'use strict'; angular.module('batarang.inspected-app', []). service('inspectedApp', ['$rootScope', '$q', inspectedAppService]); function inspectedAppService($rootScope, $q) { var scopes = this.scopes = {}, hints = this.hints = []; this.watch = function (scopeId, path) { return invokeAngularHintMethod('watch', scopeId, path); }; this.unwatch = function (scopeId, path) { return invokeAngularHintMethod('unwatch', scopeId, path); }; this.assign = function (scopeId, path, value) { return invokeAngularHintMethod('assign', scopeId, path, value); }; this.enableInstrumentation = function (setting) { setting = !!setting; chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval( "(function () {" + "var prev = document.cookie.indexOf('__ngDebug=true') !== -1;" + "if (prev !== " + setting + ") {" + "window.document.cookie = '__ngDebug=" + setting + ";';" + "window.document.location.reload();" + "}" + "}())" ); }; this.getInstrumentationStatus = function () { return $q(function(resolve, reject) { chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval( "document.cookie.indexOf('__ngDebug=true') !== -1", resolve); }); }; /* * sets window.$scope to the scope of the given id */ this.inspectScope = function (scopeId) { return invokeAngularHintMethod('inspectScope', scopeId); }; function invokeAngularHintMethod(method, scopeId, path, value) { var args = [parseInt(scopeId, 10), path || '']. map(JSON.stringify). concat(value ? [value] : []). join(','); chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval('angular.hint.' + method + '(' + args + ')'); } var port = chrome.extension.connect(); port.postMessage(chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId); port.onMessage.addListener(function(msg) { $rootScope.$applyAsync(function () { if (msg === 'refresh') { onRefreshMessage(); $rootScope.$broadcast('refresh'); } else if (typeof msg === 'string') { var hint = JSON.parse(msg); onHintMessage(hint); } else if (typeof msg === 'object') { onHintMessage(msg); } }); }); port.onDisconnect.addListener(function (a) { console.log(a); }); function onHintMessage(hint) { if (hint.message) { hints.push(hint); } else if (hint.event) { if (hint.event === 'hydrate') { Object.keys(hint.data.scopes).forEach(function (scopeId) { scopes[scopeId] = hint.data.scopes[scopeId]; }); hint.data.hints.forEach(function (hint) { hints.push(hint); }); } else if (hint.event === 'scope:new') { addNewScope(hint); } else if (hint.id && scopes[hint.id]) { var scope = scopes[hint.id]; if (hint.event === 'scope:destroy') { if (scope.parent) { scope.parent.children.splice(scope.parent.children.indexOf(child), 1); } delete scopes[hint.id]; } else if (hint.event === 'model:change') { scope.models[hint.path] = (typeof hint.value === 'undefined') ? undefined : JSON.parse(hint.value); } else if (hint.event === 'scope:link') { scope.descriptor = hint.descriptor; } } $rootScope.$broadcast(hint.event, hint); } } function onRefreshMessage() { clear(scopes); hints.length = 0; } function addNewScope (hint) { scopes[hint.child] = { parent: hint.parent, children: [], models: {} }; if (scopes[hint.parent]) { scopes[hint.parent].children.push(hint.child); } } function clear (obj) { Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) { delete obj[key]; }); } }