# Contributing This document describes how to contribute to Batarang ## Installing from Source 1. Clone the repository: `git clone git://github.com/angular/angularjs-batarang` 2. Install the npm dependencies `npm install` 3. Build the inject script: `npm run build` 4. Navigate to `chrome://chrome/extensions/` and enable Developer Mode. 5. Choose "Load unpacked extension" 6. In the dialog, open the directory you just cloned. ## Running the tests ## Packaging a release I (@btford) will do this periodically, but I'm adding these instructions here for posterity. 1. Edit the version number in `manifest.json` and `package.json` with the new version. 2. Run `gulp zip` 3. `git add package.json manifest.json dist/` 4. `git commit -m "v1.2.3"` 5. `git tag v1.2.3` 6. `git push upstream master && git push upstream --tags` 7. Upload `batarang-v1.2.3.zip` to Web Store via the [Web Store Dashboard](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/dashboard) ## Layout The `panel` directory contains... `panel/components` contains self-contained directives and services. ## Testing Batarang manually