + (end - start).toPrecision(4) + 'ms'); } return ret; }; return $delegate; }); }); }; // Return a script element with the above code embedded in it var script = window.document.createElement('script'); script.innerHTML = '(' + fn.toString() + '(window))'; return script; }())); }; // only inject if cookie is set if (document.cookie.indexOf('__ngDebug=true') != -1) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', inject); }